prefix pickup command with 'm' to force menu of all objects present
provide feedback which states the correct command when players try to use
'R' or 'P' for armour, or use 'W' or 'T' for accessories
+optional #portdebug wizard mode command to invoke port-specific debug routines
#define PORT_HELP "porthelp"
+#ifdef WIN32CON
+#define PORT_DEBUG /* include ability to debug international keyboard issues */
/* The following is needed for prototypes of certain functions */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <process.h> /* Provides prototypes of exit(), spawn() */
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mon_chain, (winid, const char *, struct monst *, long *, long *));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(contained, (winid, const char *, long *, long *));
STATIC_PTR int NDECL(wiz_show_stats);
+# ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+STATIC_DCL int NDECL(wiz_port_debug);
+# endif
# endif
STATIC_PTR int NDECL(enter_explore_mode);
STATIC_PTR int NDECL(doattributes);
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
+#ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+ {(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{(char *)0, (char *)0, donull, TRUE},
{"monpolycontrol", "control monster polymorphs", wiz_mon_polycontrol, TRUE},
{"panic", "test panic routine (fatal to game)", wiz_panic, TRUE},
{"polyself", "polymorph self", wiz_polyself, TRUE},
+#ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+ {"portdebug", "wizard port debug command", wiz_port_debug, TRUE},
{"seenv", "show seen vectors", wiz_show_seenv, TRUE},
{"stats", "show memory statistics", wiz_show_stats, TRUE},
{"timeout", "look at timeout queue", wiz_timeout_queue, TRUE},
return 0;
+#ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+# ifdef WIN32CON
+extern void NDECL(win32con_debug_keystrokes);
+# endif
+ int n, k;
+ winid win;
+ anything any;
+ int item = 'a';
+ int num_menu_selections;
+ struct menu_selection_struct {
+ char *menutext;
+ void NDECL((*fn));
+ } menu_selections[] = {
+#ifdef WIN32CON
+ {"test win32 keystrokes", win32con_debug_keystrokes},
+ {(char *)0, (void NDECL((*)))0} /* array terminator */
+ };
+ num_menu_selections = SIZE(menu_selections) - 1;
+ if (num_menu_selections > 0) {
+ menu_item *pick_list;
+ win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
+ start_menu(win);
+ for (k=0; k < num_menu_selections; ++k) {
+ any.a_int = k+1;
+ add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any, item++, 0, ATR_NONE,
+ menu_selections[k].menutext, MENU_UNSELECTED);
+ }
+ end_menu(win, "Which port debugging feature?");
+ n = select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &pick_list);
+ destroy_nhwindow(win);
+ if (n > 0) {
+ n = pick_list[0].item.a_int - 1;
+ free((genericptr_t) pick_list);
+ /* execute the function */
+ (*menu_selections[n].fn)();
+ }
+ } else
+ pline("No port-specific debug capability defined.");
+ return 0;
+# endif /*PORT_DEBUG*/
#endif /* OVL0 */
#define inmap(x,vk) (((x) > 'A' && (x) < 'Z') || (vk) == 0xBF || (x) == '2')
+static BYTE KeyState[256];
-int FDECL(process_keystroke, (INPUT_RECORD *ir, boolean *valid));
+int FDECL(process_keystroke, (INPUT_RECORD *ir, boolean *valid, int portdebug));
-int process_keystroke(ir, valid)
+int process_keystroke(ir, valid, portdebug)
boolean *valid;
+int portdebug;
- int metaflags = 0;
+ int metaflags = 0, k;
int keycode, vk;
- unsigned char ch;
+ unsigned char ch, pre_ch;
unsigned short int scan;
unsigned long shiftstate;
int altseq = 0;
const struct pad *kpad;
-#if 0
- /* sanity check, but caller should have checked already */
- if (ir->EventType != KEY_EVENT) {
- if (valid) *valid = 0;
- return 0;
- }
shiftstate = 0L;
- ch = ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
+ ch = pre_ch = ir->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
scan = ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode;
vk = ir->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode;
keycode = MapVirtualKey(vk, 2);
shiftstate = ir->Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState;
+ KeyState[VK_SHIFT] = (shiftstate & SHIFT_PRESSED) ? 0x81 : 0;
+ 0x81 : 0;
+ KeyState[VK_CAPITAL] = (shiftstate & CAPSLOCK_ON) ? 0x81 : 0;
if (ch || inmap(keycode,vk)) altseq = 1;
if (vk == 0xBF) ch = M('?');
else ch = M(tolower(keycode));
- return (ch == '\r') ? '\n' : ch;
+ /* Attempt to work better with international keyboards. */
+ else {
+ WORD chr[2];
+ k = ToAscii(vk, scan, KeyState, chr, 0);
+ if (k <= 2)
+ switch(k) {
+ case 2: /* two characters */
+ ch = (unsigned char)chr[1];
+ *valid = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* one character */
+ ch = (unsigned char)chr[0];
+ *valid = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case 0: /* no translation */
+ default: /* negative */
+ *valid = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ch == '\r') ch = '\n';
+#ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+ if (portdebug) {
+ char buf[BUFSZ];
+ Sprintf(buf,
+ "PORTDEBUG: ch=%u, scan=%u, vk=%d, pre=%d, shiftstate=0x%X (ESC to end)\n",
+ ch, scan, vk, pre_ch, shiftstate);
+ xputs(buf);
+ }
+ return ch;
boolean valid = 0;
int ch;
valid = 0;
- while (!valid)
- {
+ while (!valid) {
if ((ir.EventType == KEY_EVENT) && ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)
- ch = process_keystroke(&ir, &valid);
+ ch = process_keystroke(&ir, &valid, 0);
return ch;
if (count > 0) {
if (ir.EventType == KEY_EVENT && ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) {
- keystroke = process_keystroke(&ir, &valid);
+ keystroke = process_keystroke(&ir, &valid, 0);
if (valid) return keystroke;
} else if (ir.EventType == MOUSE_EVENT) {
if ((ir.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags == 0) &&
+#ifdef PORT_DEBUG
+ DWORD count;
+ boolean valid = 0;
+ int ch;
+ xputs("\n");
+ while (!valid || ch != 27) {
+ ReadConsoleInput(hConIn,&ir,1,&count);
+ if ((ir.EventType == KEY_EVENT) && ir.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)
+ ch = process_keystroke(&ir, &valid, 1);
+ }
+ (void)doredraw();
#endif /* WIN32CON */