- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c,v 1.188 2001/01/24 19:43:18 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c,v 1.189 2001/01/28 02:57:06 pjw Exp $
* Modifications - 6/10/96 - dave@bensoft.com - version 1.13.dhb
char *elemType;
elemType = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, tinfo[i].typelem, zeroAsOpaque);
+ if (elemType == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Notice: array type %s - type for elements (oid %s) is not dumped.\n",
+ tinfo[i].typname, tinfo[i].typelem);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(q);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(delq);
+ continue;
+ }
appendPQExpBuffer(q, ", element = %s, delimiter = ", elemType);
formatStringLiteral(q, tinfo[i].typdelim);
char *listSep;
char *listSepComma = ",";
char *listSepNone = "";
+ char *rettypename;
if (finfo[i].dumped)
char *typname;
typname = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].argtypes[j], zeroAsOpaque);
+ if (typname == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Notice: function \"%s\" is not dumped.\n",
+ finfo[i].proname);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reason: the %d th argument type name (oid %s) not found.\n",
+ j, finfo[i].argtypes[j]);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(q);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(fn);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(delqry);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(fnlist);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(asPart);
+ return;
+ }
appendPQExpBuffer(fn, "%s%s",
(j > 0) ? "," : "",
appendPQExpBuffer(delqry, "DROP FUNCTION %s;\n", fn->data );
+ rettypename = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].prorettype, zeroAsOpaque);
+ if (rettypename == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Notice: function \"%s\" is not dumped.\n",
+ finfo[i].proname);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reason: return type name (oid %s) not found.\n",
+ finfo[i].prorettype);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(q);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(fn);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(delqry);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(fnlist);
+ resetPQExpBuffer(asPart);
+ return;
+ }
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "CREATE FUNCTION %s ", fn->data );
appendPQExpBuffer(q, "RETURNS %s%s %s LANGUAGE ",
(finfo[i].retset) ? "SETOF " : "",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, finfo[i].prorettype, zeroAsOpaque),
+ rettypename,
formatStringLiteral(q, func_lang);
dumpOprs(Archive *fout, OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOperators,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
+#define OPR_NOTICE(arg) {\
+ fprintf(stderr, "Notice: operator \"%s\"(oid %s) is not dumped.\n",oprinfo[i].oprname, oprinfo[i].oid);\
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reason: " CppAsString(arg));\
+ fprintf (stderr, " (oid %s) not found.\n",oprinfo[i].arg);\
+ }
int i;
PQExpBuffer q = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer delq = createPQExpBuffer();
for (i = 0; i < numOperators; i++)
+ char *name;
if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "r") == 0 ||
strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "b") == 0)
- appendPQExpBuffer(leftarg, ",\n\tLEFTARG = %s ",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprleft, zeroAsOpaque) );
+ name = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes,
+ oprinfo[i].oprleft, zeroAsOpaque);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprleft);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(leftarg, ",\n\tLEFTARG = %s ",name);
if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "l") == 0 ||
strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprkind, "b") == 0)
- appendPQExpBuffer(rightarg, ",\n\tRIGHTARG = %s ",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprright, zeroAsOpaque) );
+ name = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes,
+ oprinfo[i].oprright, zeroAsOpaque);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprright);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(rightarg, ",\n\tRIGHTARG = %s ", name);
if (!(strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprcom, "0") == 0))
- appendPQExpBuffer(commutator, ",\n\tCOMMUTATOR = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprcom));
+ {
+ name = findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprcom);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprcom);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(commutator, ",\n\tCOMMUTATOR = %s ", name);
+ }
if (!(strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprnegate, "0") == 0))
- appendPQExpBuffer(negator, ",\n\tNEGATOR = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprnegate));
+ {
+ name = findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprnegate);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprnegate);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(negator, ",\n\tNEGATOR = %s ", name);
+ }
if (!(strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprrest, "-") == 0))
appendPQExpBuffer(restrictor, ",\n\tRESTRICT = %s ", oprinfo[i].oprrest);
appendPQExpBuffer(join, ",\n\tJOIN = %s ", oprinfo[i].oprjoin);
if (!(strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprlsortop, "0") == 0))
- appendPQExpBuffer(sort1, ",\n\tSORT1 = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprlsortop));
+ {
+ name = findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprlsortop);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprlsortop);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(sort1, ",\n\tSORT1 = %s ", name);
+ }
if (!(strcmp(oprinfo[i].oprrsortop, "0") == 0))
- appendPQExpBuffer(sort2, ",\n\tSORT2 = %s ",
- findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprrsortop));
+ {
+ name = findOprByOid(oprinfo, numOperators, oprinfo[i].oprrsortop);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ OPR_NOTICE(oprrsortop);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(sort2, ",\n\tSORT2 = %s ", name);
+ }
appendPQExpBuffer(delq, "DROP OPERATOR %s (%s", oprinfo[i].oprname,
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprleft, zeroAsOpaque) );
+ findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprleft, zeroAsOpaque) );
appendPQExpBuffer(delq, ", %s);\n",
findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, oprinfo[i].oprright, zeroAsOpaque) );
dumpAggs(Archive *fout, AggInfo *agginfo, int numAggs,
TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes)
+#define AGG_NOTICE(arg) {\
+ fprintf(stderr, "Notice: aggregate \"%s\"(oid %s) is not dumped.\n",agginfo[i].aggname, agginfo[i].oid);\
+ fprintf(stderr, "Reason: " CppAsString(arg) );\
+ fprintf (stderr, " (oid %s) not found.\n",agginfo[i].arg);\
+ }
int i;
PQExpBuffer q = createPQExpBuffer();
PQExpBuffer delq = createPQExpBuffer();
for (i = 0; i < numAggs; i++)
+ char *name;
/* skip all the builtin oids */
if (atooid(agginfo[i].oid) <= g_last_builtin_oid)
- appendPQExpBuffer(details,
- "BASETYPE = %s, ",
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, agginfo[i].aggbasetype, zeroAsAny + useBaseTypeName));
+ name = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, agginfo[i].aggbasetype, zeroAsAny + useBaseTypeName);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ AGG_NOTICE(aggbasetype);
+ continue;
+ }
+ appendPQExpBuffer(details, "BASETYPE = %s, ", name);
+ name = findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, agginfo[i].aggtranstype, zeroAsOpaque + useBaseTypeName);
+ if (name == NULL)
+ {
+ AGG_NOTICE(aggtranstype);
+ continue;
+ }
"SFUNC = %s, STYPE = %s",
- agginfo[i].aggtransfn,
- findTypeByOid(tinfo, numTypes, agginfo[i].aggtranstype, zeroAsOpaque + useBaseTypeName));
+ agginfo[i].aggtransfn, name);
if (agginfo[i].agginitval)