NEWS file for HandBrake <>
+Changes between 0.10.2 and 0.10.3
+ - Assorted bug fixes and performance improvements.
Changes between 0.10.1 and 0.10.2
- Assorted bug fixes and performance improvements.
<None Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.Nightly.tmpl" />\r
- <None Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.tmpl" />\r
+ <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />\r
<EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\Resources.resx">\r
+++ /dev/null
-/* AssemblyInfo.cs $\r
- This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
- Homepage: <>.\r
- It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
-using System.Reflection;\r
-using System.Resources;\r
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\r
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following \r
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information\r
-// associated with an assembly.\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("HandBrake is a GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("HandBrake Team")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014 HandBrake Team")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]\r
-// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible \r
-// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from \r
-// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.\r
-[assembly: ComVisible(false)]\r
-// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM\r
-[assembly: Guid("5e4e3f97-5252-41f6-aae9-3846f62cbc66")]\r
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:\r
-// Major Version\r
-// Minor Version \r
-// Build Number\r
-// Revision\r
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers \r
-// by using the '*' as shown below:\r
-// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.10.2.$WCREV$")]\r
-[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("")]\r
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]\r
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("HandBrake Team")]\r
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HandBrake.Interop")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014 HandBrake Team")]\r
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2015 HandBrake Team")]\r
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]\r
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]\r
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/OpenDocument/OpenDocumentAfterModification/@EntryValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SearchAndNavigation/MergeOccurences/@EntryValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002ECSharp_002ECodeStyle_002ECSharpFileLayoutPatternsUpgrade/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
+ <s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002ECSharp_002ECodeStyle_002ESettingsUpgrade_002EAddAccessorOwnerDeclarationBracesMigration/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002ECSharp_002ECodeStyle_002ESettingsUpgrade_002EMigrateBlankLinesAroundFieldToBlankLinesAroundProperty/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002ECSharp_002ECodeStyle_002ESettingsUpgrade_002EMigrateThisQualifierSettings/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002EJavaScript_002ECodeStyle_002ESettingsUpgrade_002EJsCodeFormatterSettingsUpgrader/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<None Include="app.config" />\r
<None Include="Installer\Installer.nsi" />\r
<None Include="Installer\Installer64.nsi" />\r
- <None Include="Installer\MakeNightly.nsi.tmpl" />\r
- <None Include="Installer\MakeNightly64.nsi.tmpl" />\r
- <None Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.Nightly.tmpl" />\r
- <None Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.tmpl" />\r
<None Include="Properties\Settings.settings">\r
; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines\r
!define PRODUCT_NAME "HandBrake"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "0.10.2"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER "0.10.2"\r
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION "0.10.3"\r
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER "0.10.3"\r
!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Handbrake.exe"\r
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"\r
; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines\r
!define PRODUCT_NAME "HandBrake"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "0.10.2"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER "0.10.2"\r
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION "0.10.3"\r
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER "0.10.3"\r
!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Handbrake.exe"\r
!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"\r
+++ /dev/null
-/* Resources.Designer.cs $\r
- This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
- Homepage: <>.\r
- It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
-; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard.\r
-; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines\r
-!define PRODUCT_NAME "Handbrake"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "$WCREV$ Nightly"\r
-!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Handbrake.exe"\r
-!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"\r
-;Required .NET framework\r
-!define MIN_FRA_MAJOR "4"\r
-!define MIN_FRA_MINOR "0"\r
-!define MIN_FRA_BUILD "*"\r
-SetCompressor lzma\r
-; MUI 1.67 compatible ------\r
-!include "MUI.nsh"\r
-; MUI Settings\r
-!define MUI_ICON "handbrakepineapple.ico"\r
-!define MUI_UNICON "handbrakepineapple.ico"\r
-; Welcome page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME\r
-; License page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "doc\COPYING"\r
-; Directory page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY\r
-; Instfiles page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES\r
-; Finish page\r
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH\r
-; Uninstaller pages\r
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES\r
-; Language files\r
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"\r
-; MUI end ------\r
-OutFile "HandBrake-${PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER}_i686-Win_GUI.exe"\r
-!include WordFunc.nsh\r
-!insertmacro VersionCompare\r
-!include LogicLib.nsh\r
-InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Handbrake"\r
-InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" ""\r
-ShowInstDetails show\r
-ShowUnInstDetails show\r
-Var InstallDotNET\r
-Function .onInit\r
- ; Begin Only allow one version\r
- System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "myMutex") i .r1 ?e'\r
- Pop $R0\r
- StrCmp $R0 0 +3\r
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "The installer is already running." /SD IDOK\r
- Abort\r
- ;Remove previous version\r
- ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \\r
- "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}\" \\r
- "UninstallString"\r
- StrCmp $R0 "" done\r
- "${PRODUCT_NAME} is already installed. $\n$\nClick `OK` to remove the \\r
- previous version or `Cancel` to continue." /SD IDOK \\r
- IDOK uninst\r
- goto done\r
- ;Run the uninstaller\r
- uninst:\r
- IfSilent +3\r
- Exec $INSTDIR\uninst.exe\r
- goto done\r
- Exec '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" /S'\r
- done:\r
-Section "Handbrake" SEC01\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- ; Begin Check .NET version\r
- StrCpy $InstallDotNET "No"\r
- Call CheckFramework\r
- StrCmp $0 "1" +3\r
- StrCpy $InstallDotNET "Yes"\r
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "${PRODUCT_NAME} requires that the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile is installed. The latest .NET Framework will be downloaded and installed automatically during installation of ${PRODUCT_NAME}." /SD IDOK\r
- Pop $0\r
- ; Get .NET if required\r
- ${If} $InstallDotNET == "Yes"\r
- SetDetailsView hide\r
- inetc::get /caption "Downloading .NET Framework 4.0" /canceltext "Cancel" "" "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe" /end\r
- Pop $1\r
- ${If} $1 != "OK"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- Abort "Installation cancelled, ${PRODUCT_NAME} requires the .NET 4.0 Framework"\r
- ${EndIf}\r
- ExecWait "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- SetDetailsView show\r
- ${EndIf}\r
- \r
- ; Install Files\r
- File "*.exe"\r
- CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake"\r
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- File "*.dll"\r
- File "*.config"\r
- File "*.xml"\r
- File "*.pdb"\r
- ; Copy the standard doc set into the doc folder\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- File "doc\*.*"\r
- ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- File /r "fonts\*.*"\r
-Section -AdditionalIcons\r
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
-Section -Post\r
- WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
-Function un.onUninstSuccess\r
- HideWindow\r
- MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(^Name) was successfully removed from your computer." /SD IDOK\r
-Function un.onInit\r
- MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to completely remove $(^Name) and all of its components?" /SD IDYES IDYES +2\r
- Abort\r
-Section Uninstall\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- \r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.d\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.avail\*.*"\r
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.d"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.avail"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
- Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r
- RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake"\r
- RMDir "$INSTDIR"\r
- SetAutoClose true\r
-;Check for .NET framework\r
-Function CheckFrameWork\r
- ;Save the variables in case something else is using them\r
- Push $0\r
- Push $1\r
- Push $2\r
- Push $3\r
- Push $4\r
- Push $R1\r
- Push $R2\r
- Push $R3\r
- Push $R4\r
- Push $R5\r
- Push $R6\r
- Push $R7\r
- Push $R8\r
- StrCpy $R5 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R6 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R7 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R8 "0.0.0"\r
- StrCpy $0 0\r
- loop:\r
- ;Get each sub key under "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"\r
- EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" $0\r
- StrCmp $1 "" done ;jump to end if no more registry keys\r
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1\r
- StrCpy $2 $1 1 ;Cut off the first character\r
- StrCpy $3 $1 "" 1 ;Remainder of string\r
- ;Loop if first character is not a 'v'\r
- StrCmpS $2 "v" start_parse loop\r
- ;Parse the string\r
- start_parse:\r
- StrCpy $R1 ""\r
- StrCpy $R2 ""\r
- StrCpy $R3 ""\r
- StrCpy $R4 $3\r
- StrCpy $4 1\r
- parse:\r
- StrCmp $3 "" parse_done ;If string is empty, we are finished\r
- StrCpy $2 $3 1 ;Cut off the first character\r
- StrCpy $3 $3 "" 1 ;Remainder of string\r
- StrCmp $2 "." is_dot not_dot ;Move to next part if it's a dot\r
- is_dot:\r
- IntOp $4 $4 + 1 ; Move to the next section\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- not_dot:\r
- IntCmp $4 1 major_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 2 minor_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 3 build_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 4 parse_done\r
- major_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R1 $R1$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- minor_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R2 $R2$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- build_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R3 $R3$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- parse_done:\r
- IntCmp $R1 $R5 this_major_same loop this_major_more\r
- this_major_more:\r
- StrCpy $R5 $R1\r
- StrCpy $R6 $R2\r
- StrCpy $R7 $R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- this_major_same:\r
- IntCmp $R2 $R6 this_minor_same loop this_minor_more\r
- this_minor_more:\r
- StrCpy $R6 $R2\r
- StrCpy $R7 R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- this_minor_same:\r
- IntCmp $R3 $R7 loop loop this_build_more\r
- this_build_more:\r
- StrCpy $R7 $R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- done:\r
- ;Have we got the framework we need?\r
- IntCmp $R5 ${MIN_FRA_MAJOR} max_major_same fail OK\r
- max_major_same:\r
- IntCmp $R6 ${MIN_FRA_MINOR} max_minor_same fail OK\r
- max_minor_same:\r
- IntCmp $R7 ${MIN_FRA_BUILD} OK fail OK\r
- ;Version on machine is greater than what we need\r
- OK:\r
- StrCpy $0 "1"\r
- goto end\r
- fail:\r
- StrCmp $R8 "0.0.0" end\r
- end:\r
- ;Pop the variables we pushed earlier\r
- Pop $R8\r
- Pop $R7\r
- Pop $R6\r
- Pop $R5\r
- Pop $R4\r
- Pop $R3\r
- Pop $R2\r
- Pop $R1\r
- Pop $4\r
- Pop $3\r
- Pop $2\r
- Pop $1\r
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-/* Resources.Designer.cs $\r
- This file is part of the HandBrake source code.\r
- Homepage: <>.\r
- It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */\r
-; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard.\r
-; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines\r
-!define PRODUCT_NAME "Handbrake"\r
-!define PRODUCT_VERSION "$WCREV$ Nightly"\r
-!define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Handbrake.exe"\r
-!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}"\r
-;Required .NET framework\r
-!define MIN_FRA_MAJOR "4"\r
-!define MIN_FRA_MINOR "0"\r
-!define MIN_FRA_BUILD "*"\r
-SetCompressor lzma\r
-; MUI 1.67 compatible ------\r
-!include "MUI.nsh"\r
-; MUI Settings\r
-!define MUI_ICON "handbrakepineapple.ico"\r
-!define MUI_UNICON "handbrakepineapple.ico"\r
-; Welcome page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME\r
-; License page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "doc\COPYING"\r
-; Directory page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY\r
-; Instfiles page\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES\r
-; Finish page\r
-;!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
-!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH\r
-; Uninstaller pages\r
-!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES\r
-; Language files\r
-!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"\r
-; MUI end ------\r
-OutFile "HandBrake-${PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER}_x86_64-Win_GUI.exe"\r
-!include WordFunc.nsh\r
-!insertmacro VersionCompare\r
-!include LogicLib.nsh\r
-InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES64\Handbrake"\r
-InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" ""\r
-ShowInstDetails show\r
-ShowUnInstDetails show\r
-Var InstallDotNET\r
-Function .onInit\r
- ; Begin Only allow one version\r
- System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "myMutex") i .r1 ?e'\r
- Pop $R0\r
- StrCmp $R0 0 +3\r
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "The installer is already running." /SD IDOK\r
- Abort\r
- ;Remove previous version\r
- ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \\r
- "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}\" \\r
- "UninstallString"\r
- StrCmp $R0 "" done\r
- "${PRODUCT_NAME} is already installed. $\n$\nClick `OK` to remove the \\r
- previous version or `Cancel` to continue." /SD IDOK \\r
- IDOK uninst\r
- goto done\r
- ;Run the uninstaller\r
- uninst:\r
- IfSilent +3\r
- Exec $INSTDIR\uninst.exe\r
- goto done\r
- Exec '"$INSTDIR\uninst.exe" /S'\r
- done:\r
-Section "Handbrake" SEC01\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- ; Begin Check .NET version\r
- StrCpy $InstallDotNET "No"\r
- Call CheckFramework\r
- StrCmp $0 "1" +3\r
- StrCpy $InstallDotNET "Yes"\r
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "${PRODUCT_NAME} requires that the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile is installed. The latest .NET Framework will be downloaded and installed automatically during installation of ${PRODUCT_NAME}." /SD IDOK\r
- Pop $0\r
- ; Get .NET if required\r
- ${If} $InstallDotNET == "Yes"\r
- SetDetailsView hide\r
- inetc::get /caption "Downloading .NET Framework 4.0" /canceltext "Cancel" "" "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe" /end\r
- Pop $1\r
- ${If} $1 != "OK"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- Abort "Installation cancelled, ${PRODUCT_NAME} requires the .NET 4.0 Framework"\r
- ${EndIf}\r
- ExecWait "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\dotnetfx.exe"\r
- SetDetailsView show\r
- ${EndIf}\r
- \r
- ; Install Files\r
- File "*.exe"\r
- CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake"\r
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- File "*.dll"\r
- File "*.config"\r
- File "*.xml"\r
- File "*.pdb"\r
- ; Copy the standard doc set into the doc folder\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- File "doc\*.*"\r
- ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
- SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
- SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
- File /r "fonts\*.*"\r
-Section -AdditionalIcons\r
- CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
-Section -Post\r
- WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "$(^Name)"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- WriteRegStr ${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\Handbrake.exe"\r
-Function un.onUninstSuccess\r
- HideWindow\r
- MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "$(^Name) was successfully removed from your computer." /SD IDOK\r
-Function un.onInit\r
- MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to completely remove $(^Name) and all of its components?" /SD IDYES IDYES +2\r
- Abort\r
-Section Uninstall\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst.exe"\r
- \r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.d\*.*"\r
- Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.avail\*.*"\r
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.d"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts\conf.avail"\r
- RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
- Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
- Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r
- RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake"\r
- RMDir "$INSTDIR"\r
- SetAutoClose true\r
-;Check for .NET framework\r
-Function CheckFrameWork\r
- ;Save the variables in case something else is using them\r
- Push $0\r
- Push $1\r
- Push $2\r
- Push $3\r
- Push $4\r
- Push $R1\r
- Push $R2\r
- Push $R3\r
- Push $R4\r
- Push $R5\r
- Push $R6\r
- Push $R7\r
- Push $R8\r
- StrCpy $R5 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R6 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R7 "0"\r
- StrCpy $R8 "0.0.0"\r
- StrCpy $0 0\r
- loop:\r
- ;Get each sub key under "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"\r
- EnumRegKey $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP" $0\r
- StrCmp $1 "" done ;jump to end if no more registry keys\r
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1\r
- StrCpy $2 $1 1 ;Cut off the first character\r
- StrCpy $3 $1 "" 1 ;Remainder of string\r
- ;Loop if first character is not a 'v'\r
- StrCmpS $2 "v" start_parse loop\r
- ;Parse the string\r
- start_parse:\r
- StrCpy $R1 ""\r
- StrCpy $R2 ""\r
- StrCpy $R3 ""\r
- StrCpy $R4 $3\r
- StrCpy $4 1\r
- parse:\r
- StrCmp $3 "" parse_done ;If string is empty, we are finished\r
- StrCpy $2 $3 1 ;Cut off the first character\r
- StrCpy $3 $3 "" 1 ;Remainder of string\r
- StrCmp $2 "." is_dot not_dot ;Move to next part if it's a dot\r
- is_dot:\r
- IntOp $4 $4 + 1 ; Move to the next section\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- not_dot:\r
- IntCmp $4 1 major_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 2 minor_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 3 build_ver\r
- IntCmp $4 4 parse_done\r
- major_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R1 $R1$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- minor_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R2 $R2$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- build_ver:\r
- StrCpy $R3 $R3$2\r
- goto parse ;Carry on parsing\r
- parse_done:\r
- IntCmp $R1 $R5 this_major_same loop this_major_more\r
- this_major_more:\r
- StrCpy $R5 $R1\r
- StrCpy $R6 $R2\r
- StrCpy $R7 $R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- this_major_same:\r
- IntCmp $R2 $R6 this_minor_same loop this_minor_more\r
- this_minor_more:\r
- StrCpy $R6 $R2\r
- StrCpy $R7 R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- this_minor_same:\r
- IntCmp $R3 $R7 loop loop this_build_more\r
- this_build_more:\r
- StrCpy $R7 $R3\r
- StrCpy $R8 $R4\r
- goto loop\r
- done:\r
- ;Have we got the framework we need?\r
- IntCmp $R5 ${MIN_FRA_MAJOR} max_major_same fail OK\r
- max_major_same:\r
- IntCmp $R6 ${MIN_FRA_MINOR} max_minor_same fail OK\r
- max_minor_same:\r
- IntCmp $R7 ${MIN_FRA_BUILD} OK fail OK\r
- ;Version on machine is greater than what we need\r
- OK:\r
- StrCpy $0 "1"\r
- goto end\r
- fail:\r
- StrCmp $R8 "0.0.0" end\r
- end:\r
- ;Pop the variables we pushed earlier\r
- Pop $R8\r
- Pop $R7\r
- Pop $R6\r
- Pop $R5\r
- Pop $R4\r
- Pop $R3\r
- Pop $R2\r
- Pop $R1\r
- Pop $4\r
- Pop $3\r
- Pop $2\r
- Pop $1\r
\ No newline at end of file
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers \r
// by using the '*' as shown below:\r
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]\r
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]\r
[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("")]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// <copyright file="ListBoxHelper.cs" company="HandBrake Project (">\r
-// This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\r
-// </copyright>\r
-// <summary>\r
-// Assembly Info\r
-// </summary>\r
-// <auto-generated/>\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-using System.Reflection;\r
-using System.Resources;\r
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\r
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r
-using System.Windows;\r
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following \r
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information\r
-// associated with an assembly.\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2003-2015 HandBrake Team")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]\r
-// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible \r
-// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from \r
-// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.\r
-[assembly: ComVisible(false)]\r
-//In order to begin building localizable applications, set \r
-//<UICulture>CultureYouAreCodingWith</UICulture> in your .csproj file\r
-//inside a <PropertyGroup>. For example, if you are using US english\r
-//in your source files, set the <UICulture> to en-US. Then uncomment\r
-//the NeutralResourceLanguage attribute below. Update the "en-US" in\r
-//the line below to match the UICulture setting in the project file.\r
-//[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]\r
-[assembly: ThemeInfo(\r
- ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, //where theme specific resource dictionaries are located\r
- //(used if a resource is not found in the page, \r
- // or application resource dictionaries)\r
- ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly //where the generic resource dictionary is located\r
- //(used if a resource is not found in the page, \r
- // app, or any theme specific resource dictionaries)\r
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:\r
-// Major Version\r
-// Minor Version \r
-// Build Number\r
-// Revision\r
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers \r
-// by using the '*' as shown below:\r
-// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.0.0.$WCREV$")]\r
-[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("")]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-// <copyright file="ListBoxHelper.cs" company="HandBrake Project (">\r
-// This file is part of the HandBrake source code - It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\r
-// </copyright>\r
-// <summary>\r
-// Assembly Info\r
-// </summary>\r
-// <auto-generated/>\r
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-using System.Reflection;\r
-using System.Resources;\r
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\r
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r
-using System.Windows;\r
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following \r
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information\r
-// associated with an assembly.\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder.")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("HandBrake")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2003-2015 HandBrake Team")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]\r
-// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible \r
-// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from \r
-// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.\r
-[assembly: ComVisible(false)]\r
-//In order to begin building localizable applications, set \r
-//<UICulture>CultureYouAreCodingWith</UICulture> in your .csproj file\r
-//inside a <PropertyGroup>. For example, if you are using US english\r
-//in your source files, set the <UICulture> to en-US. Then uncomment\r
-//the NeutralResourceLanguage attribute below. Update the "en-US" in\r
-//the line below to match the UICulture setting in the project file.\r
-//[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US", UltimateResourceFallbackLocation.Satellite)]\r
-[assembly: ThemeInfo(\r
- ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, //where theme specific resource dictionaries are located\r
- //(used if a resource is not found in the page, \r
- // or application resource dictionaries)\r
- ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly //where the generic resource dictionary is located\r
- //(used if a resource is not found in the page, \r
- // app, or any theme specific resource dictionaries)\r
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:\r
-// Major Version\r
-// Minor Version \r
-// Build Number\r
-// Revision\r
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers \r
-// by using the '*' as shown below:\r
-// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]\r
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("0.10.2.$WCREV$")]\r
-[assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("")]
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- Pre Build Events. You must do a full checkout as it takes the svn from the main directory. $(ProjectDir). is not used. -->\r
<Target Name="NightlyPreBuild">\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.Nightly.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly.nsi.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly.nsi" Condition="$(Platform) == 'x86'" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly64.nsi.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly64.nsi" Condition="$(Platform) == 'x64'" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrake.ApplicationServices\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.Nightly.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrake.ApplicationServices\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />\r
<Target Name="PreBuild">\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly.nsi.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly.nsi" Condition="$(Platform) == 'x86'" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly64.nsi.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrakeWPF\Installer\MakeNightly64.nsi" Condition="$(Platform) == 'x64'" />\r
- <Exec Command="subwcrev.exe ../../ $(ProjectDir)HandBrake.ApplicationServices\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs.tmpl $(ProjectDir)HandBrake.ApplicationServices\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />\r
<!-- Post Build Events -->\r