--- /dev/null
+from Tkinter import *
+import Pmw
+class TypeinWidget(Pmw.MegaWidget):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None, **kw):
+ options = (('delegate', None, None),
+ ('color', (128, 128, 128), self.__set_color),
+ )
+ self.defineoptions(kw, options)
+ Pmw.MegaWidget.__init__(self,parent)
+ interiorarg = (self.interior(),)
+ # create the x, y, and z label
+ self.__x = self.createcomponent(
+ 'x', (), None,
+ Pmw.EntryField, interiorarg,
+ label_text='Red',
+ labelpos=E,
+ maxwidth=4,
+ validate=self.__validate,
+ modifiedcommand=self.__modified)
+ self.__x.grid(row=0, column=0)
+ self.__y = self.createcomponent(
+ 'y', (), None,
+ Pmw.EntryField, interiorarg,
+ label_text='Green',
+ labelpos=E,
+ maxwidth=4,
+ validate=self.__validate,
+ modifiedcommand=self.__modified)
+ self.__y.grid(row=1, column=0)
+ self.__z = self.createcomponent(
+ 'z', (), None,
+ Pmw.EntryField, interiorarg,
+ label_text='Blue',
+ labelpos=E,
+ maxwidth=4,
+ validate=self.__validate,
+ modifiedcommand=self.__modified)
+ self.__z.grid(row=2, column=0)
+ # TBD: gross hack, fix later
+ self.__initializing = 1
+ # Check keywords and initialize options
+ self.initialiseoptions(TypeinWidget)
+ # TBD: gross hack, fix later
+ self.__initializing = 0
+ # public set color interface
+ def set_color(self, red, green, blue):
+ self.__x.configure(label_text=`red`)
+ self.__y.configure(label_text=`green`)
+ self.__z.configure(label_text=`blue`)
+ # dispatch to the delegate
+ delegate = self['delegate']
+ if delegate:
+ delegate.set_color(red, green, blue)
+ # called to validate the entry text
+ SAFE_EVAL = {'__builtins__': {}}
+ def __str_to_int(self, text):
+ try:
+ val = eval(text, self.SAFE_EVAL, {})
+ return val
+ except:
+ return None
+ def __validate(self, text):
+ val = self.__str_to_int(text)
+ if val and val >= 0 and val < 256:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return -1
+ # called whenever a text entry is modified
+ def __modified(self):
+ # these are guaranteed to be valid, right?
+ red = self.__str_to_int(self.__x['value'])
+ green = self.__str_to_int(self.__y['value'])
+ blue = self.__str_to_int(self.__z['value'])
+ self.set_color(red, green, blue)
+ # called whenever the color option is changed
+ def __set_color(self):
+ red, green, blue = self['color']
+ if not self.__initializing:
+ self.set_color(red, green, blue)