number = round(number);
if (Double.isInfinite(number)) {
- int prefixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, true, parseAttr);
+ int prefixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, true, fieldPosition, parseAttr);
if (fieldPosition.getField() == NumberFormat.INTEGER_FIELD) {
- int suffixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, false, parseAttr);
+ int suffixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, false, fieldPosition, parseAttr);
addPadding(result, fieldPosition, prefixLen, suffixLen);
return result;
digitList.decimalAt = 0; // Normalize
- int prefixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, true, parseAttr);
+ int prefixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, true, fieldPosition, parseAttr);
if (useExponentialNotation) {
subformatExponential(result, fieldPosition, parseAttr);
subformatFixed(result, fieldPosition, isInteger, parseAttr);
- int suffixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, false, parseAttr);
+ int suffixLen = appendAffix(result, isNegative, false, fieldPosition, parseAttr);
addPadding(result, fieldPosition, prefixLen, suffixLen);
return result;
* buffer to append to
* @param isNegative
* @param isPrefix
+ * @param fieldPosition
+ * @param parseAttr
private int appendAffix(StringBuffer buf, boolean isNegative, boolean isPrefix,
+ FieldPosition fieldPosition,
boolean parseAttr) {
if (currencyChoice != null) {
String affixPat = null;
String affix = null;
+ String pattern;
if (isPrefix) {
affix = isNegative ? negativePrefix : positivePrefix;
+ pattern = isNegative ? negPrefixPattern : posPrefixPattern;
} else {
affix = isNegative ? negativeSuffix : positiveSuffix;
+ pattern = isNegative ? negSuffixPattern : posSuffixPattern;
// [Spark/CDL] Invoke formatAffix2Attribute to add attributes for affix
if (parseAttr) {
formatAffix2Attribute(affix, buf.length() + offset, buf.length() + affix.length());
+ // If kCurrencySymbol or kIntlCurrencySymbol is in the affix, check for currency symbol.
+ // Get spelled out name if "¤¤¤" is in the pattern.
+ if (fieldPosition.getFieldAttribute() == NumberFormat.Field.CURRENCY) {
+ if (affix.indexOf(symbols.getCurrencySymbol()) > -1) {
+ String aff = symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
+ int firstPos = affix.indexOf(aff);
+ int start = buf.length() + firstPos;
+ int end = start + aff.length();
+ fieldPosition.setBeginIndex(start);
+ fieldPosition.setEndIndex(end);
+ } else if (affix.indexOf(symbols.getInternationalCurrencySymbol()) > -1) {
+ String aff = symbols.getInternationalCurrencySymbol();
+ int firstPos = affix.indexOf(aff);
+ int start = buf.length() + firstPos;
+ int end = start + aff.length();
+ fieldPosition.setBeginIndex(start);
+ fieldPosition.setEndIndex(end);
+ } else if (pattern.indexOf("¤¤¤") > -1) {
+ // It's a plural, and we know where it is in the pattern.
+ int firstPos = pattern.indexOf("¤¤¤");
+ int start = buf.length() + firstPos;
+ int end = buf.length() + affix.length(); // This seems clunky and wrong.
+ fieldPosition.setBeginIndex(start);
+ fieldPosition.setEndIndex(end);
+ }
+ }
return affix.length();
assertEquals("fp end", 8, fp.getEndIndex());
+ public void TestFieldPositionCurrency() {
+ DecimalFormat nf = (DecimalFormat);
+ double amount = 35.47;
+ double negAmount = -34.567;
+ FieldPosition cp = new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.Field.CURRENCY);
+ StringBuffer buffer0 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(amount, buffer0, cp);
+ assertEquals("$35.47", "$35.47", buffer0.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 0, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 1, cp.getEndIndex());
+ StringBuffer buffer01 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(negAmount, buffer01, cp);
+ assertEquals("-$34.57", "-$34.57", buffer01.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 1, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 2, cp.getEndIndex());
+ nf.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE));
+ StringBuffer buffer1 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(amount, buffer1, cp);
+ assertEquals("€35.47", "€35.47", buffer1.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 0, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 1, cp.getEndIndex());
+ nf.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance(new Locale("fr", "ch", "")));
+ StringBuffer buffer2 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(amount, buffer2, cp);
+ assertEquals("CHF35.47", "CHF35.47", buffer2.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 0, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 3, cp.getEndIndex());
+ StringBuffer buffer20 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(negAmount, buffer20, cp);
+ assertEquals("-CHF34.57", "-CHF34.57", buffer20.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 1, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 4, cp.getEndIndex());
+ nf = (DecimalFormat);
+ StringBuffer buffer3 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(amount, buffer3, cp);
+ assertEquals("35,47 €", "35,47 €", buffer3.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 6, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 7, cp.getEndIndex());
+ StringBuffer buffer4 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(negAmount, buffer4, cp);
+ assertEquals("-34,57 €", "-34,57 €", buffer4.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 7, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 8, cp.getEndIndex());
+ nf.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance(new Locale("fr", "ch")));
+ StringBuffer buffer5 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(negAmount, buffer5, cp);
+ assertEquals("-34,57 CHF", "-34,57 CHF", buffer5.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 7, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 10, cp.getEndIndex());
+ NumberFormat plCurrencyFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("fr", "ch"), NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
+ StringBuffer buffer6 = new StringBuffer();
+ plCurrencyFmt.format(negAmount, buffer6, cp);
+ assertEquals("-34.57 francs suisses", "-34.57 francs suisses", buffer6.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 7, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 21, cp.getEndIndex());
+ // Positive value with PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE.
+ plCurrencyFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("ja", "ch"), NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
+ StringBuffer buffer7 = new StringBuffer();
+ plCurrencyFmt.format(amount, buffer7, cp);
+ assertEquals("35.47スイス フラン", "35.47スイス フラン", buffer7.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 5, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 12, cp.getEndIndex());
+ plCurrencyFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("ja", "de"), NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
+ StringBuffer buffer8 = new StringBuffer();
+ plCurrencyFmt.format(negAmount, buffer8, cp);
+ assertEquals("-34.57ユーロ", "-34.57ユーロ", buffer8.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 6, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 9, cp.getEndIndex());
+ nf = (DecimalFormat);
+ nf.setCurrency(Currency.getInstance(new Locale("ja", "jp")));
+ StringBuffer buffer9 = new StringBuffer();
+ nf.format(negAmount, buffer9, cp);
+ assertEquals("-¥35", "-¥35", buffer9.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 1, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 2, cp.getEndIndex());
+ // Negative value with PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE.
+ plCurrencyFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("ja", "ch"), NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
+ StringBuffer buffer10 = new StringBuffer();
+ plCurrencyFmt.format(negAmount, buffer10, cp);
+ assertEquals("-34.57スイス フラン", "-34.57スイス フラン", buffer10.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 6, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 13, cp.getEndIndex());
+ // Nagative value with PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE, Arabic digits.
+ nf = (DecimalFormat) Locale("ar", "eg"));
+ plCurrencyFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("ar", "eg"), NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE);
+ StringBuffer buffer11 = new StringBuffer();
+ plCurrencyFmt.format(negAmount, buffer11, cp);
+ assertEquals("-٣٤٫٥٧ جنيه مصري", "-٣٤٫٥٧ جنيه مصري", buffer11.toString());
+ assertEquals("cp begin", 8, cp.getBeginIndex());
+ assertEquals("cp end", 17, cp.getEndIndex());
+ }
public void TestRounding() {
DecimalFormat nf = (DecimalFormat);
if (false) { // for debugging specific value