-?? ??? 2016, PHP 7.1.0
+?? ??? 2017, PHP 7.1.1
+01 Dec 2016, PHP 7.1.0
- Core:
+ . Added nullable types. (Levi, Dmitry)
+ . Added DFA optimization framework based on e-SSA form. (Dmitry, Nikita)
+ . Added specialized opcode handlers (e.g. ZEND_ADD_LONG_NO_OVERFLOW).
+ (Dmitry)
+ . Added [] = as alternative construct to list() =. (Bob)
+ . Added void return type. (Andrea)
+ . Added support for negative string offsets in string offset syntax and
+ various string functions. (Francois)
+ . Added a form of the list() construct where keys can be specified. (Andrea)
+ . Implemented safe execution timeout handling, that prevents random crashes
+ after "Maximum execution time exceeded" error. (Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Support Class Constant Visibility`. (Sean DuBois,
+ Reeze Xia, Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Catching multiple exception types`. (Bronislaw Bialek,
+ Pierrick)
+ . Implemented logging to syslog with dynamic error levels. (Jani Ollikainen)
+ . Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by
+ phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama)
+ . Implemented RFC: Iterable. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Implemented RFC: Closure::fromCallable (Danack)
+ . Implemented RFC: Replace "Missing argument" warning with "\ArgumentCountError"
+ exception. (Dmitry, Davey)
+ . Implemented RFC: Fix inconsistent behavior of $this variable. (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #73585 (Logging of "Internal Zend error - Missing class
information" missing class name). (Laruence)
. Fixed memory leak(null coalescing operator with Spl hash). (Tyson Andre)
+ . Fixed bug #72736 (Slow performance when fetching large dataset with mysqli
+ / PDO). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
+ overflow). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72696 (imagefilltoborder stackoverflow on truecolor images).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73350 (Exception::__toString() cause circular references).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #73329 ((Float)"Nano" == NAN). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #73288 (Segfault in __clone > Exception.toString > __get).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed for #73240 (Write out of bounds at number_format). (Stas)
+ . Fix pthreads detection when cross-compiling (ffontaine)
+ . Fixed bug #73337 (try/catch not working with two exceptions inside a same
+ operation). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #73156 (segfault on undefined function). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #73163 (PHP hangs if error handler throws while accessing undef
+ const in default value). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #73172 (parse error: Invalid numeric literal). (Nikita, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #73181 (parse_str() without a second argument leads to crash).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #73025 (Heap Buffer Overflow in virtual_popen of
+ zend_virtual_cwd.c). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73058 (crypt broken when salt is 'too' long). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72944 (Null pointer deref in zval_delref_p). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72943 (assign_dim on string doesn't reset hval). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72598 (Reference is lost after array_slice()) (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72703 (Out of bounds global memory read in BF_crypt triggered by
+ password_verify). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72813 (Segfault with __get returned by ref). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72767 (PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator).
+ (Nikita)
+ . TypeError messages for arg_info type checks will now say "must be ...
+ or null" where the parameter or return type accepts null. (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #72857 (stream_socket_recvfrom read access violation). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke
+ __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72742 (memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large
+ one). (Stas)
+ . Fixed URL rewriter. It would not rewrite '//' URL
+ unconditionally. URL rewrite target hosts whitelist is implemented. (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX).
+ (Yuji Uchiyama)
+ . Fixed bug #72683 (getmxrr broken). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores
+ references). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous
+ class fatals). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after
+ deserialization). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72543 (Different references behavior comparing to PHP 5)
+ (Laruence, Dmitry, Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72347 (VERIFY_RETURN type casts visible in finally). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72216 (Return by reference with finally is not memory safe).
+ (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72215 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71818 (Memory leak when array altered in destructor). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71539 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes)
+ (Dmitry, Nikita)
+ . Added new constant PHP_FD_SETSIZE. (cmb)
+ . Added optind parameter to getopt(). (as)
+ . Added PHP to SAPI error severity mapping for logs. (Martin Vobruba)
+ . Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by
+ phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama)
+ . Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from
+ the constructor). (Dmitry)
+ . Implemented RFC: RNG Fixes. (Leigh)
+ . Implemented email validation as per RFC 6531. (Leo Feyer, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72513 (Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
+ virtual_file_ex). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72573 (HTTP_PROXY is improperly trusted by some PHP libraries
+ and applications). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72523 (dtrace issue with reflection (failed test)). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72508 (strange references after recursive function call and
+ "switch" statement). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72441 (Segmentation fault: RFC list_keys). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72395 (list() regression). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72373 (TypeError after Generator function w/declared return type
+ finishes). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69489 (tempnam() should raise notice if falling back to temp dir).
+ (Laruence, Anatol)
+ . Fixed UTF-8 and long path support on Windows. (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #53432 (Assignment via string index access on an empty string
+ converts to array). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #62210 (Exceptions can leak temporary variables). (Dmitry, Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #62814 (It is possible to stiffen child class members visibility).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69989 (Generators don't participate in cycle GC). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70228 (Memleak if return in finally block). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71266 (Missing separation of properties HT in foreach etc).
+ (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71604 (Aborted Generators continue after nested finally).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71572 (String offset assignment from an empty string inserts
+ null byte). (Francois)
+ . Fixed bug #71897 (ASCII 0x7F Delete control character permitted in
+ identifiers). (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #72188 (Nested try/finally blocks losing return value). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72213 (Finally leaks on nested exceptions). (Dmitry, Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #47517 (php-cgi.exe missing UAC manifest).
+ (maxdax15801 at users noreply github com)
+ . Change statement and fcall extension handlers to accept frame. (Joe)
+ . Number operators taking numeric strings now emit E_NOTICEs or E_WARNINGs
+ when given malformed numeric strings. (Andrea)
+ . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(),
+ decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always
+ respect scientific notation in numeric strings. (Andrea)
+ . Raise a compile-time warning on octal escape sequence overflow. (Sara)
+- Apache2handler:
+ . Enable per-module logging in Apache 2.4+. (Martin Vobruba)
+- BCmath:
+ . Fix bug #73190 (memcpy negative parameter _bc_new_num_ex). (Stas)
+- Bz2:
+ . Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap
+ corruption). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72613 (Inadequate error handling in bzread()). (Stas)
- Calendar:
. Fix integer overflows (Joshua Rogers)
+ . Fixed bug #67976 (cal_days_month() fails for final month of the French
+ calendar). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #71894 (AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow in
+ zif_cal_from_jd). (cmb)
+- CLI Server:
+ . Fixed bug #73360 (Unable to work in root with unicode chars). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71276 (Built-in webserver does not send Date header).
+ (see at seos fr)
+- COM:
+ . Fixed bug #73126 (Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #69579 (Invalid free in extension trait). (John Boehr)
+ . Fixed bug #72922 (COM called from PHP does not return out parameters).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72569 (DOTNET/COM array parameters broke in PHP7). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72498 (variant_date_from_timestamp null dereference). (Anatol)
+- Curl
+ . Implement support for handling HTTP/2 Server Push. (Davey)
+ . Add curl_multi_errno(), curl_share_errno() and curl_share_strerror()
+ functions. (Pierrick)
+ . Fixed bug #72674 (Heap overflow in curl_escape). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72541 (size_t overflow lead to heap corruption). (Stas).
+ . Fixed bug #71709 (curl_setopt segfault with empty CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER).
+ (Pierrick)
+ . Fixed bug #71929 (CURLINFO_CERTINFO data parsing error). (Pierrick)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #69587 (DateInterval properties and isset). (jhdxr)
+ . Fixed bug #73426 (createFromFormat with 'z' format char results in
+ incorrect time). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #45554 (Inconsistent behavior of the u format char). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #48225 (DateTime parser doesn't set microseconds for "now").
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52514 (microseconds are missing in DateTime class). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52519 (microseconds in DateInterval are missing). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #60089 (DateTime::createFromFormat() U after u nukes microtime).
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #64887 (Allow DateTime modification with subsecond items).
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #68506 (General DateTime improvments needed for microseconds to
+ become useful). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #73109 (timelib_meridian doesn't parse dots correctly). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #73247 (DateTime constructor does not initialise microseconds
+ property). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #73147 (Use After Free in PHP7 unserialize()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73189 (Memcpy negative size parameter php_resolve_path). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #66836 (DateTime::createFromFormat 'U' with pre 1970 dates fails
+ parsing). (derick)
+ . Invalid serialization data for a DateTime or DatePeriod object will now
+ throw an instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of
+ resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Timezone initialization failure from serialized data will now throw an
+ instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of resulting in
+ a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Export date_get_interface_ce() for extension use. (Jeremy Mikola)
+ . Fixed bug #63740 (strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of
+ week). (Derick)
+- Dba:
+ . Fixed bug #70825 (Cannot fetch multiple values with group in ini file).
+ (cmb)
+ . Data modification functions (e.g.: dba_insert()) now throw an instance of
+ Error instead of triggering a catchable fatal error if the key is does not
+ contain exactly two elements. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- DOM:
+ . Fixed bug #73150 (missing NULL check in dom_document_save_html). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb)
+ . Invalid schema or RelaxNG validation contexts will throw an instance of
+ Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Attempting to register a node class that does not extend the appropriate
+ base class will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a
+ fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
+ an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron
+ Piotrowski)
+- DTrace:
+ . Disabled PHP call tracing by default (it makes significant overhead).
+ This may be enabled again using envirionment variable USE_ZEND_DTRACE=1.
+ (Dmitry)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72603 (Out of bound read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72618 (NULL Pointer Dereference in exif_process_user_comment).
+ (Stas)
+- Filter:
+ . Fixed bug #72972 (Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and
+ . Fixed bug #73054 (default option ignored when object passed to int filter).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole
+ range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user).
+ (gooh)
+- FTP:
+ . Fixed bug #70195 (Cannot upload file using ftp_put to FTPES with
+ require_ssl_reuse). (Benedict Singer)
+ . Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address).
+ (abrender at elitehosts dot com)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #73213 (Integer overflow in imageline() with antialiasing). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73272 (imagescale() is not affected by, but affects
+ imagesetinterpolation()). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73279 (Integer overflow in gdImageScaleBilinearPalette()). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73280 (Stack Buffer Overflow in GD dynamicGetbuf). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #50194 (imagettftext broken on transparent background w/o
+ alphablending). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73003 (Integer Overflow in gdImageWebpCtx of gd_webp.c). (trylab,
+ cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #53504 (imagettfbbox gives incorrect values for bounding box).
+ (Mark Plomer, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73157 (imagegd2() ignores 3rd param if 4 are given). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73155 (imagegd2() writes wrong chunk sizes on boundaries). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73159 (imagegd2(): unrecognized formats may result in corrupted
+ files). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73161 (imagecreatefromgd2() may leak memory). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #67325 (imagetruecolortopalette: white is duplicated in palette).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66005 (imagecopy does not support 1bit transparency on truecolor
+ images). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72913 (imagecopy() loses single-color transparency on palette
+ images). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #68716 (possible resource leaks in _php_image_convert()). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72709 (imagesetstyle() causes OOB read for empty $styles). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72697 (select_colors write out-of-bounds). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72730 (imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in
+ blendingmode). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72512 (gdImageTrueColorToPaletteBody allows arbitrary write/read
+ access). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72519 (imagegif/output out-of-bounds access). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72558 (Integer overflow error within _gdContributionsAlloc()).
+ (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
+ overflow). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72494 (imagecropauto out-of-bounds access). (Fernando, Pierre,
+ cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72404 (imagecreatefromjpeg fails on selfie). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #43475 (Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #53640 (XBM images require width to be multiple of 8). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #64641 (imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line). (cmb)
+- Hash:
+ . Added SHA3 fixed mode algorithms (224, 256, 384, and 512 bit). (Sara)
+ . Added SHA512/256 and SHA512/224 algorithms. (Sara)
+- iconv:
+ . Fixed bug #72320 (iconv_substr returns false for empty strings). (cmb)
+- IMAP:
+ . Fixed bug #73418 (Integer Overflow in "_php_imap_mail" leads to crash).
+ (Anatol)
+ . An email address longer than 16385 bytes will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- Interbase:
+ . Fixed bug #73512 (Fails to find firebird headers as don't use fb_config
+ output). (Remi)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #73007 (add locale length check). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73218 (add mitigation for ICU int overflow). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #65732 (grapheme_*() is not Unicode compliant on CR LF
+ sequence). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73007 (add locale length check). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72639 (Segfault when instantiating class that extends
+ IntlCalendar and adds a property). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72658 (Locale::lookup() / locale_lookup() hangs if no match
+ found). (Anatol)
+ . Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain
+ names). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72533 (locale_accept_from_http out-of-bounds access). (Stas)
+ . Failure to call the parent constructor in a class extending Collator
+ before invoking the parent methods will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a recoverable fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Cloning a Transliterator object may will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error if cloning the internal
+ transliterator fails. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Added IntlTimeZone::getWindowsID() and
+ IntlTimeZone::getIDForWindowsID(). (Sara)
+ . Fixed bug #69374 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong utf8 value).
+ (lenhatanh86 at gmail com)
+ . Fixed bug #69398 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong value when
+ time style is NONE). (lenhatanh86 at gmail com)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #69587 (DateInterval properties and isset). (jhdxr)
+- JSON:
+ . Introduced encoder struct instead of global which fixes bugs #66025 and
+ #73254 related to pretty print indentation. (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #73113 (Segfault with throwing JsonSerializable). (julien)
+ . Implemented earlier return when json_encode fails, fixes bugs #68992
+ (Stacking exceptions thrown by JsonSerializable) and #70275 (On recursion
+ error, json_encode can eat up all system memory). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Implemented FR #46600 ("_empty_" key in objects). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Exported JSON parser API including json_parser_method that can be used
+ for implementing custom logic when parsing JSON. (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Escaped U+2028 and U+2029 when JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE is supplied as
+ json_encode options and added JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS to restore
+ the previous behaviour. (Eddie Kohler)
-- DTrace:
- . Disabled PHP call tracing by default (it makes significant overhead).
- This may be enabled again using envirionment variable USE_ZEND_DTRACE=1.
- (Dmitry)
+- LDAP:
+ . Providing an unknown modification type to ldap_batch_modify() will now
+ throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+ (Aaron Piotrowski)
- Mbstring:
. Fixed bug #73532 (Null pointer dereference in mb_eregi). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #66964 (mb_convert_variables() cannot detect recursion) (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #72992 (mbstring.internal_encoding doesn't inherit default_charset).
+ (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #66797 (mb_substr only takes 32-bit signed integer). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72711 (`mb_ereg` does not clear the `$regs` parameter on
+ failure). (ju1ius)
+ . Fixed bug #72691 (mb_ereg_search raises a warning if a match zero-width).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72693 (mb_ereg_search increments search position when a match
+ zero-width). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72694 (mb_ereg_search_setpos does not accept a string's last
+ position). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72710 (`mb_ereg` causes buffer overflow on regexp compile error).
+ (ju1ius)
+ . Deprecated mb_ereg_replace() eval option. (Rouven Weßling, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69151 (mb_ereg should reject ill-formed byte sequence).
+ (Masaki Kagaya)
+ . Fixed bug #72405 (mb_ereg_replace - mbc_to_code (oniguruma) -
+ oob read access). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72399 (Use-After-Free in MBString (search_re)). (Laruence)
+ . mb_ereg() and mb_eregi() will now throw an instance of ParseError if an
+ invalid PHP expression is provided and the 'e' option is used. (Aaron
+ Piotrowski)
+- Mcrypt:
+ . Deprecated ext/mcrypt. (Scott Arciszewski, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72782 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72551, bug #72552 (In correct casting from size_t to int lead to
+ heap overflow in mdecrypt_generic). (Stas)
+ . mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error if mcrypt cannot be initialized.
+ (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- Mysqli:
+ . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
+ an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron
+ Piotrowski)
- Mysqlnd:
. Fixed bug #64526 (Add missing mysqlnd.* parameters to php.ini-*). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #71863 (Segfault when EXPLAIN with "Unknown column" error when
+ using MariaDB). (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #72701 (mysqli_get_host_info() wrong output). (Anatol)
+- OCI8
+ . Fixed bug #71148 (Bind reference overwritten on PHP 7). (Oracle Corp.)
+ . Fixed invalid handle error with Implicit Result Sets. (Chris Jones)
+ . Fixed bug #72524 (Binding null values triggers ORA-24816 error). (Chris Jones)
+- ODBC:
+ . Fixed bug #73448 (odbc_errormsg returns trash, always 513 bytes).
+ (Anatol)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #73583 (Segfaults when conditionally declared class and function
have the same name). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69090 (check cached files permissions)
+ . Fixed bug #72982 (Memory leak in zend_accel_blacklist_update_regexp()
+ function). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72949 (Typo in opcache error message). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72762 (Infinite loop while parsing a file with opcache enabled).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72590 (Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work).
+ (Keyur)
- OpenSSL:
. Fixed bug #73478 (openssl_pkey_new() generates wrong pub/priv keys with
Diffie Hellman). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #73276 (crash in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73072 (Invalid path SNI_server_certs causes segfault).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #72360 (ext/openssl build failure with OpenSSL 1.1.0).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Bumped a minimal version to 1.0.1. (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Dropped support for SSL2. (Remi)
+ . Implemented FR #61204 (Add elliptic curve support for OpenSSL).
+ (Dominic Luechinger)
+ . Implemented FR #67304 (Added AEAD support [CCM and GCM modes] to
+ openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Implemented error storing to the global queue and cleaning up the OpenSSL
+ error queue (resolves bugs #68276 and #69882). (Jakub Zelenka)
+- Pcntl
+ . Implemented asynchronous signal handling without TICKS. (Dmitry)
+ . Added pcntl_signal_get_handler() that returns the current signal handler
+ for a particular signal. Addresses FR #72409. (David Walker)
+ . Add signinfo to pcntl_signal() handler args (Bishop Bettini, David Walker)
. Fixed bug #73483 (Segmentation fault on pcre_replace_callback). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #73612 (preg_*() may leak memory). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73392 (A use-after-free in zend allocator management).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #73121 (Bundled PCRE doesn't compile because JIT isn't supported
+ on s390). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72688 (preg_match missing group names in matches). (cmb)
+ . Downgraded to PCRE 8.38. (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72476 (Memleak in jit_stack). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72463 (mail fails with invalid argument). (Anatol)
+ . Upgraded to PCRE 8.39. (Anatol)
+- PDO:
+ . Fixed bug #72788 (Invalid memory access when using persistent PDO
+ connection). (Keyur)
+ . Fixed bug #72791 (Memory leak in PDO persistent connection handling). (Keyur)
+ . Fixed bug #60665 (call to empty() on NULL result using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
+ returns false). (cmb)
+- PDO_DBlib:
+ . Fixed bug #72414 (Never quote values as raw binary data). (Adam Baratz)
+ . Allow \PDO::setAttribute() to set query timeouts. (Adam Baratz)
+ . Handle SQLDECIMAL/SQLNUMERIC types, which are used by later TDS versions.
+ (Adam Baratz)
+ . Add common PDO test suite. (Adam Baratz)
+ . Free error and message strings when cleaning up PDO instances.
+ (Adam Baratz)
+ . Fixed bug #67130 (\PDOStatement::nextRowset() should succeed when all rows
+ in current rowset haven't been fetched). (Peter LeBrun)
+ . Ignore potentially misleading dberr values. (Chris Kings-Lynne)
+ . Implemented stringify 'uniqueidentifier' fields.
+ (Alexander Zhuravlev, Adam Baratz)
+- PDO_Firebird:
+ . Fixed bug #73087, #61183, #71494 (Memory corruption in bindParam).
+ (Dorin Marcoci)
+ . Fixed bug #60052 (Integer returned as a 64bit integer on X86_64). (Mariuz)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo)
+ . Fixed bug #72570 (Segmentation fault when binding parameters on a query
+ without placeholders). (Matteo)
+ . Implemented FR #72633 (Postgres PDO lastInsertId() should work without
+ specifying a sequence). (Pablo Santiago Sánchez, Matteo)
+- Phar:
+ . Fixed bug #72928 (Out of bound when verify signature of zip phar in
+ phar_parse_zipfile). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73035 (Out of bound when verify signature of tar phar in
+ phar_parse_tarfile). (Stas)
+- phpdbg:
+ . Added generator command for inspection of currently alive generators. (Bob)
- Postgres:
. Fixed bug #73498 (Incorrect SQL generated for pg_copy_to()). (Craig Duncan)
+ . Implemented FR #31021 (pg_last_notice() is needed to get all notice
+ messages). (Yasuo)
+ . Implemented FR #48532 (Allow pg_fetch_all() to index numerically). (Yasuo)
+- Readline:
+ . Fixed bug #72538 (readline_redisplay crashes php). (Laruence)
+- Reflection
+ . Undo backwards compatiblity break in ReflectionType->__toString() and
+ deprecate via documentation instead. (Nikita)
+ . Reverted prepending \ for class names. (Trowski)
+ . Implemented request #38992 (invoke() and invokeArgs() static method calls
+ should match). (cmb).
+ . Add ReflectionNamedType::getName(). This method should be used instead of
+ ReflectionType::__toString()
+ . Prepend \ for class names and ? for nullable types returned from
+ ReflectionType::__toString(). (Trowski)
+ . Fixed bug #72661 (ReflectionType::__toString crashes with iterable).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants).
+ (Nikita Nefedov)
+ . Failure to retrieve a reflection object or retrieve an object property
+ will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
+ (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fix #72209 (ReflectionProperty::getValue() doesn't fail if object doesn't match type). (Joe)
+- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #73273 (session_unset() empties values from all variables in which
+ is $_session stored). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #73100 (session_destroy null dereference in ps_files_path_create).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #68015 (Session does not report invalid uid for files save handler).
+ (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #72940 (SID always return "name=ID", even if session
+ cookie exist). (Yasuo)
+ . Implemented session_gc() (Yasuo)
+ . Implemented session_create_id() (Yasuo)
+ . Implemented RFC: Session ID without hashing. (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #72531 (ps_files_cleanup_dir Buffer overflow). (Laruence)
+ . Custom session handlers that do not return strings for session IDs will
+ now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error
+ when a function is called that must generate a session ID.
+ (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . An invalid setting for session.hash_function will throw an instance of
+ Error instead of resulting in a fatal error when a session ID is created.
+ (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #72562 (Use After Free in unserialize() with Unexpected Session
+ Deserialization). (Stas)
+ . Improved fix for bug #68063 (Empty session IDs do still start sessions).
+ (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #71038 (session_start() returns TRUE on failure).
+ Session save handlers must return 'string' always for successful read.
+ i.e. Non-existing session read must return empty string. PHP 7.0 is made
+ not to tolerate buggy return value. (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #71394 (session_regenerate_id() must close opened session on
+ errors). (Yasuo)
+- SimpleXML:
+ . Fixed bug #73293 (NULL pointer dereference in SimpleXMLElement::asXML()).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72971 (SimpleXML isset/unset do not respect namespace). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72957 (Null coalescing operator doesn't behave as expected with
+ SimpleXMLElement). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72588 (Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML
+ element). (Laruence)
+ . Creating an unnamed or duplicate attribute will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- SNMP:
+ . Fixed bug #72708 (php_snmp_parse_oid integer overflow in memory
+ allocation). (djodjo at gmail dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #72479 (Use After Free Vulnerability in SNMP with GC and
+ unserialize()). (Stas)
- Soap:
. Fixed bug #73538 (SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders doesn't overwrite SOAP
headers). (duncan3dc)
. Fixed bug #73452 (Segfault (Regression for #69152)). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #73037 (SoapServer reports Bad Request when gzipped). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #73237 (Nested object in "any" element overwrites other fields).
+ (Keith Smiley)
+ . Fixed bug #69137 (Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient)
+ (Keith Smiley)
+ . Fixed bug #71711 (Soap Server Member variables reference bug). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71996 (Using references in arrays doesn't work like expected).
+ (Nikita)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #73423 (Reproducible crash with GDB backtrace). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72888 (Segfault on clone on splFileObject). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #73029 (Missing type check when unserializing SplArray). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72646 (SplFileObject::getCsvControl does not return the escape
+ character). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72684 (AppendIterator segfault with closed generator). (Pierrick)
+ . Attempting to clone an SplDirectory object will throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Calling ArrayIterator::append() when iterating over an object will throw an
+ instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #55701 (GlobIterator throws LogicException). (Valentin VĂLCIU)
- SQLite3:
. Update to SQLite 3.15.1. (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73530 (Unsetting result set may reset other result set). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73333 (2147483647 is fetched as string). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72668 (Spurious warning when exception is thrown in user defined
+ function). (Laruence)
+ . Implemented FR #72653 (SQLite should allow opening with empty filename).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70628 (Clearing bindings on an SQLite3 statement doesn't work).
+ (cmb)
+ . Implemented FR #71159 (Upgraded bundled SQLite lib to 3.9.2). (Laruence)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #73297 (HTTP stream wrapper should ignore HTTP 100 Continue).
(rowan dot collins at gmail dot com)
. Fixed bug #73303 (Scope not inherited by eval in assert()). (nikic)
+ . Fixed bug #73192 (parse_url return wrong hostname). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #73203 (passing additional_parameters causes mail to fail). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73203 (passing additional_parameters causes mail to fail). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72920 (Accessing a private constant using constant() creates
+ an exception AND warning). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #65550 (get_browser() incorrectly parses entries with "+" sign).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #71882 (Negative ftruncate() on php://memory exhausts memory).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #55451 (substr_compare NULL length interpreted as 0). (Lauri
+ Kenttä)
+ . Fixed bug #72278 (getimagesize returning FALSE on valid jpg). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #61967 (unset array item in array_walk_recursive cause
+ inconsistent array). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #62607 (array_walk_recursive move internal pointer). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69068 (Exchanging array during array_walk -> memory errors).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70713 (Use After Free Vulnerability in array_walk()/
+ array_walk_recursive()). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72622 (array_walk + array_replace_recursive create references
+ from nothing). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by
+ UTF chars). (cmb)
+ . Implemented RFC: More precise float values. (Jakub Zelenka, Yasuo)
+ . array_multisort now uses zend_sort instead zend_qsort. (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72505 (readfile() mangles files larger than 2G). (Cschneid)
+ . assert() will throw a ParseError when evaluating a string given as the first
+ argument if the PHP code is invalid instead of resulting in a catchable
+ fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Calling forward_static_call() outside of a class scope will now throw an
+ instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Added is_iterable() function. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #72306 (Heap overflow through proc_open and $env parameter).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71100 (long2ip() doesn't accept integers in strict mode).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Implemented FR #55716 (Add an option to pass a custom stream context to
+ get_headers()). (Ferenc)
+ . Additional validation for parse_url() for login/pass components).
+ (Ilia) (Julien)
+ . Implemented FR #69359 (Provide a way to fetch the current environment
+ variables). (Ferenc)
+ . unpack() function accepts an additional optional argument $offset. (Dmitry)
+ . Implemented #51879 stream context socket option tcp_nodelay (Joe)
- Streams:
. Fixed bug #73586 (php_user_filter::$stream is not set to the stream the
filter is working on). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72853 (stream_set_blocking doesn't work). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72743 (Out-of-bound read in php_stream_filter_create).
+ (Loianhtuan)
+ . Implemented FR #27814 (Multiple small packets send for HTTP request).
+ (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #72764 (ftps:// opendir wrapper data channel encryption fails
+ with IIS FTP 7.5, 8.5). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #72810 (Missing SKIP_ONLINE_TESTS checks). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #41021 (Problems with the ftps wrapper). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #54431 (opendir() does not work with ftps:// wrapper). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #72667 (opendir() with ftp:// attempts to open data stream for
+ non-existent directories). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #72771 (ftps:// wrapper is vulnerable to protocol downgrade
+ attack). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72534 (stream_socket_get_name crashes). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72439 (Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation
+ fault). (Laruence)
-- XML:
- . Fixed bug #72135 (malformed XML causes fault) (edgarsandi)
-10 Nov 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC6
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #72736 (Slow performance when fetching large dataset with mysqli
- / PDO). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
- overflow). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #72696 (imagefilltoborder stackoverflow on truecolor images).
- (cmb)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #73426 (createFromFormat with 'z' format char results in
- incorrect time). (Derick)
-- IMAP:
- . Fixed bug #73418 (Integer Overflow in "_php_imap_mail" leads to crash).
- (Anatol)
-- Interbase:
- . Fixed bug #73512 (Fails to find firebird headers as don't use fb_config
- output). (Remi)
-- JSON:
- . Introduced encoder struct instead of global which fixes bugs #66025 and
- #73254 related to pretty print indentation. (Jakub Zelenka)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #69587 (DateInterval properties and isset). (jhdxr)
-- ODBC:
- . Fixed bug #73448 (odbc_errormsg returns trash, always 513 bytes).
- (Anatol)
-- PCRE:
- . Fixed bug #73392 (A use-after-free in zend allocator management).
- (Laruence)
-- PDO_Firebird:
- . Fixed bug #73087, #61183, #71494 (Memory corruption in bindParam).
- (Dorin Marcoci)
+- sysvshm:
+ . Fixed bug #72858 (shm_attach null dereference). (Anatol)
-- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #73423 (Reproducible crash with GDB backtrace). (Laruence)
+- Tidy:
+ . Implemented support for libtidy 5.0.0 and above. (Michael Orlitzky, Anatol)
+ . Creating a tidyNode manually will now throw an instance of Error instead of
+ resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- Wddx:
. Fixed bug #73331 (NULL Pointer Dereference in WDDX Packet Deserialization
with PDORow). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72142 (WDDX Packet Injection Vulnerability in
+ wddx_serialize_value()). (Taoguang Chen)
+ . Fixed bug #72749 (wddx_deserialize allows illegal memory access) (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72750 (wddx_deserialize null dereference). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72790 (wddx_deserialize null dereference with invalid xml).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72799 (wddx_deserialize null dereference in
+ php_wddx_pop_element). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72860 (wddx_deserialize use-after-free). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73065 (Out-Of-Bounds Read in php_wddx_push_element). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72564 (boolean always deserialized as "true") (Remi)
+ . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
-27 Oct 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC5
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #73350 (Exception::__toString() cause circular references).
- (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #73329 ((Float)"Nano" == NAN). (Anatol)
-- CLI Server:
- . Fixed bug #73360 (Unable to work in root with unicode chars). (Anatol)
+- XML:
+ . Fixed bug #72135 (malformed XML causes fault) (edgarsandi)
+ . Fixed bug #72714 (_xml_startElementHandler() segmentation fault). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72085 (SEGV on unknown address zif_xml_parse). (cmb)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #73192 (parse_url return wrong hostname). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72647 (xmlrpc_encode() unexpected output after referencing
+ array elements). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72606 (heap-buffer-overflow (write) simplestring_addn
+ simplestring.c). (Stas)
+ . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
+ instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
-- SQLite3:
- . Fixed bug #73333 (2147483647 is fetched as string). (cmb)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #68302 (impossible to compile php with zip support). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72660 (NULL Pointer dereference in zend_virtual_cwd).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72520 (Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
+ php_stream_zip_opener). (Stas)
+ . ZipArchive::addGlob() will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting
+ in a fatal error if glob support is not available. (Aaron Piotrowski)
-19 Oct 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC4
+10 Nov 2016 PHP 7.0.13
- Core:
- . Fixed bug #73288 (Segfault in __clone > Exception.toString > __get).
+ . Fixed bug #73350 (Exception::__toString() cause circular references).
- . Fixed for #73240 (Write out of bounds at number_format). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73181 (parse_str() without a second argument leads to crash).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #66773 (Autoload with Opcache allows importing conflicting class
+ name to namespace). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #66862 ((Sub-)Namespaces unexpected behaviour). (Nikita)
. Fix pthreads detection when cross-compiling (ffontaine)
. Fixed bug #73337 (try/catch not working with two exceptions inside a same
operation). (Dmitry)
-- BCmath:
- . Fix bug #73190 (memcpy negative parameter _bc_new_num_ex). (Stas)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #45554 (Inconsistent behavior of the u format char). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #48225 (DateTime parser doesn't set microseconds for "now").
- (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #52514 (microseconds are missing in DateTime class). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #52519 (microseconds in DateInterval are missing). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #60089 (DateTime::createFromFormat() U after u nukes microtime).
- (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #64887 (Allow DateTime modification with subsecond items).
- (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #68506 (General DateTime improvments needed for microseconds to
- become useful). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #73109 (timelib_meridian doesn't parse dots correctly). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #73247 (DateTime constructor does not initialise microseconds
- property). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #73147 (Use After Free in PHP7 unserialize()). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #73189 (Memcpy negative size parameter php_resolve_path). (Stas)
-- DOM:
- . Fixed bug #73150 (missing NULL check in dom_document_save_html). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73338 (Exception thrown from error handler causes valgrind
+ warnings (and crashes)). (Bob, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #73329 ((Float)"Nano" == NAN). (Anatol)
- GD:
. Fixed bug #73213 (Integer overflow in imageline() with antialiasing). (cmb)
imagesetinterpolation()). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73279 (Integer overflow in gdImageScaleBilinearPalette()). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73280 (Stack Buffer Overflow in GD dynamicGetbuf). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
+ overflow). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72696 (imagefilltoborder stackoverflow on truecolor images).
+ (cmb)
-- Intl:
- . Fixed bug #73007 (add locale length check). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #73218 (add mitigation for ICU int overflow). (Stas)
+- IMAP:
+ . Fixed bug #73418 (Integer Overflow in "_php_imap_mail" leads to crash).
+ (Anatol)
- OCI8
. Fixed bug #71148 (Bind reference overwritten on PHP 7). (Oracle Corp.)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #73276 (crash in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function). (Stas)
+- phpdbg:
+ . Properly allow for stdin input from a file. (Bob)
+ . Add -s command line option / stdin command for reading script from stdin.
+ (Bob)
+ . Ignore non-executable opcodes in line mode of phpdbg_end_oplog(). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70776 (Simple SIGINT does not have any effect with -rr). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71234 (INI files are loaded even invoked as -n --version). (Bob)
- Session:
. Fixed bug #73273 (session_unset() empties values from all variables in which
. Fixed bug #69137 (Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient)
(Keith Smiley)
-- SimpleXML:
- . Fixed bug #73293 (NULL pointer dereference in SimpleXMLElement::asXML()).
- (Stas)
- SQLite3:
- . Updated to SQLite3 3.15.0. (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #73333 (2147483647 is fetched as string). (cmb)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #73203 (passing additional_parameters causes mail to fail). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #71241 (array_replace_recursive sometimes mutates its parameters).
+ (adsr)
+- Wddx:
+ . Fixed bug #73331 (NULL Pointer Dereference in WDDX Packet Deserialization
+ with PDORow). (Stas)
-29 Sep 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC3
+13 Oct 2016 PHP 7.0.12
- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #73025 (Heap Buffer Overflow in virtual_popen of
+ zend_virtual_cwd.c). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72703 (Out of bounds global memory read in BF_crypt triggered by
+ password_verify). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #73058 (crypt broken when salt is 'too' long). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #69579 (Invalid free in extension trait). (John Boehr)
. Fixed bug #73156 (segfault on undefined function). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #73163 (PHP hangs if error handler throws while accessing undef
const in default value). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #73172 (parse error: Invalid numeric literal). (Nikita, Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #73181 (parse_str() without a second argument leads to crash).
- (Nikita)
+ . Fixed for #73240 (Write out of bounds at number_format). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73147 (Use After Free in PHP7 unserialize()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73189 (Memcpy negative size parameter php_resolve_path). (Stas)
+- BCmath:
+ . Fix bug #73190 (memcpy negative parameter _bc_new_num_ex). (Stas)
- COM:
. Fixed bug #73126 (Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #69579 (Invalid free in extension trait). (John Boehr)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #73091 (Unserializing DateInterval object may lead to __toString
+ invocation). (Stas)
+- DOM:
+ . Fixed bug #73150 (missing NULL check in dom_document_save_html). (Stas)
+- Filter:
+ . Fixed bug #72972 (Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and
+ . Fixed bug #73054 (default option ignored when object passed to int filter).
+ (cmb)
- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #67325 (imagetruecolortopalette: white is duplicated in palette).
+ (cmb)
. Fixed bug #50194 (imagettftext broken on transparent background w/o
alphablending). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73003 (Integer Overflow in gdImageWebpCtx of gd_webp.c). (trylab,
files). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73161 (imagecreatefromgd2() may leak memory). (cmb)
-- JSON:
- . Fixed bug #73113 (Segfault with throwing JsonSerializable). (julien)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #73218 (add mitigation for ICU int overflow). (Stas)
+- Mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #66797 (mb_substr only takes 32-bit signed integer). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66964 (mb_convert_variables() cannot detect recursion) (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #72992 (mbstring.internal_encoding doesn't inherit default_charset).
+ (Yasuo)
+- Mysqlnd:
+ . Fixed bug #72489 (PHP Crashes When Modifying Array Containing MySQLi Result
+ Data). (Nikita)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #72982 (Memory leak in zend_accel_blacklist_update_regexp()
+ function). (Laruence)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Fixed bug #73072 (Invalid path SNI_server_certs causes segfault).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #73276 (crash in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes function). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73275 (crash in openssl_encrypt function). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #73121 (Bundled PCRE doesn't compile because JIT isn't supported
on s390). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #73174 (heap overflow in php_pcre_replace_impl). (Stas)
- PDO_DBlib:
. Fixed bug #72414 (Never quote values as raw binary data). (Adam Baratz)
. Ignore potentially misleading dberr values. (Chris Kings-Lynne)
- phpdbg:
- . Added generator command for inspection of currently alive generators. (Bob)
-- Reflection
- . Undo backwards compatiblity break in ReflectionType->__toString() and
- deprecate via documentation instead. (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72996 (phpdbg_prompt.c undefined reference to DL_LOAD). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed next command not stopping when leaving function. (Bob)
- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #68015 (Session does not report invalid uid for files save handler).
+ (Yasuo)
. Fixed bug #73100 (session_destroy null dereference in ps_files_path_create).
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #73203 (passing additional_parameters causes mail to fail). (cmb)
+- SimpleXML:
+ . Fixed bug #73293 (NULL pointer dereference in SimpleXMLElement::asXML()).
+ (Stas)
-15 Sep 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC2
+- SOAP:
+ . Fixed bug #71711 (Soap Server Member variables reference bug). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71996 (Using references in arrays doesn't work like expected).
+ (Nikita)
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #73025 (Heap Buffer Overflow in virtual_popen of
- zend_virtual_cwd.c). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #73058 (crypt broken when salt is 'too' long). (Anatol)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #73257, #73258 (SplObjectStorage unserialize allows use of
+ non-object as key). (Stas)
-- Filter:
- . Fixed bug #72972 (Bad filter for the flags FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE and
- . Fixed bug #73054 (default option ignored when object passed to int filter).
- (cmb)
+- SQLite3:
+ . Updated bundled SQLite3 to 3.14.2. (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #67325 (imagetruecolortopalette: white is duplicated in palette).
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #70752 (Depacking with wrong password leaves 0 length files).
-- Mbstring
- . Fixed bug #66964 (mb_convert_variables() cannot detect recursion) (Yasuo)
- . Fixed bug #72992 (mbstring.internal_encoding doesn't inherit default_charset).
- (Yasuo)
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #72982 (Memory leak in zend_accel_blacklist_update_regexp()
- function). (Laruence)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #73072 (Invalid path SNI_server_certs causes segfault).
- (Jakub Zelenka)
-- Session:
- . Fixed bug #68015 (Session does not report invalid uid for files save handler).
- (Yasuo)
-- SQLite3:
- . Updated to SQLite3 3.14.2. (cmb)
-01 Sep 2016, PHP 7.1.0RC1
+15 Sep 2016 PHP 7.0.11
- Core:
. Fixed bug #72944 (Null pointer deref in zval_delref_p). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #72943 (assign_dim on string doesn't reset hval). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72598 (Reference is lost after array_slice()) (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #72703 (Out of bounds global memory read in BF_crypt triggered by
- password_verify). (Anatol)
- . Implement \ArgumentCountError when passing in too few arguments (Davey)
+ . Fixed bug #72911 (Memleak in zend_binary_assign_op_obj_helper). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72813 (Segfault with __get returned by ref). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72767 (PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72854 (PHP Crashes on duplicate destructor call). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72857 (stream_socket_recvfrom read access violation). (Anatol)
- COM:
. Fixed bug #72922 (COM called from PHP does not return out parameters).
. Fixed bug #70825 (Cannot fetch multiple values with group in ini file).
+- FTP:
+ . Fixed bug #70195 (Cannot upload file using ftp_put to FTPES with
+ require_ssl_reuse). (Benedict Singer)
- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #72709 (imagesetstyle() causes OOB read for empty $styles). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #66005 (imagecopy does not support 1bit transparency on truecolor
images). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #72913 (imagecopy() loses single-color transparency on palette
- iconv:
. Fixed bug #72320 (iconv_substr returns false for empty strings). (cmb)
+- IMAP:
+ . Fixed bug #72852 (imap_mail null dereference). (Anatol)
- Intl:
. Fixed bug #65732 (grapheme_*() is not Unicode compliant on CR LF
sequence). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73007 (add locale length check). (Stas)
-- JSON:
- . Implemented earlier return when json_encode fails, fixes bugs #68992
- (Stacking exceptions thrown by JsonSerializable) and #70275 (On recursion
- error, json_encode can eat up all system memory). (Jakub Zelenka)
+- Mysqlnd:
+ . Fixed bug #72293 (Heap overflow in mysqlnd related to BIT fields). (Stas)
-- mbstring:
- . Fixed bug #66797 (mb_substr only takes 32-bit signed integer). (cmb)
+- OCI8
+ . Fixed invalid handle error with Implicit Result Sets. (Chris Jones)
+ . Fixed bug #72524 (Binding null values triggers ORA-24816 error). (Chris Jones)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #72949 (Typo in opcache error message). (cmb)
+- PDO:
+ . Fixed bug #72788 (Invalid memory access when using persistent PDO
+ connection). (Keyur)
+ . Fixed bug #72791 (Memory leak in PDO persistent connection handling). (Keyur)
+ . Fixed bug #60665 (call to empty() on NULL result using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
+ returns false). (cmb)
- PDO_DBlib:
. Implemented stringify 'uniqueidentifier' fields.
(Alexander Zhuravlev, Adam Baratz)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Implemented FR #72633 (Postgres PDO lastInsertId() should work without
+ specifying a sequence). (Pablo Santiago Sánchez, Matteo)
+ . Fixed bug #72759 (Regression in pgo_pgsql). (Anatol)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #72928 (Out of bound when verify signature of zip phar in
phar_parse_zipfile). (Stas)
phar_parse_tarfile). (Stas)
- Reflection:
- . Reverted prepending \ for class names. (Trowski)
+ . Fixed bug #72846 (getConstant for a array constant with constant values
+ returns NULL/NFC/UKNOWN). (Laruence)
- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #72724 (PHP7: session-uploadprogress kills httpd). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #72940 (SID always return "name=ID", even if session
cookie exist). (Yasuo)
- . Implemented session_gc() (Yasuo)
- . Implemented session_create_id() (Yasuo)
- SimpleXML:
. Fixed bug #72971 (SimpleXML isset/unset do not respect namespace). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #72957 (Null coalescing operator doesn't behave as expected with
SimpleXMLElement). (Nikita)
-- SOAP:
- . Fixed bug #71711 (Soap Server Member variables reference bug). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #71996 (Using references in arrays doesn't work like expected).
- (Nikita)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #72920 (Accessing a private constant using constant() creates
- an exception AND warning). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #65550 (get_browser() incorrectly parses entries with "+" sign).
- (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #71882 (Negative ftruncate() on php://memory exhausts memory).
- (cmb)
-- XML:
- . Fixed bug #72714 (_xml_startElementHandler() segmentation fault). (cmb)
-18 Aug 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta3
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #72813 (Segfault with __get returned by ref). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72767 (PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator).
- (Nikita)
- . TypeError messages for arg_info type checks will now say "must be ...
- or null" where the parameter or return type accepts null. (Andrea)
- . Fixed bug #72857 (stream_socket_recvfrom read access violation). (Anatol)
- . Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke
- __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72742 (memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large
- one). (Stas)
- . Fixed URL rewriter. It would not rewrite '//' URL
- unconditionally. URL rewrite target hosts whitelist is implemented. (Yasuo)
-- Bz2:
- . Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap
- corruption). (Stas)
-- Curl
- . Fixed bug #72674 (Heap overflow in curl_escape). (Stas)
-- EXIF:
- . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi)
- . Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas)
-- FTP:
- . Fixed bug #70195 (Cannot upload file using ftp_put to FTPES with
- require_ssl_reuse). (Benedict Singer)
-- mbstring:
- . Fixed bug #72711 (`mb_ereg` does not clear the `$regs` parameter on
- failure). (ju1ius)
-- Mcrypt:
- . Fixed bug #72782 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (Stas)
-- OCI8
- . Fixed invalid handle error with Implicit Result Sets. (Chris Jones)
- . Fixed bug #72524 (Binding null values triggers ORA-24816 error). (Chris Jones)
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #72762 (Infinite loop while parsing a file with opcache enabled).
- (Nikita)
-- PDO:
- . Fixed bug #72788 (Invalid memory access when using persistent PDO
- connection). (Keyur)
- . Fixed bug #72791 (Memory leak in PDO persistent connection handling). (Keyur)
- . Fixed bug #60665 (call to empty() on NULL result using PDO::FETCH_LAZY
- returns false). (cmb)
-- Reflection:
- . Implemented request #38992 (invoke() and invokeArgs() static method calls
- should match). (cmb).
- . Add ReflectionNamedType::getName(). This method should be used instead of
- ReflectionType::__toString()
- . Prepend \ for class names and ? for nullable types returned from
- ReflectionType::__toString(). (Trowski)
-- Session:
- . Implemented RFC: Session ID without hashing. (Yasuo)
- SPL:
- . Fixed bug #72888 (Segfault on clone on splFileObject). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #73029 (Missing type check when unserializing SplArray). (Stas)
-- SQLite3:
- . Updated to SQLite3 3.14.0. (cmb)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #55451 (substr_compare NULL length interpreted as 0). (Lauri
. Fixed bug #72278 (getimagesize returning FALSE on valid jpg). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #65550 (get_browser() incorrectly parses entries with "+" sign).
+ (cmb)
-- Stream:
+- Streams:
. Fixed bug #72853 (stream_set_blocking doesn't work). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72743 (Out-of-bound read in php_stream_filter_create).
- (Loianhtuan)
- . Implemented FR #27814 (Multiple small packets send for HTTP request).
- (vhuk)
. Fixed bug #72764 (ftps:// opendir wrapper data channel encryption fails
with IIS FTP 7.5, 8.5). (vhuk)
- . Fixed bug #72810 (Missing SKIP_ONLINE_TESTS checks). (vhuk)
+ . Fixed bug #71882 (Negative ftruncate() on php://memory exhausts memory).
+ (cmb)
-- sysvshm:
+- SQLite3:
+ . Downgraded bundled SQLite to (Anatol);
+- Sysvshm:
. Fixed bug #72858 (shm_attach null dereference). (Anatol)
- XML:
. Fixed bug #72085 (SEGV on unknown address zif_xml_parse). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72714 (_xml_startElementHandler() segmentation fault). (cmb)
+- Wddx:
+ . Fixed bug #72860 (wddx_deserialize use-after-free). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #73065 (Out-Of-Bounds Read in php_wddx_push_element). (Stas)
- ZIP:
. Fixed bug #68302 (impossible to compile php with zip support). (cmb)
-04 Aug 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta2
+18 Aug 2016 PHP 7.0.10
- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores
+ references). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous
+ class fatals). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after
+ deserialization). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72496 (Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible
+ with parent private method). (Pedro Magalhães)
+ . Fixed bug #72024 (microtime() leaks memory). (maroszek at gmx dot net)
+ . Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by
+ phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama)
+ . Fixed bug causing ClosedGeneratorException being thrown into the calling
+ code instead of the Generator yielding from. (Bob)
. Implemented FR #72614 (Support "nmake test" on building extensions by
phpize). (Yuji Uchiyama)
. Fixed bug #72641 (phpize (on Windows) ignores PHP_PREFIX).
(Yuji Uchiyama)
+ . Fixed potential segfault in object storage freeing in shutdown sequence.
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #72663 (Create an Unexpected Object and Don't Invoke
+ __wakeup() in Deserialization). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72681 (PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #72683 (getmxrr broken). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72742 (memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large
+ one). (Stas)
+ . Fixed URL rewriter partially. It would not rewrite '//' URL
+ unconditionally. Only requested host(HTTP_HOST) is rewritten. (Yasuo)
+- Bz2:
+ . Fixed bug #72837 (integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap
+ corruption). (Stas)
- Calendar:
. Fixed bug #67976 (cal_days_month() fails for final month of the French
. Fixed bug #71894 (AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow in
zif_cal_from_jd). (cmb)
+- COM:
+ . Fixed bug #72569 (DOTNET/COM array parameters broke in PHP7). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #71709 (curl_setopt segfault with empty CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER).
. Fixed bug #71929 (CURLINFO_CERTINFO data parsing error). (Pierrick)
+ . Fixed bug #72674 (Heap overflow in curl_escape). (Stas)
-- Intl:
- . Fixed bug #72639 (Segfault when instantiating class that extends
- IntlCalendar and adds a property). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72658 (Locale::lookup() / locale_lookup() hangs if no match
- found). (Anatol)
+- DOM:
+ . Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #72735 (Samsung picture thumb not read (zero size)). (Kalle, Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #72627 (Memory Leakage In exif_process_IFD_in_TIFF). (Stas)
+- Filter:
+ . Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole
+ range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user).
+ (gooh)
- GD:
- . Fixed bug #72709 (imagesetstyle() causes OOB read for empty $styles). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in
+ blendingmode). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66555 (Always false condition in ext/gd/libgd/gdkanji.c). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #68712 (suspicious if-else statements). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #72697 (select_colors write out-of-bounds). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #72730 (imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access). (Stas)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #72639 (Segfault when instantiating class that extends
+ IntlCalendar and adds a property). (Laruence)
+ . Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain
+ names). (cmb)
- mbstring:
. Fixed bug #72691 (mb_ereg_search raises a warning if a match zero-width).
. Fixed bug #72710 (`mb_ereg` causes buffer overflow on regexp compile error).
-- Mysqlnd:
- . Fixed bug #71863 (Segfault when EXPLAIN with "Unknown column" error when
- using MariaDB). (Andrey)
- . Fixed bug #72701 (mysqli_get_host_info() wrong output). (Anatol)
+- Mcrypt:
+ . Fixed bug #72782 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (Stas)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #72590 (Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work).
+ (Keyur)
. Fixed bug #72688 (preg_match missing group names in matches). (cmb)
- . Downgraded to PCRE 8.38. (Anatol)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo)
- Reflection:
- . Fixed bug #72661 (ReflectionType::__toString crashes with iterable).
- (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants).
+ (Nikita Nefedov)
+- SimpleXML:
+ . Fixed bug #72588 (Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML
+ element). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #72708 (php_snmp_parse_oid integer overflow in memory
allocation). (djodjo at gmail dot com)
- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #55701 (GlobIterator throws LogicException). (Valentin VĂLCIU)
. Fixed bug #72646 (SplFileObject::getCsvControl does not return the escape
character). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #72684 (AppendIterator segfault with closed generator). (Pierrick)
- SQLite3:
. Fixed bug #72668 (Spurious warning when exception is thrown in user defined
function). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72571 (SQLite3::bindValue, SQLite3::bindParam crash). (Laruence)
. Implemented FR #72653 (SQLite should allow opening with empty filename).
+ . Updated to SQLite3 3.13.0. (cmb)
- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #61967 (unset array item in array_walk_recursive cause
- inconsistent array). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #62607 (array_walk_recursive move internal pointer). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #69068 (Exchanging array during array_walk -> memory errors).
- (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #70713 (Use After Free Vulnerability in array_walk()/
- array_walk_recursive()). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72622 (array_walk + array_replace_recursive create references
+ from nothing). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72152 (base64_decode $strict fails to detect null byte).
+ (Lauri Kenttä)
+ . Fixed bug #72263 (base64_decode skips a character after padding in strict
+ mode). (Lauri Kenttä)
+ . Fixed bug #72264 (base64_decode $strict fails with whitespace between
+ padding). (Lauri Kenttä)
+ . Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by
+ UTF chars). (cmb)
- Streams:
. Fixed bug #41021 (Problems with the ftps wrapper). (vhuk)
. Fixed bug #72771 (ftps:// wrapper is vulnerable to protocol downgrade
attack). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72647 (xmlrpc_encode() unexpected output after referencing
+ array elements). (Laruence)
- Wddx:
+ . Fixed bug #72564 (boolean always deserialized as "true") (Remi)
. Fixed bug #72142 (WDDX Packet Injection Vulnerability in
wddx_serialize_value()). (Taoguang Chen)
. Fixed bug #72749 (wddx_deserialize allows illegal memory access) (Stas)
. Fixed bug #72799 (wddx_deserialize null dereference in
php_wddx_pop_element). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72860 (wddx_deserialize use-after-free). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #73065 (Out-Of-Bounds Read in php_wddx_push_element). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72647 (xmlrpc_encode() unexpected output after referencing
- array elements). (Laruence)
- Zip:
. Fixed bug #72660 (NULL Pointer dereference in zend_virtual_cwd).
-21 Jul 2016, PHP 7.1.0beta1
+21 Jul 2016 PHP 7.0.9
- Core:
- . Fixed bug #72629 (Caught exception assignment to variables ignores
- references). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72594 (Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous
- class fatals). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72581 (previous property undefined in Exception after
- deserialization). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72543 (Different references behavior comparing to PHP 5)
- (Laruence, Dmitry, Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #72347 (VERIFY_RETURN type casts visible in finally). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #72216 (Return by reference with finally is not memory safe).
- (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #72215 (Wrong return value if var modified in finally). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #71818 (Memory leak when array altered in destructor). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #71539 (Memory error on $arr[$a] =& $arr[$b] if RHS rehashes)
- (Dmitry, Nikita)
- . Added new constant PHP_FD_SETSIZE. (cmb)
- . Added optind parameter to getopt(). (as)
- . Added PHP to SAPI error severity mapping for logs. (Martin Vobruba)
- . Fixed bug #71911 (Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by
- phpize on Windows). (Yuji Uchiyama)
- . Fixed bug #29368 (The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from
- the constructor). (Dmitry)
- . Implemented RFC: RNG Fixes. (Leigh)
- . Implemented email validation as per RFC 6531. (Leo Feyer, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72508 (strange references after recursive function call and
+ "switch" statement). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #72513 (Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
virtual_file_ex). (Stas)
. Fixed bug #72573 (HTTP_PROXY is improperly trusted by some PHP libraries
and applications). (Stas)
-- bz2:
- . Fixed bug #72613 (Inadequate error handling in bzread()). (Stas)
+- bz2:
+ . Fixed bug #72613 (Inadequate error handling in bzread()). (Stas)
+- CLI:
+ . Fixed bug #72484 (SCRIPT_FILENAME shows wrong path if the user specify
+ router.php). (Laruence)
+- COM:
+ . Fixed bug #72498 (variant_date_from_timestamp null dereference). (Anatol)
+- Curl:
+ . Fixed bug #72541 (size_t overflow lead to heap corruption). (Stas)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #66836 (DateTime::createFromFormat 'U' with pre 1970 dates fails
+ parsing). (derick)
+- Exif:
+ . Fixed bug #72603 (Out of bound read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72618 (NULL Pointer Dereference in exif_process_user_comment).
+ (Stas)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #43475 (Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #53640 (XBM images require width to be multiple of 8). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #64641 (imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72512 (gdImageTrueColorToPaletteBody allows arbitrary write/read
+ access). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72519 (imagegif/output out-of-bounds access). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72558 (Integer overflow error within _gdContributionsAlloc()).
+ (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
+ overflow). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72494 (imagecropauto out-of-bounds access). (Pierre)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #72533 (locale_accept_from_http out-of-bounds access). (Stas)
+- Mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #72405 (mb_ereg_replace - mbc_to_code (oniguruma) -
+ oob read access). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72399 (Use-After-Free in MBString (search_re)). (Laruence)
+- mcrypt:
+ . Fixed bug #72551, bug #72552 (In correct casting from size_t to int lead to
+ heap overflow in mdecrypt_generic). (Stas)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #72570 (Segmentation fault when binding parameters on a query
+ without placeholders). (Matteo)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #72476 (Memleak in jit_stack). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72463 (mail fails with invalid argument). (Anatol)
+- Readline:
+ . Fixed bug #72538 (readline_redisplay crashes php). (Laruence)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #72505 (readfile() mangles files larger than 2G). (Cschneid)
+ . Fixed bug #72306 (Heap overflow through proc_open and $env parameter).
+ (Laruence)
+- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #72531 (ps_files_cleanup_dir Buffer overflow). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72562 (Use After Free in unserialize() with Unexpected Session
+ Deserialization). (Stas)
+- SNMP:
+ . Fixed bug #72479 (Use After Free Vulnerability in SNMP with GC and
+ unserialize()). (Stas)
+- Streams:
+ . Fixed bug #72439 (Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation
+ fault). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72606 (heap-buffer-overflow (write) simplestring_addn
+ simplestring.c). (Stas)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #72520 (Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
+ php_stream_zip_opener). (Stas)
+23 Jun 2016 PHP 7.0.8
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #72218 (If host name cannot be resolved then PHP 7 crashes).
+ (Esminis at esminis dot lt)
+ . Fixed bug #72221 (segfault, past-the-end access). (Lauri Kenttä)
+ . Fixed bug #72268 (Integer Overflow in nl2br()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72275 (Integer Overflow in json_encode()/json_decode()/
+ json_utf8_to_utf16()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72400 (Integer Overflow in addcslashes/addslashes). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72403 (Integer Overflow in Length of String-typed ZVAL). (Stas)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #63740 (strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of
+ week). (Derick)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #72308 (fastcgi_finish_request and logging environment
+ variables). (Laruence)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #66387 (Stack overflow with imagefilltoborder). (CVE-2015-8874)
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #72298 (pass2_no_dither out-of-bounds access). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72337 (invalid dimensions can lead to crash). (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72339 (Integer Overflow in _gd2GetHeader() resulting in heap
+ overflow). (CVE-2016-5766) (Pierre)
+ . Fixed bug #72407 (NULL Pointer Dereference at _gdScaleVert). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #72446 (Integer Overflow in gdImagePaletteToTrueColor() resulting
+ in heap overflow). (CVE-2016-5767) (Pierre)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #70484 (selectordinal doesn't work with named parameters).
+ (Anatol)
+- mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #72402 (_php_mb_regex_ereg_replace_exec - double free).
+ (CVE-2016-5768) (Stas)
+- mcrypt:
+ . Fixed bug #72455 (Heap Overflow due to integer overflows). (CVE-2016-5769)
+ (Stas)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Fixed bug #72140 (segfault after calling ERR_free_strings()).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #72143 (preg_replace uses int instead of size_t). (Joe)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #71573 (Segfault (core dumped) if paramno beyond bound).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72294 (Segmentation fault/invalid pointer in connection
+ with pgsql_stmt_dtor). (Anatol)
+- Phar:
+ . Fixed bug #72321 (invalid free in phar_extract_file()).
+ (hji at dyntopia dot com)
+- Phpdbg:
+ . Fixed bug #72284 (phpdbg fatal errors with coverage). (Bob)
+- Postgres:
+ . Fixed bug #72195 (pg_pconnect/pg_connect cause use-after-free). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72197 (pg_lo_create arbitrary read). (Anatol)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #72369 (array_merge() produces references in PHP7). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72300 (ignore_user_abort(false) has no effect). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72229 (Wrong reference when serialize/unserialize an object).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72193 (dns_get_record returns array containing elements of
+ type 'unknown'). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72017 (range() with float step produces unexpected result).
+ (Thomas Punt)
+- WDDX:
+ . Fixed bug #72340 (Double Free Courruption in wddx_deserialize).
+ (CVE-2016-5772) (Stas)
+- XML:
+ . Fixed bug #72206 (xml_parser_create/xml_parser_free leaks mem). (Joe)
+ . Fixed bug #72155 (use-after-free caused by get_zval_xmlrpc_type).
+ (Joe, Laruence)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed ug #72258 (ZipArchive converts filenames to unrecoverable form).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72434 (ZipArchive class Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's GC
+ algorithm and unserialize). (CVE-2016-5773) (Dmitry)
+26 May 2016 PHP 7.0.7
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #72162 (use-after-free - error_reporting). (Laruence)
+ . Add compiler option to disable special case function calls. (Joe)
+ . Fixed bug #72101 (crash on complex code). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #72100 (implode() inserts garbage into resulting string when
+ joins very big integer). (Mikhail Galanin)
+ . Fixed bug #72057 (PHP Hangs when using custom error handler and typehint).
+ (Nikita Nefedov)
+ . Fixed bug #72038 (Function calls with values to a by-ref parameter don't
+ always throw a notice). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71737 (Memory leak in closure with parameter named $this).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72059 (?? is not allowed on constant expressions). (Bob, Marcio)
+ . Fixed bug #72159 (Imported Class Overrides Local Class Name). (Nikita)
+- Curl:
+ . Fixed bug #68658 (Define CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE). (Pierrick)
+- DBA:
+ . Fixed bug #72157 (use-after-free caused by dba_open). (Shm, Laruence)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #72227 (imagescale out-of-bounds read). (Stas)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #64524 (Add intl.use_exceptions to php.ini-*). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72241 (get_icu_value_internal out-of-bounds read). (Stas)
+- JSON:
+ . Fixed bug #72069 (Behavior \JsonSerializable different from json_encode).
+ (Laruence)
+- Mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #72164 (Null Pointer Dereference - mb_ereg_replace). (Laruence)
+- OCI8:
+ . Fixed bug #71600 (oci_fetch_all segfaults when selecting more than eight
+ columns). (Tian Yang)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #72014 (Including a file with anonymous classes multiple times
+ leads to fatal error). (Laruence)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Fixed bug #72165 (Null pointer dereference - openssl_csr_new). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72154 (pcntl_wait/pcntl_waitpid array internal structure
+ overwrite). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72133 (php_posix_group_to_array crashes if gr_passwd is NULL).
+ (esminis at esminis dot lt)
+- Postgres:
+ . Fixed bug #72028 (pg_query_params(): NULL converts to empty string).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71062 (pg_convert() doesn't accept ISO 8601 for datatype
+ timestamp). (denver at timothy dot io)
+ . Fixed bug #72151 (mysqli_fetch_object changed behaviour). (Anatol)
+- Reflection:
+ . Fixed bug #72174 (ReflectionProperty#getValue() causes __isset call).
+ (Nikita)
+- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #71972 (Cyclic references causing session_start(): Failed to
+ decode session object). (Laruence)
+- Sockets:
+ . Added socket_export_stream() function for getting a stream compatible
+ resource from a socket resource. (Chris Wright, Bob)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #72051 (The reference in CallbackFilterIterator doesn't work as
+ expected). (Laruence)
+- SQLite3:
+ . Fixed bug #68849 (bindValue is not using the right data type). (Anatol)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #72075 (Referencing socket resources breaks stream_select).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #72031 (array_column() against an array of objects discards all
+ values matching null). (Nikita)
+28 Apr 2016 PHP 7.0.6
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #71930 (_zval_dtor_func: Assertion `(arr)->gc.refcount <= 1'
+ failed). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71922 (Crash on assert(new class{})). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71914 (Reference is lost in "switch"). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71871 (Interfaces allow final and abstract functions). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed Bug #71859 (zend_objects_store_call_destructors operates on realloced
+ memory, crashing). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71841 (EG(error_zval) is not handled well). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71750 (Multiple Heap Overflows in php_raw_url_encode/
+ php_url_encode). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71731 (Null coalescing operator and ArrayAccess). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71609 (Segmentation fault on ZTS with gethostbyname). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71414 (Inheritance, traits and interfaces). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71359 (Null coalescing operator and magic). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #71334 (Cannot access array keys while uksort()). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69659 (ArrayAccess, isset() and the offsetExists method).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69537 (__debugInfo with empty string for key gives error).
+ (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #62059 (ArrayObject and isset are not friends). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71980 (Decorated/Nested Generator is Uncloseable in Finally).
+ (Nikita)
+- BCmath:
+ . Fixed bug #72093 (bcpowmod accepts negative scale and corrupts
+ _one_ definition). (Stas)
+- Curl:
+ . Fixed bug #71831 (CURLOPT_NOPROXY applied as long instead of string).
+ (Michael Sierks)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #71889 (DateInterval::format Segmentation fault). (Thomas Punt)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #72094 (Out of bounds heap read access in exif header processing). (Stas)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #71912 (libgd: signedness vulnerability). (CVE-2016-3074) (Stas)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #71516 (IntlDateFormatter looses locale if pattern is set via
+ constructor). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70455 (Missing constant: IntlChar::NO_NUMERIC_VALUE). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70451, #70452 (Inconsistencies in return values of IntlChar
+ methods). (Daniel Persson)
+ . Fixed bug #68893 (Stackoverflow in datefmt_create). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #66289 (Locale::lookup incorrectly returns en or en_US if locale
+ is empty). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70484 (selectordinal doesn't work with named parameters).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #72061 (Out-of-bounds reads in zif_grapheme_stripos with negative
+ offset). (Stas)
+- ODBC:
+ . Fixed bug #63171 (Script hangs after max_execution_time). (Remi)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #71843 (null ptr deref ZEND_RETURN_SPEC_CONST_HANDLER).
+ (Laruence)
+- PDO:
+ . Fixed bug #52098 (Own PDOStatement implementation ignore __call()).
+ (Daniel kalaspuffar, Julien)
+ . Fixed bug #71447 (Quotes inside comments not properly handled). (Matteo)
+- PDO_DBlib:
+ . Fixed bug #71943 (dblib_handle_quoter needs to allocate an extra byte).
+ (Adam Baratz)
+ . Add DBLIB-specific attributes for controlling timeouts. (Adam Baratz)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #62498 (pdo_pgsql inefficient when getColumnMeta() is used).
+ (Joseph Bylund)
+- Postgres:
+ . Fixed bug #71820 (pg_fetch_object binds parameters before call
+ constructor). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71998 (Function pg_insert does not insert when column
+ type = inet). (Anatol)
-- COM:
- . Fixed bug #72569 (DOTNET/COM array parameters broke in PHP7). (Anatol)
+- SOAP:
+ . Fixed bug #71986 (Nested foreach assign-by-reference creates broken
+ variables). (Laruence)
-- Curl:
- . Fixed bug #72541 (size_t overflow lead to heap corruption). (Stas)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #71838 (Deserializing serialized SPLObjectStorage-Object can't
+ access properties in PHP). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71735 (Double-free in SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #67582 (Cloned SplObjectStorage with overwritten getHash fails
+ offsetExists()). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #52339 (SPL autoloader breaks class_exists()). (Nikita)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #66836 (DateTime::createFromFormat 'U' with pre 1970 dates fails
- parsing). (derick)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #71995 (Returning the same var twice from __sleep() produces
+ broken serialized data). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71940 (Unserialize crushes on restore object reference).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71969 (str_replace returns an incorrect resulting array after
+ a foreach by reference). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71891 (header_register_callback() and
+ register_shutdown_function()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71884 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in
+ stream_context_get_default). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71840 (Unserialize accepts wrongly data). (Ryat, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71837 (Wrong arrays behaviour). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71827 (substr_replace bug, string length). (krakjoe)
+ . Fixed bug #67512 (php_crypt() crashes if crypt_r() does not exist or
+ _REENTRANT is not defined). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #72116 (array_fill optimization breaks implementation). (Bob)
-- DOM:
- . Fixed bug #66502 (DOM document dangling reference). (Sean Heelan, cmb)
+- XML:
+ . Fixed bug #72099 (xml_parse_into_struct segmentation fault). (Stas)
-- Exif:
- . Fixed bug #72603 (Out of bound read in exif_process_IFD_in_MAKERNOTE).
- (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72618 (NULL Pointer Dereference in exif_process_user_comment).
- (Stas)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #71923 (integer overflow in ZipArchive::getFrom*).
+ (CVE-2016-3078) (Stas)
-- Filter:
- . Fixed bug #71745 (FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE does not cover whole
- range). (bugs dot php dot net at majkl578 dot cz)
+31 Mar 2016 PHP 7.0.5
-- FPM:
- . Fixed bug #72575 (using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user).
- (gooh)
+- Core:
+ . Huge pages disabled by default. (Rasmus)
+ . Added ability to enable huge pages in Zend Memory Manager through
+ the environment variable USE_ZEND_ALLOC_HUGE_PAGES=1. (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71756 (Call-by-reference widens scope to uninvolved functions
+ when used in switch). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71729 (Possible crash in zend_bin_strtod, zend_oct_strtod,
+ zend_hex_strtod). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71695 (Global variables are reserved before execution).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71629 (Out-of-bounds access in php_url_decode in context
+ php_stream_url_wrap_rfc2397). (mt at debian dot org)
+ . Fixed bug #71622 (Strings used in pass-as-reference cannot be used to
+ invoke C::$callable()). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71596 (Segmentation fault on ZTS with date function
+ (setlocale)). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71535 (Integer overflow in zend_mm_alloc_heap()). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71470 (Leaked 1 hashtable iterators). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71575 (ISO C does not allow extra ‘;’ outside of a function).
+ (asgrim)
+ . Fixed bug #71724 (yield from does not count EOLs). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71767 (ReflectionMethod::getDocComment returns the wrong
+ comment). (Grigorii Sokolik)
+ . Fixed bug #71806 (php_strip_whitespace() fails on some numerical values).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71624 (`php -R` (PHP_MODE_PROCESS_STDIN) is broken).
+ (Sean DuBois)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #72596 (imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #72604 (imagearc() ignores thickness for full arcs). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #70315 (500 Server Error but page is fully rendered). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #43828 (broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in
- blendingmode). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #72512 (gdImageTrueColorToPaletteBody allows arbitrary write/read
- access). (Pierre)
- . Fixed bug #72519 (imagegif/output out-of-bounds access). (Pierre)
- . Fixed bug #72558 (Integer overflow error within _gdContributionsAlloc()).
- (Pierre)
- . Fixed bug #72482 (Ilegal write/read access caused by gdImageAALine
- overflow). (Pierre)
- . Fixed bug #72494 (imagecropauto out-of-bounds access). (Fernando, Pierre,
- cmb)
+- CLI Server:
+ . Fixed bug #69953 (Support MKCALENDAR request method). (Christoph)
-- Intl:
- . Partially fixed #72506 (idn_to_ascii for UTS #46 incorrect for long domain
- names). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #72533 (locale_accept_from_http out-of-bounds access). (Stas)
+- Curl:
+ . Fixed bug #71694 (Support constant CURLM_ADDED_ALREADY). (mpyw)
-- Mbstring:
- . Deprecated mb_ereg_replace() eval option. (Rouven Weßling, cmb)
- . Fixed bug #69151 (mb_ereg should reject ill-formed byte sequence).
- (Masaki Kagaya)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #71635 (DatePeriod::getEndDate segfault). (Thomas Punt)
-- MCrypt:
- . Deprecated ext/mcrypt. (Scott Arciszewski, cmb)
- . Fixed bug #72551, bug #72552 (In correct casting from size_t to int lead to
- heap overflow in mdecrypt_generic). (Stas)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #71527 (Buffer over-write in finfo_open with malformed magic
+ file). (CVE-2015-8865) (Anatol)
-- Opcache:
- . Fixed bug #72590 (Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work).
- (Keyur)
+- libxml:
+ . Fixed bug #71536 (Access Violation crashes php-cgi.exe). (Anatol)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #72360 (ext/openssl build failure with OpenSSL 1.1.0).
- (Jakub Zelenka)
- . Bumped a minimal version to 1.0.1. (Jakub Zelenka)
- . Dropped support for SSL2. (Remi)
+- mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #71906 (AddressSanitizer: negative-size-param (-1) in
+ mbfl_strcut). (CVE-2016-4073) (Stas)
-- PDO_pgsql:
- . Fixed bug #70313 (PDO statement fails to throw exception). (Matteo)
- . Fixed bug #72570 (Segmentation fault when binding parameters on a query
- without placeholders). (Matteo)
- . Implemented FR #72633 (Postgres PDO lastInsertId() should work without
- specifying a sequence). (Pablo Santiago Sánchez, Matteo)
+- ODBC:
+ . Fixed bug #47803, #69526 (Executing prepared statements is succesfull only
+ for the first two statements). (einavitamar at gmail dot com, Anatol)
-- Pcntl
- . Implemented asynchronous signal handling without TICKS. (Dmitry)
- . Added pcntl_signal_get_handler() that returns the current signal handler
- for a particular signal. Addresses FR #72409. (David Walker)
- . Add signinfo to pcntl_signal() handler args (Bishop Bettini, David Walker)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #71659 (segmentation fault in pcre running twig tests).
+ (nish dot aravamudan at canonical dot com)
-- Reflection:
- . Fixed bug #72222 (ReflectionClass::export doesn't handle array constants).
- (Nikita Nefedov)
+- PDO_DBlib:
+ . Fixed bug #54648 (PDO::MSSQL forces format of datetime fields).
+ (steven dot lambeth at gmx dot de, Anatol)
-- SimpleXML:
- . Fixed bug #72588 (Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML
- element). (Laruence)
+- Phar:
+ . Fixed bug #71625 (Crash in php7.dll with bad phar filename). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71317 (PharData fails to open specific file). (Jos Elstgeest)
+ . Fixed bug #71860 (Invalid memory write in phar on filename with \0 in
+ name). (CVE-2016-4072) (Stas)
-- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #72622 (array_walk + array_replace_recursive create references
- from nothing). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72330 (CSV fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by
- UTF chars). (cmb)
+- phpdbg:
+ . Fixed crash when advancing (except step) inside an internal function. (Bob)
-- Tidy:
- . Implemented support for libtidy 5.0.0 and above. (Michael Orlitzky, Anatol)
+- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #71683 (Null pointer dereference in zend_hash_str_find_bucket).
+ (Yasuo)
-- Wddx:
- . Fixed bug #72564 (boolean always deserialized as "true") (Remi)
+- SNMP:
+ . Fixed bug #71704 (php_snmp_error() Format String Vulnerability).
+ (CVE-2016-4071) (andrew at jmpesp dot org)
- . Fixed bug #72606 (heap-buffer-overflow (write) simplestring_addn
- simplestring.c). (Stas)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #71617 (private properties lost when unserializing ArrayObject).
+ (Nikita)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #71660 (array_column behaves incorrectly after foreach by
+ reference). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71798 (Integer Overflow in php_raw_url_encode). (CVE-2016-4070)
+ (taoguangchen at icloud dot com, Stas)
- Zip:
- . Fixed bug #72520 (Stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in
- php_stream_zip_opener). (Stas)
+ . Update bundled libzip to 1.1.2. (Remi, Anatol)
-07 Jul 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha3
+03 Mar 2016 PHP 7.0.4
- Core:
- . Implemented RFC: Iterable. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Fixed bug #72523 (dtrace issue with reflection (failed test)). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72508 (strange references after recursive function call and
- "switch" statement). (Laruence)
- . Implemented RFC: Closure::fromCallable (Danack)
+ . Fixed bug (Low probability segfault in zend_arena). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71441 (Typehinted Generator with return in try/finally crashes).
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71442 (forward_static_call crash). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71443 (Segfault using built-in webserver with intl using
+ symfony). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71449 (An integer overflow bug in php_implode()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71450 (An integer overflow bug in php_str_to_str_ex()). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71474 (Crash because of VM stack corruption on Magento2).
+ (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71485 (Return typehint on internal func causes Fatal error
+ when it throws exception). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71529 (Variable references on array elements don't work when
+ using count). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71601 (finally block not executed after yield from). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71637 (Multiple Heap Overflow due to integer overflows in
+ xml/filter_url/addcslashes). (CVE-2016-4344, CVE-2016-4345, CVE-2016-4346)
+ (Stas)
-- COM:
- . Fixed bug #72498 (variant_date_from_timestamp null dereference). (Anatol)
+- CLI server:
+ . Fixed bug #71559 (Built-in HTTP server, we can download file in web by bug).
+ (Johannes, Anatol)
- . Add curl_multi_errno(), curl_share_errno() and curl_share_strerror()
- functions. (Pierrick)
- . Add support for HTTP/2 Server Push (davey)
+ . Fixed bug #71523 (Copied handle with new option CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER crashes
+ while curl_multi_exec). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed memory leak in curl_getinfo(). (Leigh)
- Date:
- . Invalid serialization data for a DateTime or DatePeriod object will now
- throw an instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of
- resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Timezone initialization failure from serialized data will now throw an
- instance of Error from __wakeup() or __set_state() instead of resulting in
- a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Export date_get_interface_ce() for extension use. (Jeremy Mikola)
+ . Fixed bug #71525 (Calls to date_modify will mutate timelib_rel_time,
+ causing date_date_set issues). (Sean DuBois)
-- DBA:
- . Data modification functions (e.g.: dba_insert()) now throw an instance of
- Error instead of triggering a catchable fatal error if the key is does not
- contain exactly two elements. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #71434 (finfo throws notice for specific python file). (Laruence)
-- DOM:
- . Invalid schema or RelaxNG validation contexts will throw an instance of
- Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Attempting to register a node class that does not extend the appropriate
- base class will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a
- fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
- an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron
- Piotrowski)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #62172 (FPM not working with Apache httpd 2.4 balancer/fcgi
+ setup). (Matt Haught, Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #71269 (php-fpm dumped core). (Mickaël)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #72404 (imagecreatefromjpeg fails on selfie). (cmb)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #71584 (Possible use-after-free of ZCG(cwd) in Zend Opcache).
+ (Yussuf Khalil)
-- IMAP:
- . An email address longer than 16385 bytes will throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
-- Intl:
- . Failure to call the parent constructor in a class extending Collator
- before invoking the parent methods will throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a recoverable fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Cloning a Transliterator object may will now throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error if cloning the internal
- transliterator fails. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #71537 (PCRE segfault from Opcache). (Laruence)
-- LDAP:
- . Providing an unknown modification type to ldap_batch_modify() will now
- throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
- (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- phpdbg:
+ . Fixed inherited functions from unspecified files being included in
+ phpdbg_get_executable(). (Bob)
-- Mbstring:
- . mb_ereg() and mb_eregi() will now throw an instance of ParseError if an
- invalid PHP expression is provided and the 'e' option is used. (Aaron
- Piotrowski)
+- SOAP:
+ . Fixed bug #71610 (Type Confusion Vulnerability - SOAP /
+ make_http_soap_request()). (CVE-2016-3185) (Stas)
-- Mcrypt:
- . mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() will throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error if mcrypt cannot be initialized.
- (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #71603 (compact() maintains references in php7). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70720 (strip_tags improper php code parsing). (Julien)
-- Mysqli:
- . Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw
- an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron
- Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #71501 (xmlrpc_encode_request ignores encoding option). (Hieu Le)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #71561 (NULL pointer dereference in Zip::ExtractTo). (Laruence)
+04 Feb 2016 PHP 7.0.3
+- Core:
+ . Added support for new HTTP 451 code. (Julien)
+ . Fixed bug #71039 (exec functions ignore length but look for NULL
+ termination). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71089 (No check to duplicate zend_extension). (Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #71201 (round() segfault on 64-bit builds). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71221 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in get_defined_vars via
+ ob_start). (hugh at allthethings dot co dot nz)
+ . Fixed bug #71248 (Wrong interface is enforced). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #71273 (A wrong ext directory setup in php.ini leads to crash).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed Bug #71275 (Bad method called on cloning an object having a trait).
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71297 (Memory leak with consecutive yield from). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #71300 (Segfault in zend_fetch_string_offset). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71314 (var_export(INF) prints INF.0). (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #71323 (Output of stream_get_meta_data can be falsified by its
+ input). (Leo Gaspard)
+ . Fixed bug #71336 (Wrong is_ref on properties as exposed via
+ get_object_vars()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71459 (Integer overflow in iptcembed()). (Stas)
+- Apache2handler:
+ . Fix >2G Content-Length headers in apache2handler. (Adam Harvey)
+- CURL:
+ . Fixed bug #71227 (Can't compile php_curl statically). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71225 (curl_setopt() fails to set CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS with
+ reference to CURLFile). (Laruence)
+- GD:
+ . Improved fix for bug #70976. (Remi)
+- Interbase:
+ . Fixed Bug #71305 (Crash when optional resource is omitted).
+ (Laruence, Anatol)
+- LDAP:
+ . Fixed bug #71249 (ldap_mod_replace/ldap_mod_add store value as string
+ "Array"). (Laruence)
+- mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #71397 (mb_send_mail segmentation fault). (Andrea, Yasuo)
- OpenSSL:
- . Implemented FR #61204 (Add elliptic curve support for OpenSSL).
- (Dominic Luechinger)
+ . Fixed bug #71475 (openssl_seal() uninitialized memory usage). (Stas)
- . Fixed bug #72476 (Memleak in jit_stack). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72463 (mail fails with invalid argument). (Anatol)
+ . Upgraded pcrelib to 8.38. (CVE-2015-8383, CVE-2015-8386, CVE-2015-8387,
+ CVE-2015-8389, CVE-2015-8390, CVE-2015-8391, CVE-2015-8393, CVE-2015-8394)
-- Readline:
- . Fixed bug #72538 (readline_redisplay crashes php). (Laruence)
+- Phar:
+ . Fixed bug #71354 (Heap corruption in tar/zip/phar parser). (CVE-2016-4342)
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71331 (Uninitialized pointer in phar_make_dirstream()).
+ (CVE-2016-4343) (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71391 (NULL Pointer Dereference in phar_tar_setupmetadata()).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #71488 (Stack overflow when decompressing tar archives).
+ (CVE-2016-2554) (Stas)
-- Reflection:
- . Failure to retrieve a reflection object or retrieve an object property
- will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.
- (Aaron Piotrowski)
+- SOAP:
+ . Fixed bug #70979 (crash with bad soap request). (Anatol)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #71204 (segfault if clean spl_autoload_funcs while autoloading).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71202 (Autoload function registered by another not activated
+ immediately). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71311 (Use-after-free vulnerability in SPL(ArrayObject,
+ unserialize)). (Sean Heelan)
+ . Fixed bug #71313 (Use-after-free vulnerability in SPL(SplObjectStorage,
+ unserialize)). (Sean Heelan)
-- SQLite3:
- . Fixed bug #70628 (Clearing bindings on an SQLite3 statement doesn't work).
- (cmb)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #71287 (Error message contains hexadecimal instead of decimal
+ number). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71264 (file_put_contents() returns unexpected value when
+ filesystem runs full). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71245 (file_get_contents() ignores "header" context option if
+ it's a reference). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71220 (Null pointer deref (segfault) in compact via ob_start).
+ (hugh at allthethings dot co dot nz)
+ . Fixed bug #71190 (substr_replace converts integers in original $search
+ array to strings). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71188 (str_replace converts integers in original $search array
+ to strings). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71132, #71197 (range() segfaults). (Thomas Punt)
-- Session:
- . Fixed bug #72531 (ps_files_cleanup_dir Buffer overflow). (Laruence)
- . Custom session handlers that do not return strings for session IDs will
- now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error
- when a function is called that must generate a session ID.
- (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . An invalid setting for session.hash_function will throw an instance of
- Error instead of resulting in a fatal error when a session ID is created.
- (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Fixed bug #72562 (Use After Free in unserialize() with Unexpected Session
- Deserialization). (Stas)
+- WDDX:
+ . Fixed bug #71335 (Type Confusion in WDDX Packet Deserialization). (Stas)
-- SimpleXML:
- . Creating an unnamed or duplicate attribute will throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+07 Jan 2016 PHP 7.0.2
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #71165 (-DGC_BENCH=1 doesn't work on PHP7).
+ (y dot uchiyama dot 1015 at gmail dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #71163 (Segmentation Fault: cleanup_unfinished_calls). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71109 (ZEND_MOD_CONFLICTS("xdebug") doesn't work). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71092 (Segmentation fault with return type hinting). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug memleak in header_register_callback. (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71067 (Local object in class method stays in memory for each
+ call). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #66909 (configure fails utf8_to_mutf7 test). (Michael Orlitzky)
+ . Fixed bug #70781 (Extension tests fail on dynamic ext dependency).
+ (Francois Laupretre)
+ . Fixed bug #71089 (No check to duplicate zend_extension). (Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #71086 (Invalid numeric literal parse error within
+ highlight_string() function). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #71154 (Incorrect HT iterator invalidation causes iterator reuse).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #52355 (Negating zero does not produce negative zero). (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #66179 (var_export() exports float as integer). (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #70804 (Unary add on negative zero produces positive zero).
+ (Andrea)
+- CURL:
+ . Fixed bug #71144 (Sementation fault when using cURL with ZTS).
+ (Michael Maroszek, Laruence)
+- DBA:
+ . Fixed key leak with invalid resource. (Laruence)
+- Filter:
+ . Fixed bug #71063 (filter_input(INPUT_ENV, ..) does not work). (Reeze Xia)
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #70755 (fpm_log.c memory leak and buffer overflow). (Stas)
+- FTP:
+ . Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address).
+ (abrender at elitehosts dot com)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #70976 (Memory Read via gdImageRotateInterpolated Array Index
+ Out of Bounds). (CVE-2016-1903) (emmanuel dot law at gmail dot com)
+- Mbstring:
+ . Fixed bug #71066 (mb_send_mail: Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV,
+ Segmentation fault). (Laruence)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #71127 (Define in auto_prepend_file is overwrite). (Laruence)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #71178 (preg_replace with arrays creates [0] in replace array
+ if not already set). (Laruence)
+- Readline:
+ . Fixed bug #71094 (readline_completion_function corrupts static array on
+ second TAB). (Nikita)
-- SNMP:
- . Fixed bug #72479 (Use After Free Vulnerability in SNMP with GC and
- unserialize()). (Stas)
+- Session:
+ . Fixed bug #71122 (Session GC may not remove obsolete session data). (Yasuo)
- SPL:
- . Attempting to clone an SplDirectory object will throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Calling ArrayIterator::append() when iterating over an object will throw an
- instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Fixed bug #55701 (GlobIterator throws LogicException). (Valentin VĂLCIU)
+ . Fixed bug #71077 (ReflectionMethod for ArrayObject constructor returns
+ wrong number of parameters). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #71153 (Performance Degradation in ArrayIterator with large
+ arrays). (Nikita)
- Standard:
- . Implemented RFC: More precise float values. (Jakub Zelenka, Yasuo)
- . array_multisort now uses zend_sort instead zend_qsort. (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72505 (readfile() mangles files larger than 2G). (Cschneid)
- . assert() will throw a ParseError when evaluating a string given as the first
- argument if the PHP code is invalid instead of resulting in a catchable
- fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Calling forward_static_call() outside of a class scope will now throw an
- instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
-- Streams:
- . Fixed bug #72534 (stream_socket_get_name crashes). (Anatol)
-- Tidy:
- . Creating a tidyNode manually will now throw an instance of Error instead of
- resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #71270 (Heap BufferOver Flow in escapeshell functions).
+ (CVE-2016-1904) (emmanuel dot law at gmail dot com)
- . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . A circular reference when serializing will now throw an instance of Error
- instead of resulting in a fatal error. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #70661 (Use After Free Vulnerability in WDDX Packet
+ Deserialization). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70741 (Session WDDX Packet Deserialization Type Confusion
+ Vulnerability). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
-- Zip:
- . ZipArchive::addGlob() will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting
- in a fatal error if glob support is not available. (Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #70728 (Type Confusion Vulnerability in PHP_to_XMLRPC_worker).
+ (Julien)
-23 Jun 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha2
+17 Dec 2015, PHP 7.0.1
- Core:
- . Implemented RFC: Replace "Missing argument" warning with "Too few
- arguments" exception. (Dmitry)
- . Implemented RFC: Fix inconsistent behavior of $this variable. (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #72441 (Segmentation fault: RFC list_keys). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72395 (list() regression). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72373 (TypeError after Generator function w/declared return type
- finishes). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #69489 (tempnam() should raise notice if falling back to temp dir).
- (Laruence, Anatol)
- . Fixed UTF-8 and long path support on Windows. (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #71105 (Format String Vulnerability in Class Name Error Message).
+ (CVE-2015-8617) (andrew at jmpesp dot org)
+ . Fixed bug #70831 (Compile fails on system with 160 CPUs). (Daniel Axtens)
+ . Fixed bug #71006 (symbol referencing errors on Sparc/Solaris). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70997 (When using parentClass:: instead of parent::, static
+ context changed). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70970 (Segfault when combining error handler with output
+ buffering). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70967 (Weird error handling for __toString when Error is
+ thrown). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70958 (Invalid opcode while using ::class as trait method
+ paramater default value). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70944 (try{ } finally{} can create infinite chains of
+ exceptions). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70931 (Two errors messages are in conflict). (dams, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70904 (yield from incorrectly marks valid generator as
+ finished). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70899 (buildconf failure in extensions). (Bob, Reeze)
+ . Fixed bug #61751 (SAPI build problem on AIX: Undefined symbol:
+ php_register_internal_extensions). (Lior Kaplan)
+ . Fixed \int (or generally every scalar type name with leading backslash)
+ to not be accepted as type name. (Bob)
+ . Fixed exception not being thrown immediately into a generator yielding
+ from an array. (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70987 (static::class within Closure::call() causes segfault).
+ (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #71013 (Incorrect exception handler with yield from). (Bob)
+ . Fixed double free in error condition of format printer. (Bob)
+- CLI server:
+ . Fixed bug #71005 (Segfault in php_cli_server_dispatch_router()). (Adam)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #63740 (strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of
- week). (Derick)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #71020 (Use after free in Collator::sortWithSortKeys).
+ (CVE-2015-8616) (emmanuel dot law at gmail dot com, Laruence)
-- GD:
- . Fixed bug #43475 (Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #53640 (XBM images require width to be multiple of 8). (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #64641 (imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line). (cmb)
+- Mysqlnd:
+ . Fixed bug #68077 (LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE / open_basedir restriction).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68344 (MySQLi does not provide way to disable peer certificate
+ validation) by introducing MYSQLI_CLIENT_SSL_DONT_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT
+ connection flag. (Andrey)
- . Implemented FR #46600 ("_empty_" key in objects). (Jakub Zelenka)
+- OCI8:
+ . Fixed LOB implementation size_t/zend_long mismatch reported by gcov.
+ (Senthil)
-- Mbstring:
- . Fixed bug #72405 (mb_ereg_replace - mbc_to_code (oniguruma) -
- oob read access). (Laruence)
- . Fixed bug #72399 (Use-After-Free in MBString (search_re)). (Laruence)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #71024 (Unable to use PHP 7.0 x64 side-by-side with PHP 5.6 x32
+ on the same server). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70991 (zend_file_cache.c:710: error: array type has incomplete
+ element type). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70977 (Segmentation fault with opcache.huge_code_pages=1).
+ (Laruence)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Implemented FR #67304 (Added AEAD support [CCM and GCM modes] to
- openssl_encrypt and openssl_decrypt). (Jakub Zelenka)
- . Implemented error storing to the global queue and cleaning up the OpenSSL
- error queue (resolves bugs #68276 and #69882). (Jakub Zelenka)
+- PDO_Firebird:
+ . Fixed bug #60052 (Integer returned as a 64bit integer on X64_86). (Mariuz)
-- PCRE:
- . Upgraded to PCRE 8.39. (Anatol)
+- Phpdbg:
+ . Fixed stderr being written to stdout. (Bob)
-- Sqlite3:
- . Implemented FR #72385 (Update SQLite bundle lib(3.13.0)). (Laruence)
+- Reflection:
+ . Fixed bug #71018 (ReflectionProperty::setValue() behavior changed).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70982 (setStaticPropertyValue behaviors inconsistently with
+ 5.6). (Laruence)
-- Standard:
- . Added is_iterable() function. (Aaron Piotrowski)
- . Fixed bug #72306 (Heap overflow through proc_open and $env parameter).
+- Soap:
+ . Fixed bug #70993 (Array key references break argument processing).
-- Streams:
- . Fixed bug #72439 (Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation
- fault). (Laruence)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #71028 (Undefined index with ArrayIterator). (Laruence)
+- SQLite3:
+ . Fixed bug #71049 (SQLite3Stmt::execute() releases bound parameter instead
+ of internal buffer). (Laruence)
+- Standard:
+ . Fixed bug #70999 (php_random_bytes: called object is not a function).
+ (Scott)
+ . Fixed bug #70960 (ReflectionFunction for array_unique returns wrong number
+ of parameters). (Laruence)
+- Streams/Socket:
+ . Add IPV6_V6ONLY constant / make it usable in stream contexts. (Bob)
-09 Jun 2016, PHP 7.1.0alpha1
+03 Dec 2015, PHP 7.0.0
- Core:
- . Added nullable types. (Levi, Dmitry)
- . Added DFA optimization framework based on e-SSA form. (Dmitry, Nikita)
- . Added specialized opcode handlers (e.g. ZEND_ADD_LONG_NO_OVERFLOW).
- (Dmitry)
- . Change statement and fcall extension handlers to accept frame. (Joe)
- . Implemented safe execution timeout handling, that prevents random crashes
- after "Maximum execution time exceeded" error. (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #53432 (Assignment via string index access on an empty string
- converts to array). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #62210 (Exceptions can leak temporary variables). (Dmitry, Bob)
- . Fixed bug #62814 (It is possible to stiffen child class members visibility).
+ . Fixed bug #70947 (INI parser segfault with INI_SCANNER_TYPED). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70914 (zend_throw_or_error() format string vulnerability).
+ (Taoguang Chen)
+ . Fixed bug #70912 (Null ptr dereference instantiating class with invalid
+ array property). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70895, #70898 (null ptr deref and segfault with crafted calable).
+ (Anatol, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70249 (Segmentation fault while running PHPUnit tests on
+ phpBB 3.2-dev). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70805 (Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite).
+ (Dmitry, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70842 (Persistent Stream Segmentation Fault). (Caleb Champlin)
+ . Fixed bug #70862 (Several functions do not check return code of
+ php_stream_copy_to_mem()). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70863 (Incorect logic to increment_function for proxy objects).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70323 (Regression in zend_fetch_debug_backtrace() can cause
+ segfaults). (Aharvey, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70873 (Regression on private static properties access).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70748 (Segfault in ini_lex () at Zend/zend_ini_scanner.l).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70689 (Exception handler does not work as expected). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70430 (Stack buffer overflow in zend_language_parser()). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70782 (null ptr deref and segfault (zend_get_class_fetch_type)).
- . Fixed bug #69989 (Generators don't participate in cycle GC). (Nikita)
- . Fixed bug #70228 (Memleak if return in finally block). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #71266 (Missing separation of properties HT in foreach etc).
- (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #71604 (Aborted Generators continue after nested finally).
+ . Fixed bug #70785 (Infinite loop due to exception during identical
+ comparison). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70630 (Closure::call/bind() crash with ReflectionFunction->
+ getClosure()). (Dmitry, Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70662 (Duplicate array key via undefined index error handler).
- . Fixed bug #71572 (String offset assignment from an empty string inserts
- null byte). (Francois)
- . Fixed bug #71897 (ASCII 0x7F Delete control character permitted in
- identifiers). (Andrea)
- . Fixed bug #72188 (Nested try/finally blocks losing return value). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #72213 (Finally leaks on nested exceptions). (Dmitry, Nikita)
- . Implemented the RFC `Support Class Constant Visibility`. (Sean DuBois,
- Reeze Xia, Dmitry)
- . Added void return type. (Andrea)
- . Added support for negative string offsets in string offset syntax and
- various string functions. (Francois)
- . Added a form of the list() construct where keys can be specified. (Andrea)
- . Number operators taking numeric strings now emit E_NOTICEs or E_WARNINGs
- when given malformed numeric strings. (Andrea)
- . (int), intval() where $base is 10 or unspecified, settype(), decbin(),
- decoct(), dechex(), integer operators and other conversions now always
- respect scientific notation in numeric strings. (Andrea)
- . Implemented the RFC `Catching multiple exception types`. (Bronislaw Bialek,
- Pierrick)
- . Raise a compile-time warning on octal escape sequence overflow. (Sara)
- . Added [] = as alternative construct to list() =. (Bob)
- . Implemented logging to syslog with dynamic error levels. (Jani Ollikainen)
- . Fixed bug #47517 (php-cgi.exe missing UAC manifest).
- (maxdax15801 at users noreply github com)
+ . Fixed bug #70681 (Segfault when binding $this of internal instance method
+ to null). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70685 (Segfault for getClosure() internal method rebind with
+ invalid $this). (Nikita)
+ . Added zend_internal_function.reserved[] fields. (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70557 (Memleak on return type verifying failed). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70555 (fun_get_arg() on unsetted vars return UNKNOW). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70548 (Redundant information printed in case of uncaught engine
+ exception). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70547 (unsetting function variables corrupts backtrace).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70528 (assert() with instanceof adds apostrophes around class
+ name). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70481 (Memory leak in auto_global_copy_ctor() in ZTS build).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70431 (Memory leak in php_ini.c). (Senthil, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70478 (**= does no longer work). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70398 (SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault zend_ast_destroy_ex).
+ (Dmitry, Bob, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70332 (Wrong behavior while returning reference on object).
+ (Laruence, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70300 (Syntactical inconsistency with new group use syntax).
+ (marcio dot web2 at gmail dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70321 (Magic getter breaks reference to array property).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70187 (Notice: unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized
+ data). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70145 (From field incorrectly parsed from headers). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70370 (Bundled libtool.m4 doesn't handle FreeBSD 10 when
+ building extensions). (Adam)
+ . Fixed bug causing exception traces with anon classes to be truncated. (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70397 (Segmentation fault when using Closure::call and yield).
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70299 (Memleak while assigning object offsetGet result).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70288 (Apache crash related to ZEND_SEND_REF). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70262 (Accessing array crashes PHP 7.0beta3).
+ (Laruence, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70258 (Segfault if do_resize fails to allocated memory).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70253 (segfault at _efree () in zend_alloc.c:1389). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70240 (Segfault when doing unset($var());). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70223 (Incrementing value returned by magic getter). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70215 (Segfault when __invoke is static). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70207 (Finally is broken with opcache). (Laruence, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70173 (ZVAL_COPY_VALUE_EX broken for 32bit Solaris Sparc).
+ (Laruence, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69487 (SAPI may truncate POST data). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70198 (Checking liveness does not work as expected).
+ (Shafreeck Sea, Anatol Belski)
+ . Fixed bug #70241,#70293 (Skipped assertions affect Generator returns). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70239 (Creating a huge array doesn't result in exhausted,
+ but segfault). (Laruence, Anatol)
+ . Fixed "finally" issues. (Nikita, Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70098 (Real memory usage doesn't decrease). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70159 (__CLASS__ is lost in closures). (Julien)
+ . Fixed bug #70156 (Segfault in zend_find_alias_name). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70124 (null ptr deref / seg fault in ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70117 (Unexpected return type error). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70106 (Inheritance by anonymous class). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #69674 (SIGSEGV array.c:953). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70164 (__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ under namespace is not defined).
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70108 (sometimes empty $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70179 ($this refcount issue). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #69896 ('asm' operand has impossible constraints). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70183 (null pointer deref (segfault) in zend_eval_const_expr).
+ (Hugh Davenport)
+ . Fixed bug #70182 (Segfault in ZEND_ASSIGN_DIV_SPEC_CV_UNUSED_HANDLER).
+ (Hugh Davenport)
+ . Fixed bug #69793 (Remotely triggerable stack exhaustion via recursive
+ method calls). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #69892 (Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key
+ truncation). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70121 (unserialize() could lead to unexpected methods execution
+ / NULL pointer deref). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #70089 (segfault at ZEND_FETCH_DIM_W_SPEC_VAR_CONST_HANDLER ()).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70057 (Build failure on 32-bit Mac OS X 10.6.8: recursive
+ inlining). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70012 (Exception lost with nested finally block). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69996 (Changing the property of a cloned object affects the
+ original). (Dmitry, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70083 (Use after free with assign by ref to overloaded objects).
+ (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70006 (cli - function with default arg = STDOUT crash output).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69521 (Segfault in gc_collect_cycles()).
+ (arjen at react dot com, Laruence)
+ . Improved zend_string API. (Francois Laupretre)
+ . Fixed bug #69955 (Segfault when trying to combine [] and assign-op on
+ ArrayAccess object). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69957 (Different ways of handling div/mod/intdiv). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #69900 (Too long timeout on pipes). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #69872 (uninitialised value in strtr with array). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69868 (Invalid read of size 1 in zend_compile_short_circuiting).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69849 (Broken output of apache_request_headers). (Kalle)
+ . Fixed bug #69840 (iconv_substr() doesn't work with UTF-16BE). (Kalle)
+ . Fixed bug #69823 (PHP 7.0.0alpha1 segmentation fault when exactly 33
+ extensions are loaded). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69805 (null ptr deref and seg fault in zend_resolve_class_name).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69802 (Reflection on Closure::__invoke borks type hint class
+ name). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #69761 (Serialization of anonymous classes should be prevented).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69551 (parse_ini_file() and parse_ini_string() segmentation
+ fault). (Christoph M. Becker)
+ . Fixed bug #69781 (phpinfo() reports Professional Editions of Windows
+ 7/8/8.1/10 as "Business"). (Christian Wenz)
+ . Fixed bug #69835 (phpinfo() does not report many Windows SKUs).
+ (Christian Wenz)
+ . Fixed bug #69889 (Null coalesce operator doesn't work for string offsets).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69891 (Unexpected array comparison result). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69892 (Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key
+ truncation). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69893 (Strict comparison between integer and empty string keys
+ crashes). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69767 (Default parameter value with wrong type segfaults).
+ (cmb, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69756 (Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency
+ ? with ===). (Dmitry, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69758 (Item added to array not being removed by array_pop/shift
+ ). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68475 (Add support for $callable() sytnax with 'Class::method').
+ (Julien, Aaron Piotrowski)
+ . Fixed bug #69485 (Double free on zend_list_dtor). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69427 (Segfault on magic method __call of private method in
+ superclass). (Laruence)
+ . Improved __call() and __callStatic() magic method handling. Now they are
+ called in a stackless way using ZEND_CALL_TRAMPOLINE opcode, without
+ additional stack frame. (Laruence, Dmitry)
+ . Optimized strings concatenation. (Dmitry, Laruence)
+ . Fixed weird operators behavior. Division by zero now emits warning and
+ returns +/-INF, modulo by zero and intdid() throws an exception, shifts
+ by negative offset throw exceptions. Compile-time evaluation of division
+ by zero is disabled. (Dmitry, Andrea, Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69371 (Hash table collision leads to inaccessible array keys).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68933 (Invalid read of size 8 in zend_std_read_property).
+ (Laruence, arjen at react dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #68252 (segfault in Zend/zend_hash.c in function
+ _zend_hash_del_el). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #65598 (Closure executed via static autoload incorrectly marked as
+ static). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #66811 (Cannot access static::class in lambda, writen outside of a
+ class). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69568 (call a private function in closure failed). (Nikita)
+ . Added PHP_INT_MIN constant. (Andrea)
+ . Added Closure::call() method. (Andrea)
+ . Fixed bug #67959 (Segfault when calling phpversion('spl')). (Florian)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Catchable "Call to a member function bar() on a
+ non-object"`. (Timm)
+ . Added options parameter for unserialize allowing to specify acceptable
+ classes ( (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #63734 (Garbage collector can free zvals that are still
+ referenced). (Dmitry)
+ . Removed ZEND_ACC_FINAL_CLASS, promoting ZEND_ACC_FINAL as final class
+ modifier. (Guilherme Blanco)
+ . is_long() & is_integer() is now an alias of is_int(). (Kalle)
+ . Implemented FR #55467 (phpinfo: PHP Variables with $ and single quotes). (Kalle)
+ . Added ?? operator. (Andrea)
+ . Added <=> operator. (Andrea)
+ . Added \u{xxxxx} Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax. (Andrea)
+ . Fixed oversight where define() did not support arrays yet const syntax did.
+ (Andrea, Dmitry)
+ . Use "integer" and "float" instead of "long" and "double" in ZPP, type hint
+ and conversion error messages. (Andrea)
+ . Implemented FR #55428 (E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR when output buffering in output
+ buffering handler). (Kalle)
+ . Removed scoped calls of non-static methods from an incompatible $this
+ context. (Nikita)
+ . Removed support for #-style comments in ini files. (Nikita)
+ . Removed support for assigning the result of new by reference. (Nikita)
+ . Invalid octal literals in source code now produce compile errors, fixes
+ PHPSadness #31. (Andrea)
+ . Removed dl() function on fpm-fcgi. (Nikita)
+ . Removed support for hexadecimal numeric strings. (Nikita)
+ . Removed obsolete extensions and SAPIs. See the full list in UPGRADING. (Anatol)
+ . Added NULL byte protection to exec, system and passthru. (Yasuo)
+ . Added error_clear_last() function. (Reeze Xia)
+ . Fixed bug #68797 (Number 2.2250738585072012e-308 converted incorrectly).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Improved zend_qsort(using hybrid sorting algo) for better performance,
+ and also renamed zend_qsort to zend_sort. (Laruence)
+ . Added stable sorting algo zend_insert_sort. (Laruence)
+ . Improved zend_memnchr(using sunday algo) for better performance. (Laruence)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Scalar Type Decalarations v0.5`. (Anthony)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Group Use Declarations`. (Marcio)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Continue Output Buffering`. (Mike)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Constructor behaviour of internal classes`. (Dan, Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Fix "foreach" behavior`. (Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Generator Delegation`. (Bob)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Anonymous Class Support`. (Joe, Nikita, Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Context Sensitive Lexer`. (Marcio Almada)
+ . Fixed bug #69511 (Off-by-one buffer overflow in php_sys_readlink).
+ (Jan Starke, Anatol)
+- CLI server:
+ . Fixed bug #68291 (404 on urls with '+'). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66606 (Sets HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE but not CONTENT_TYPE).
+ (wusuopu, cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70264 (CLI server directory traversal). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69655 (php -S changes MKCALENDAR request method to MKCOL). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #64878 (304 responses return Content-Type header). (cmb)
+ . Refactor MIME type handling to use a hash table instead of linear search.
+ (Adam)
+ . Update the MIME type list from the one shipped by Apache HTTPD. (Adam)
+ . Added support for SEARCH WebDav method. (Mats Lindh)
-- Apache2handler:
- . Enable per-module logging in Apache 2.4+. (Martin Vobruba)
+- COM:
+ . Fixed bug #69939 (Casting object to bool returns false). (Kalle)
-- CLI Server:
- . Fixed bug #71276 (Built-in webserver does not send Date header).
- (see at seos fr)
+- Curl:
+ . Fixed bug #70330 (Segmentation Fault with multiple "curl_copy_handle").
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70163 (curl_setopt_array() type confusion). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70065 (curl_getinfo() returns corrupted values). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #69831 (Segmentation fault in curl_getinfo). (im dot denisenko at
+ yahoo dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #68937 (Segfault in curl_multi_exec). (Laruence)
+ . Removed support for unsafe file uploads. (Nikita)
+- Date:
+ . Fixed bug #70245 (strtotime does not emit warning when 2nd parameter is
+ object or string). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70266 (DateInterval::__construct.interval_spec is not supposed to
+ be optional). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70277 (new DateTimeZone($foo) is ignoring text after null byte).
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed day_of_week function as it could sometimes return negative values
+ internally. (Derick)
+ . Removed $is_dst parameter from mktime() and gmmktime(). (Nikita)
+ . Removed date.timezone warning
+ ( (Bob)
+ . Added "v" DateTime format modifier to get the 3-digit version of fraction
+ of seconds. (Mariano Iglesias)
+ . Implemented FR #69089 (Added DateTime::RFC3339_EXTENDED to output in
+ RFC3339 Extended format which includes fraction of seconds). (Mariano
+ Iglesias)
+- DBA:
+ . Fixed bug #62490 (dba_delete returns true on missing item (inifile)). (Mike)
+ . Fixed bug #68711 (useless comparisons). (bugreports at internot dot info)
+- DOM:
+ . Fixed bug #70558 ("Couldn't fetch" error in
+ DOMDocument::registerNodeClass()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70001 (Assigning to DOMNode::textContent does additional entity
+ encoding). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69846 (Segmenation fault (access violation) when iterating over
+ DOMNodeList). (Anatol Belski)
+ . Made DOMNode::textContent writeable. (Tjerk)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #70385 (Buffer over-read in exif_read_data with TIFF IFD tag byte
+ value of 32 bytes). (Stas)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #66242 (libmagic: don't assume char is signed). (ArdB)
+- Filter:
+ . New FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN and better RFC conformance for FILTER_VALIDATE_URL. (Kevin Dunglas)
+ . Fixed bug #67167 (Wrong return value from FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN,
+- FPM:
+ . Fixed bug #70538 ("php-fpm -i" crashes). (rainer dot jung at
+ kippdata dot de)
+ . Fixed bug #70279 (HTTP Authorization Header is sometimes passed to newer
+ reqeusts). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68945 (Unknown admin values segfault pools). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #65933 (Cannot specify config lines longer than 1024 bytes). (Chris Wright)
+ . Implemented FR #67106 (Split main fpm config). (Elan Ruusamäe, Remi)
- FTP:
- . Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address).
- (abrender at elitehosts dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #69082 (FTPS support on Windows). (Anatol)
-- Intl:
- . Added IntlTimeZone::getWindowsID() and
- IntlTimeZone::getIDForWindowsID(). (Sara)
- . Fixed bug #69374 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong utf8 value).
- (lenhatanh86 at gmail com)
- . Fixed bug #69398 (IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong value when
- time style is NONE). (lenhatanh86 at gmail com)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #53156 (imagerectangle problem with point ordering). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66387 (Stack overflow with imagefilltoborder). (CVE-2015-8874)
+ (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70102 (imagecreatefromwebm() shifts colors). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66590 (imagewebp() doesn't pad to even length). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66882 (imagerotate by -90 degrees truncates image by 1px). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70064 (imagescale(..., IMG_BICUBIC) leaks memory). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69024 (imagescale segfault with palette based image). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #53154 (Zero-height rectangle has whiskers). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #67447 (imagecrop() add a black line when cropping). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #68714 (copy 'n paste error). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #66339 (PHP segfaults in imagexbm). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70047 (gd_info() doesn't report WebP support). (cmb)
+ . Replace libvpx with libwebp for bundled libgd. (cmb, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #61221 (imagegammacorrect function loses alpha channel). (cmb)
+ . Made fontFetch's path parser thread-safe. (Sara)
+ . Removed T1Lib support. (Kalle)
+- GMP:
+ . Fixed bug #70284 (Use after free vulnerability in unserialize() with GMP).
+ (stas)
+- hash:
+ . Fixed bug #70312 (HAVAL gives wrong hashes in specific cases). (letsgolee
+ at naver dot com)
-- Hash:
- . Added SHA3 fixed mode algorithms (224, 256, 384, and 512 bit). (Sara)
- . Added SHA512/256 and SHA512/224 algorithms. (Sara)
+- IMAP:
+ . Fixed bug #70158 (Building with static imap fails). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69998 (curl multi leaking memory). (Pierrick)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #70453 (IntlChar::foldCase() incorrect arguments and missing
+ constants). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70454 (IntlChar::forDigit second parameter should be optional).
+ (cmb, colinodell)
+ . Removed deprecated aliases datefmt_set_timezone_id() and
+ IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID(). (Nikita)
- . Exported JSON parser API including json_parser_method that can be used
- for implementing custom logic when parsing JSON. (Jakub Zelenka)
- . Escaped U+2028 and U+2029 when JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE is supplied as
- json_encode options and added JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS to restore
- the previous behaviour. (Eddie Kohler)
+ . Fixed bug #62010 (json_decode produces invalid byte-sequences).
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #68546 (json_decode() Fatal error: Cannot access property
+ started with '\0'). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Replace non-free JSON parser with a parser from Jsond extension, fixes #63520
+ (JSON extension includes a problematic license statement). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #68938 (json_decode() decodes empty string without error).
+ (jeremy at bat-country dot us)
-- PDO_Firebird:
- . Fixed bug #60052 (Integer returned as a 64bit integer on X86_64). (Mariuz)
+- LDAP:
+ . Fixed bug #47222 (Implement LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE). (Andreas Heigl)
-- Pgsql:
- . Implemented FR #31021 (pg_last_notice() is needed to get all notice
- messages). (Yasuo)
- . Implemented FR #48532 (Allow pg_fetch_all() to index numerically). (Yasuo)
+- LiteSpeed:
+ . Updated LiteSpeed SAPI code from V5.5 to V6.6. (George Wang)
+- libxml:
+ . Fixed handling of big lines in error messages with libxml >= 2.9.0.
+ (Christoph M. Becker)
+- Mcrypt:
+ . Fixed bug #70625 (mcrypt_encrypt() won't return data when no IV was
+ specified under RC4). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69833 (mcrypt fd caching not working). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed possible read after end of buffer and use after free. (Dmitry)
+ . Removed mcrypt_generic_end() alias. (Nikita)
+ . Removed mcrypt_ecb(), mcrypt_cbc(), mcrypt_cfb(), mcrypt_ofb(). (Nikita)
+- Mysqli:
+ . Fixed bug #32490 (constructor of mysqli has wrong name). (cmb)
+- Mysqlnd:
+ . Fixed bug #70949 (SQL Result Sets With NULL Can Cause Fatal Memory Errors).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70384 (mysqli_real_query():Unknown type 245 sent by the server).
+ (Andrey)
+ . Fixed bug #70456 (mysqlnd doesn't activate TCP keep-alive when connecting to
+ a server). (Sergei Turchanov)
+ . Fixed bug #70572 segfault in mysqlnd_connect. (Andrey, Remi)
+ . Fixed Bug #69796 (mysqli_stmt::fetch doesn't assign null values to
+ bound variables). (Laruence)
+- OCI8:
+ . Fixed memory leak with LOBs. (Senthil)
+ . Fixed bug #68298 (OCI int overflow) (Senthil).
+ . Corrected oci8 hash destructors to prevent segfaults, and a few other fixes.
+ (Cameron Porter)
+- ODBC:
+ . Fixed bug #69975 (PHP segfaults when accessing nvarchar(max) defined
+ columns). (CVE-2015-8879) (cmb)
+- Opcache:
+ . Fixed bug #70656 (require() statement broken after opcache_reset() or a
+ few hours of use). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70843 (Segmentation fault on MacOSX with
+ opcache.file_cache_only=1). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70724 (Undefined Symbols from on Mac OS X 10.10).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed compatibility with Windows 10 (see also bug #70652). (Anatol)
+ . Attmpt to fix "Unable to reattach to base address" problem. (Matt Ficken)
+ . Fixed bug #70423 (Warning Internal error: wrong size calculation). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70237 (Empty while and do-while segmentation fault with opcode
+ on CLI enabled). (Dmitry, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70111 (Segfault when a function uses both an explicit return
+ type and an explicit cast). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70058 (Build fails when building for i386). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70022 (Crash with opcache using opcache.file_cache_only=1).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Removed opcache.load_comments configuration directive. Now doc comments
+ loading costs nothing and always enabled. (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #69838 (Wrong size calculation for function table). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #69688 (segfault with eval and opcache fast shutdown).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Added experimental (disabled by default) file based opcode cache.
+ (Dmitry, Laruence, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug with try blocks being removed when extended_info opcode
+ generation is turned on. (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68644 (strlen incorrect : mbstring + func_overload=2 +UTF-8
+ + Opcache). (Laruence)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Require at least OpenSSL version 0.9.8. (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #68312 (Lookup for openssl.cnf causes a message box). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #55259 (openssl extension does not get the DH parameters from
+ DH key resource). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #70395 (Missing ARG_INFO for openssl_seal()). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #60632 (openssl_seal fails with AES). (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Implemented FR #70438 (Add IV parameter for openssl_seal and openssl_open)
+ (Jakub Zelenka)
+ . Fixed bug #70014 (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() is not cryptographically
+ secure). (CVE-2015-8867) (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #69882 (OpenSSL error "key values mismatch" after
+ openssl_pkcs12_read with extra cert). (Tomasz Sawicki)
+ . Added "alpn_protocols" SSL context option allowing encrypted client/server
+ streams to negotiate alternative protocols using the ALPN TLS extension when
+ built against OpenSSL 1.0.2 or newer. Negotiated protocol information is
+ accessible through stream_get_meta_data() output.
+ . Removed "CN_match" and "SNI_server_name" SSL context options. Use automatic
+ detection or the "peer_name" option instead. (Nikita)
+- Pcntl:
+ . Fixed bug #70386 (Can't compile on NetBSD because of missing WCONTINUED
+ and WIFCONTINUED). (Matteo)
+ . Fixed bug #60509 (pcntl_signal doesn't decrease ref-count of old handler
+ when setting SIG_DFL). (Julien)
+ . Implemented FR #68505 (Added wifcontinued and wcontinued). (xilon-jul)
+ . Added rusage support to pcntl_wait() and pcntl_waitpid(). (Anton Stepanenko,
+ Tony)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #70232 (Incorrect bump-along behavior with \K and empty string
+ match). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70345 (Multiple vulnerabilities related to PCRE functions).
+ (Anatol Belski)
+ . Fixed bug #70232 (Incorrect bump-along behavior with \K and empty string
+ match). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #53823 (preg_replace: * qualifier on unicode replace garbles the
+ string). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69864 (Segfault in preg_replace_callback). (cmb, ab)
+- PDO:
+ . Fixed bug #70861 (Segmentation fault in pdo_parse_params() during Drupal 8
+ test suite). (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70389 (PDO constructor changes unrelated variables). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70272 (Segfault in pdo_mysql). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70221 (persistent sqlite connection + custom function
+ segfaults). (Laruence)
+ . Removed support for the /e (PREG_REPLACE_EVAL) modifier. (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #59450 (./configure fails with "Cannot find php_pdo_driver.h").
+ (maxime dot besson at smile dot fr)
+- PDO_DBlib:
+ . Fixed bug #69757 (Segmentation fault on nextRowset).
+ (miracle at rpz dot name)
+- PDO_mysql:
+ . Fixed bug #68424 (Add new PDO mysql connection attr to control multi
+ statements option). (peter dot wolanin at acquia dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70308 (PDO::ATTR_PREFETCH is ignored). (Chris Jones)
+- PDO_pgsql:
+ . Fixed bug #69752 (PDOStatement::execute() leaks memory with DML
+ Statements when closeCuror() is u). (Philip Hofstetter)
+- Phar:
+ . Fixed bug #69720 (Null pointer dereference in phar_get_fp_offset()). (Stas)
+ . FIxed bug #70433 (Uninitialized pointer in phar_make_dirstream when zip
+ entry filename is "/"). (Stas)
+ . Improved fix for bug #69441. (Anatol Belski)
+ . Fixed bug #70019 (Files extracted from archive may be placed outside of
+ destination directory). (Anatol Belski)
+- Phpdbg:
+ . Fixed bug #70614 (incorrect exit code in -rr mode with Exceptions). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70532 (phpdbg must respect set_exception_handler). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70531 (Run and quit mode (-qrr) should not fallback to
+ interactive mode). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70533 (Help overview (-h) does not rpint anything under Windows).
+ (Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #70449 (PHP won't compile on 10.4 and 10.5 because of missing
+ constants). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70214 (FASYNC not defined, needs sys/file.h include). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70138 (Segfault when displaying memory leaks). (Bob)
- Reflection:
- . Fix #72209 (ReflectionProperty::getValue() doesn't fail if object doesn't match type). (Joe)
+ . Fixed bug #70650 (Wrong docblock assignment). (Marcio)
+ . Fixed bug #70674 (ReflectionFunction::getClosure() leaks memory when used
+ for internal functions). (Dmitry, Bob)
+ . Fixed bug causing bogus traces for ReflectionGenerator::getTrace(). (Bob)
+ . Fixed inheritance chain of Reflector interface. (Tjerk)
+ . Added ReflectionGenerator class. (Bob)
+ . Added reflection support for return types and type declarations. (Sara,
+ Matteo)
- Session:
- . Improved fix for bug #68063 (Empty session IDs do still start sessions).
+ . Fixed bug #70876 (Segmentation fault when regenerating session id with
+ strict mode). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70529 (Session read causes "String is not zero-terminated" error).
- . Fixed bug #71038 (session_start() returns TRUE on failure).
- Session save handlers must return 'string' always for successful read.
- i.e. Non-existing session read must return empty string. PHP 7.0 is made
- not to tolerate buggy return value. (Yasuo)
- . Fixed bug #71394 (session_regenerate_id() must close opened session on
- errors). (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #70013 (Reference to $_SESSION is lost after a call to
+ session_regenerate_id()). (Yasuo)
+ . Fixed bug #69952 (Data integrity issues accessing superglobals by
+ reference). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #67694 (Regression in session_regenerate_id()). (Tjerk)
+ . Fixed bug #68941 ( is a bash-script). (bugzilla at, Yasuo)
+- SOAP:
+ . Fixed bug #70940 (Segfault in soap / type_to_string). (Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #70900 (SoapClient systematic out of memory error). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70875 (Segmentation fault if wsdl has no targetNamespace
+ attribute). (Matteo)
+ . Fixed bug #70715 (Segmentation fault inside soap client). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70709 (SOAP Client generates Segfault). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70388 (SOAP serialize_function_call() type confusion / RCE).
+ (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #70081 (SoapClient info leak / null pointer dereference via
+ multiple type confusions). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #70079 (Segmentation fault after more than 100 SoapClient
+ calls). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70032 (make_http_soap_request calls
+ zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(,,,NULL). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #68361 (Segmentation fault on SoapClient::__getTypes). (Laruence)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #70959 (ArrayObject unserialize does not restore protected
+ fields). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70853 (SplFixedArray throws exception when using ref variable
+ as index). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70868 (PCRE JIT and pattern reuse segfault). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70730 (Incorrect ArrayObject serialization if unset is called
+ in serialize()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70573 (Cloning SplPriorityQueue leads to memory leaks). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70303 (Incorrect constructor reflection for ArrayObject). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70068 (Dangling pointer in the unserialization of ArrayObject
+ items). (sean.heelan)
+ . Fixed bug #70166 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
+ SPLArrayObject). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70168 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
+ SplObjectStorage). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70169 (Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize() with
+ SplDoublyLinkedList). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70053 (MutlitpleIterator array-keys incompatible change in
+ PHP 7). (Tjerk)
+ . Fixed bug #69970 (Use-after-free vulnerability in
+ spl_recursive_it_move_forward_ex()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69845 (ArrayObject with ARRAY_AS_PROPS broken). (Dmitry)
+ . Changed ArrayIterator implementation using zend_hash_iterator_... API.
+ Allowed modification of iterated ArrayObject using the same behavior
+ as proposed in `Fix "foreach" behavior`. Removed "Array was modified
+ outside object and internal position is no longer valid" hack. (Dmitry)
+ . Implemented FR #67886 (SplPriorityQueue/SplHeap doesn't expose extractFlags
+ nor curruption state). (Julien)
+ . Fixed bug #66405 (RecursiveDirectoryIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME
+ breaks the RecursiveIterator). (Paul Garvin)
- SQLite3:
- . Implemented FR #71159 (Upgraded bundled SQLite lib to 3.9.2). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70571 (Memory leak in sqlite3_do_callback). (Adam)
+ . Fixed bug #69972 (Use-after-free vulnerability in
+ sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk()). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69897 (segfault when manually constructing SQLite3Result).
+ (Kalle)
+ . Fixed bug #68260 (SQLite3Result::fetchArray declares wrong
+ required_num_args). (Julien)
- Standard:
- . Fixed bug #71100 (long2ip() doesn't accept integers in strict mode).
+ . Fixed count on symbol tables. (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70963 (Unserialize shows UNKNOWN in result). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70910 (extract() breaks variable references). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70808 (array_merge_recursive corrupts memory of unset items).
- . Implemented FR #55716 (Add an option to pass a custom stream context to
- get_headers()). (Ferenc)
- . Additional validation for parse_url() for login/pass components).
- (Ilia) (Julien)
- . Implemented FR #69359 (Provide a way to fetch the current environment
- variables). (Ferenc)
- . unpack() function accepts an additional optional argument $offset. (Dmitry)
- . Implemented #51879 stream context socket option tcp_nodelay (Joe)
+ . Fixed bug #70667 (strtr() causes invalid writes and a crashes). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #70668 (array_keys() doesn't respect references when $strict is
+ true). (Bob, Dmitry)
+ . Implemented the RFC `Random Functions Throwing Exceptions in PHP 7`.
+ (Sammy Kaye Powers, Anthony)
+ . Fixed bug #70487 (pack('x') produces an error). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #70342 (changing configuration with ignore_user_abort(true) isn't
+ working). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70295 (Segmentation fault with setrawcookie). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #67131 (setcookie() conditional for empty values not met). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70365 (Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize() with
+ SplObjectStorage). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70366 (Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize() with
+ SplDoublyLinkedList). (taoguangchen at icloud dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #70250 (extract() turns array elements to references).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70211 (php 7 ZEND_HASH_IF_FULL_DO_RESIZE use after free).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #70208 (Assert breaking access on objects). (Bob)
+ . Fixed bug #70140 (str_ireplace/php_string_tolower - Arbitrary Code
+ Execution). (CVE-2015-6527) (Laruence)
+ . Implemented FR #70112 (Allow "dirname" to go up various times). (Remi)
+ . Fixed bug #36365 (scandir duplicates file name at every 65535th file). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70096 (Repeated iptcembed() adds superfluous FF bytes). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70018 (exec does not strip all whitespace). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69983 (get_browser fails with user agent of null).
+ (Kalle, cmb, Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69976 (Unable to parse "all" urls with colon char). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #69768 (escapeshell*() doesn't cater to !). (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #62922 (Truncating entire string should result in string).
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #69723 (Passing parameters by reference and array_column).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69523 (Cookie name cannot be empty). (Christoph M. Becker)
+ . Fixed bug #69325 (php_copy_file_ex does not pass the argument).
+ (imbolk at gmail dot com)
+ . Fixed bug #69299 (Regression in array_filter's $flag argument in PHP 7).
+ (Laruence)
+ . Removed call_user_method() and call_user_method_array() functions. (Kalle)
+ . Fixed user session handlers (See rfc:session.user.return-value). (Sara)
+ . Added intdiv() function. (Andrea)
+ . Improved precision of log() function for base 2 and 10. (Marc Bennewitz)
+ . Remove string category support in setlocale(). (Nikita)
+ . Remove set_magic_quotes_runtime() and its alias magic_quotes_runtime().
+ (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #65272 (flock() out parameter not set correctly in windows).
+ (Daniel Lowrey)
+ . Added preg_replace_callback_array function. (Wei Dai)
+ . Deprecated salt option to password_hash. (Anthony)
+ . Fixed bug #69686 (password_verify reports back error on PHP7 will null
+ string). (Anthony)
+ . Added Windows support for getrusage(). (Kalle)
+ . Removed hardcoded limit on number of pipes in proc_open(). (Tony)
+- Streams:
+ . Fixed bug #70361 (HTTP stream wrapper doesn't close keep-alive connections).
+ (Niklas Keller)
+ . Fixed bug #68532 (convert.base64-encode omits padding bytes).
+ (blaesius at krumedia dot de)
+ . Removed set_socket_blocking() in favor of its alias stream_set_blocking().
+ (Nikita)
+- Tokenizer:
+ . Fixed bug #69430 (token_get_all has new irrecoverable errors). (Nikita)
+- XMLReader:
+ . Fixed bug #70309 (XmlReader read generates extra output). (Anatol)
-<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>
+ . Fixed bug #70526 (xmlrpc_set_type returns false on success). (Laruence)
+- XSL:
+ . Fixed bug #70678 (PHP7 returns true when false is expected). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #70535 (XSLT: free(): invalid pointer). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed bug #69782 (NULL pointer dereference). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #64776 (The XSLT extension is not thread safe). (Mike)
+ . Removed xsl.security_prefs ini option. (Nikita)
+- Zlib:
+ . Added deflate_init(), deflate_add(), inflate_init(), inflate_add()
+ functions allowing incremental/streaming compression/decompression.
+ (Daniel Lowrey & Bob Weinand)
+- Zip:
+ . Fixed bug #70322 (ZipArchive::close() doesn't indicate errors).
+ (CVE-2014-9767) (cmb)
+ . Fixed bug #70350 (ZipArchive::extractTo allows for directory traversal when
+ creating directories). (neal at fb dot com)
+ . Added ZipArchive::setCompressionName and ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex
+ methods. (Remi, Cedric Delmas)
+ . Update bundled libzip to 1.0.1. (Remi, Anatol)
+ . Fixed bug #67161 (ZipArchive::getStream() returns NULL for certain file).
+ (Christoph M. Becker)