- * Please, change user, password and dbase to match your configuration.
- *
- * */
-$user = "system";
-$password = "system";
-$dbase = "oracle";
+include "details.inc";
* You should have privileges to create tables in this schema
--- /dev/null
+* Please, change user, password and dbase to match your configuration.
+* */
+$user = "system";
+$password = "system";
+$dbase = "oracle";
+/* Set this variable to TRUE if Oracle is installed @ localhost */
+$oracle_on_localhost = FALSE;
reading/writing BFILE LOBs
-<?php if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip no oci8 extension"); ?>
+<?php if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip no oci8 extension");
+include "details.inc";
+if (empty($oracle_on_localhost)) die("skip this test won't work with remote Oracle");