--} DropTopoGeometryColumn
+-- {
+-- populate_topology_layer
+-- Register missing layers into topology.topology, looking at
+-- their constraints.
+-- The function doesn't attempt to determine if a layer is
+-- hierarchical or primitive, but always assumes primitive.
+-- }{
+DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS topology.populate_topology_layer();
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION topology.populate_topology_layer()
+ RETURNS TABLE(schema_name text, table_name text, feature_column text)
+ INSERT INTO topology.layer
+ WITH checks AS (
+ n.nspname sch, r.relname tab,
+ replace(c.conname, 'check_topogeom_', '') col,
+ --c.consrc src,
+ regexp_matches(c.consrc,
+ '\.topology_id = (\d+).*\.layer_id = (\d+).*\.type = (\d+)') inf
+ FROM pg_constraint c, pg_class r, pg_namespace n
+ WHERE c.conname LIKE 'check_topogeom_%'
+ AND r.oid = c.conrelid
+ AND n.oid = r.relnamespace
+ ), newrows AS (
+ SELECT inf[1]::int as topology_id,
+ inf[2]::int as layer_id,
+ sch, tab, col, inf[3]::int as feature_type --, src
+ FROM checks c
+ SELECT * FROM topology.layer l
+ WHERE l.schema_name = c.sch
+ AND l.table_name = c.tab
+ AND l.feature_column = c.col
+ )
+ )
+ SELECT topology_id, layer_id, sch,
+ tab, col, feature_type,
+ 0, NULL
+ FROM newrows RETURNING schema_name,table_name,feature_column;
-- CreateTopoGeom(topology_name, topogeom_type, layer_id, elements)