/// \brief Adds \c Node to the map with key \c ID.
/// The node's base type should be in NodeBaseType or it will be unaccessible.
- void addNode(StringRef ID, const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode& DynNode) {
- NodeMap[ID] = DynNode;
+ template <typename T>
+ void addNode(StringRef ID, const T* Node) {
+ NodeMap[ID] = ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(*Node);
/// \brief Returns the AST node bound to \c ID.
/// \brief Add a binding from an id to a node.
- void setBinding(const std::string &Id,
- const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode) {
+ template <typename T> void setBinding(const std::string &Id, const T *Node) {
if (Bindings.empty())
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Bindings.size(); i != e; ++i)
- Bindings[i].addNode(Id, DynNode);
+ Bindings[i].addNode(Id, Node);
/// \brief Adds a branch in the tree.
class ASTMatchFinder;
-/// \brief Generic interface for all matchers.
-/// Used by the implementation of Matcher<T> and DynTypedMatcher.
-/// In general, implement MatcherInterface<T> or SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T>
-/// instead.
-class DynMatcherInterface : public RefCountedBaseVPTR {
- /// \brief Returns true if \p DynNode can be matched.
- ///
- /// May bind \p DynNode to an ID via \p Builder, or recurse into
- /// the AST via \p Finder.
- virtual bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
/// \brief Generic interface for matchers on an AST node of type T.
/// Implement this if your matcher may need to inspect the children or
/// current node and doesn't care about its children or descendants,
/// implement SingleNodeMatcherInterface instead.
template <typename T>
-class MatcherInterface : public DynMatcherInterface {
+class MatcherInterface : public RefCountedBaseVPTR {
virtual ~MatcherInterface() {}
virtual bool matches(const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
- bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
- if (const T *Node = DynNode.get<T>()) {
- return matches(*Node, Finder, Builder);
- }
- return false;
- }
/// \brief Interface for matchers that only evaluate properties on a single
-template <typename> class Matcher;
+/// \brief Wrapper of a MatcherInterface<T> *that allows copying.
+/// A Matcher<Base> can be used anywhere a Matcher<Derived> is
+/// required. This establishes an is-a relationship which is reverse
+/// to the AST hierarchy. In other words, Matcher<T> is contravariant
+/// with respect to T. The relationship is built via a type conversion
+/// operator rather than a type hierarchy to be able to templatize the
+/// type hierarchy instead of spelling it out.
+template <typename T>
+class Matcher {
+ /// \brief Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
+ explicit Matcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
+ : Implementation(Implementation) {}
+ /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Other to a Matcher<T>.
+ ///
+ /// Requires \c T to be derived from \c From.
+ template <typename From>
+ Matcher(const Matcher<From> &Other,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<From, T>::value &&
+ !std::is_same<From, T>::value>::type * = 0)
+ : Implementation(new ImplicitCastMatcher<From>(Other)) {}
+ /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Matcher<Type> to \c Matcher<QualType>.
+ ///
+ /// The resulting matcher is not strict, i.e. ignores qualifiers.
+ template <typename TypeT>
+ Matcher(const Matcher<TypeT> &Other,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_same<T, QualType>::value &&
+ std::is_same<TypeT, Type>::value>::type* = 0)
+ : Implementation(new TypeToQualType<TypeT>(Other)) {}
+ /// \brief Forwards the call to the underlying MatcherInterface<T> pointer.
+ bool matches(const T &Node,
+ ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
+ if (Implementation->matches(Node, Finder, Builder))
+ return true;
+ // Delete all bindings when a matcher does not match.
+ // This prevents unexpected exposure of bound nodes in unmatches
+ // branches of the match tree.
+ Builder->removeBindings([](const BoundNodesMap &) { return true; });
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns an ID that uniquely identifies the matcher.
+ uint64_t getID() const {
+ /// FIXME: Document the requirements this imposes on matcher
+ /// implementations (no new() implementation_ during a Matches()).
+ return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Implementation.get());
+ }
+ /// \brief Allows the conversion of a \c Matcher<Type> to a \c
+ /// Matcher<QualType>.
+ ///
+ /// Depending on the constructor argument, the matcher is either strict, i.e.
+ /// does only matches in the absence of qualifiers, or not, i.e. simply
+ /// ignores any qualifiers.
+ template <typename TypeT>
+ class TypeToQualType : public MatcherInterface<QualType> {
+ public:
+ TypeToQualType(const Matcher<TypeT> &InnerMatcher)
+ : InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
+ bool matches(const QualType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
+ if (Node.isNull())
+ return false;
+ return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node, Finder, Builder);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Matcher<TypeT> InnerMatcher;
+ };
+ /// \brief Allows conversion from Matcher<Base> to Matcher<T> if T
+ /// is derived from Base.
+ template <typename Base>
+ class ImplicitCastMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
+ public:
+ explicit ImplicitCastMatcher(const Matcher<Base> &From)
+ : From(From) {}
+ bool matches(const T &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
+ return From.matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Matcher<Base> From;
+ };
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr< MatcherInterface<T> > Implementation;
+}; // class Matcher
+/// \brief A convenient helper for creating a Matcher<T> without specifying
+/// the template type argument.
+template <typename T>
+inline Matcher<T> makeMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation) {
+ return Matcher<T>(Implementation);
+template <typename T> class BindableMatcher;
/// \brief Matcher that works on a \c DynTypedNode.
/// return false if it is not convertible.
class DynTypedMatcher {
- /// \brief Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
- template <typename T>
- DynTypedMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
- : AllowBind(false),
- SupportedKind(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>()),
- RestrictKind(SupportedKind), Implementation(Implementation) {}
+ /// \brief Construct from a \c Matcher<T>. Copies the matcher.
+ template <typename T> inline DynTypedMatcher(const Matcher<T> &M);
+ /// \brief Construct from a bindable \c Matcher<T>. Copies the matcher.
+ ///
+ /// This version enables \c tryBind() on the \c DynTypedMatcher.
+ template <typename T> inline DynTypedMatcher(const BindableMatcher<T> &M);
/// \brief Construct from a variadic function.
typedef bool (*VariadicOperatorFunction)(
BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder, ArrayRef<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers);
static DynTypedMatcher
constructVariadic(VariadicOperatorFunction Func,
- std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers);
- void setAllowBind(bool AB) { AllowBind = AB; }
- /// \brief Return a matcher that points to the same implementation, but
- /// restricts the node types for \p Kind.
- DynTypedMatcher dynCastTo(const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind) const;
+ ArrayRef<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers) {
+ assert(InnerMatchers.size() > 0 && "Array must not be empty.");
+ return DynTypedMatcher(new VariadicStorage(Func, InnerMatchers));
+ }
/// \brief Returns true if the matcher matches the given \c DynNode.
bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const;
+ ASTMatchFinder *Finder, BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
+ return Storage->matches(DynNode, Finder, Builder);
+ }
/// \brief Bind the specified \p ID to the matcher.
/// \return A new matcher with the \p ID bound to it if this matcher supports
/// binding. Otherwise, returns an empty \c Optional<>.
- llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const;
+ llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const {
+ return Storage->tryBind(ID);
+ }
/// \brief Returns a unique \p ID for the matcher.
- ///
- /// Casting a Matcher<T> to Matcher<U> creates a matcher that has the
- /// same \c Implementation pointer, but different \c RestrictKind. We need to
- /// include both in the ID to make it unique.
- ///
- /// \c MatcherIDType supports operator< and provides strict weak ordering.
- typedef std::pair<ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind, uint64_t> MatcherIDType;
- MatcherIDType getID() const {
- /// FIXME: Document the requirements this imposes on matcher
- /// implementations (no new() implementation_ during a Matches()).
- return std::make_pair(RestrictKind,
- reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Implementation.get()));
- }
+ uint64_t getID() const { return Storage->getID(); }
/// \brief Returns the type this matcher works on.
/// \c matches() will always return false unless the node passed is of this
/// or a derived type.
ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind getSupportedKind() const {
- return SupportedKind;
+ return Storage->getSupportedKind();
/// \brief Returns \c true if the passed \c DynTypedMatcher can be converted
template <typename T> Matcher<T> unconditionalConvertTo() const;
- bool AllowBind;
- ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind;
- /// \brief A potentially stricter node kind.
- ///
- /// It allows to perform implicit and dynamic cast of matchers without
- /// needing to change \c Implementation.
- ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind RestrictKind;
- IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DynMatcherInterface> Implementation;
+ class MatcherStorage : public RefCountedBaseVPTR {
+ public:
+ MatcherStorage(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind, uint64_t ID)
+ : SupportedKind(SupportedKind), ID(ID) {}
+ virtual ~MatcherStorage();
-/// \brief Wrapper of a MatcherInterface<T> *that allows copying.
-/// A Matcher<Base> can be used anywhere a Matcher<Derived> is
-/// required. This establishes an is-a relationship which is reverse
-/// to the AST hierarchy. In other words, Matcher<T> is contravariant
-/// with respect to T. The relationship is built via a type conversion
-/// operator rather than a type hierarchy to be able to templatize the
-/// type hierarchy instead of spelling it out.
-template <typename T>
-class Matcher {
- /// \brief Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
- explicit Matcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
- : Implementation(Implementation) {}
+ virtual bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
+ ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
- /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Other to a Matcher<T>.
- ///
- /// Requires \c T to be derived from \c From.
- template <typename From>
- Matcher(const Matcher<From> &Other,
- typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<From, T>::value &&
- !std::is_same<From, T>::value>::type * = 0)
- : Matcher(Other.Implementation) {}
+ virtual llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const = 0;
- /// \brief Implicitly converts \c Matcher<Type> to \c Matcher<QualType>.
- ///
- /// The resulting matcher is not strict, i.e. ignores qualifiers.
- template <typename TypeT>
- Matcher(const Matcher<TypeT> &Other,
- typename std::enable_if<
- std::is_same<T, QualType>::value &&
- std::is_same<TypeT, Type>::value>::type* = 0)
- : Implementation(new TypeToQualType<TypeT>(Other)) {}
+ ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind getSupportedKind() const {
+ return SupportedKind;
+ }
- /// \brief Convert \c this into a \c Matcher<T> by applying dyn_cast<> to the
- /// argument.
- /// \c To must be a base class of \c T.
- template <typename To, typename std::enable_if<
- std::is_base_of<To, T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
- Matcher<To> dynCastTo() const {
- return Matcher<To>(Implementation);
- }
+ uint64_t getID() const { return ID; }
- /// \brief Forwards the call to the underlying MatcherInterface<T> pointer.
- bool matches(const T &Node,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
- return Implementation.matches(ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node),
- Finder, Builder);
- }
+ private:
+ const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind SupportedKind;
+ const uint64_t ID;
+ };
- /// \brief Returns an ID that uniquely identifies the matcher.
- DynTypedMatcher::MatcherIDType getID() const {
- return Implementation.getID();
- }
+ class VariadicStorage : public MatcherStorage {
+ public:
+ VariadicStorage(VariadicOperatorFunction Func,
+ ArrayRef<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers)
+ : MatcherStorage(InnerMatchers[0].getSupportedKind(),
+ reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this)),
+ Func(Func), InnerMatchers(InnerMatchers) {}
+ bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
+ ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
+ return Func(DynNode, Finder, Builder, InnerMatchers);
+ }
- /// \brief Extract the dynamic matcher.
- ///
- /// The returned matcher keeps the same restrictions as \c this and remembers
- /// that it is meant to support nodes of type \c T.
- operator DynTypedMatcher() const { return Implementation; }
+ llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const override {
+ return llvm::None;
+ }
- /// \brief Allows the conversion of a \c Matcher<Type> to a \c
- /// Matcher<QualType>.
- ///
- /// Depending on the constructor argument, the matcher is either strict, i.e.
- /// does only matches in the absence of qualifiers, or not, i.e. simply
- /// ignores any qualifiers.
- template <typename TypeT>
- class TypeToQualType : public MatcherInterface<QualType> {
- public:
- TypeToQualType(const Matcher<TypeT> &InnerMatcher)
- : InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
+ private:
+ VariadicOperatorFunction Func;
+ std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers;
+ };
- bool matches(const QualType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
- if (Node.isNull())
- return false;
+ /// \brief Typed implementation of \c MatcherStorage.
+ template <typename T> class TypedMatcherStorage;
+ /// \brief Internal constructor for \c constructVariadic.
+ DynTypedMatcher(MatcherStorage *Storage) : Storage(Storage) {}
+ IntrusiveRefCntPtr<const MatcherStorage> Storage;
+template <typename T>
+class DynTypedMatcher::TypedMatcherStorage : public MatcherStorage {
+ TypedMatcherStorage(const Matcher<T> &Other, bool AllowBind)
+ : MatcherStorage(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>(),
+ Other.getID()),
+ InnerMatcher(Other), AllowBind(AllowBind) {}
+ bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
+ ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
+ BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
+ if (const T *Node = DynNode.get<T>()) {
return InnerMatcher.matches(*Node, Finder, Builder);
- private:
- const Matcher<TypeT> InnerMatcher;
- };
- template <typename U> friend class Matcher;
+ return false;
+ }
- explicit Matcher(const DynTypedMatcher &Implementation)
- : Implementation(Implementation.dynCastTo(
- ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>())) {
- assert(this->Implementation.getSupportedKind()
- .isSame(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<T>()));
+ llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> tryBind(StringRef ID) const override {
+ if (!AllowBind)
+ return llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher>();
+ return DynTypedMatcher(BindableMatcher<T>(InnerMatcher).bind(ID));
- DynTypedMatcher Implementation;
-}; // class Matcher
+ const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
+ const bool AllowBind;
-/// \brief A convenient helper for creating a Matcher<T> without specifying
-/// the template type argument.
template <typename T>
-inline Matcher<T> makeMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation) {
- return Matcher<T>(Implementation);
+inline DynTypedMatcher::DynTypedMatcher(const Matcher<T> &M)
+ : Storage(new TypedMatcherStorage<T>(M, false)) {}
+template <typename T>
+inline DynTypedMatcher::DynTypedMatcher(const BindableMatcher<T> &M)
+ : Storage(new TypedMatcherStorage<T>(M, true)) {}
/// \brief Specialization of the conversion functions for QualType.
BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
bool Result = InnerMatcher.matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
if (Result) {
- Builder->setBinding(ID, ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode::create(Node));
+ Builder->setBinding(ID, &Node);
return Result;
/// The returned matcher is equivalent to this matcher, but will
/// bind the matched node on a match.
Matcher<T> bind(StringRef ID) const {
- // FIXME: Use DynTypedMatcher's IdMatcher instead. No need for a template
- // version anymore.
return Matcher<T>(new IdMatcher<T>(ID, *this));
- /// \brief Same as Matcher<T>'s conversion operator, but enables binding on
- /// the returned matcher.
- operator DynTypedMatcher() const {
- DynTypedMatcher Result = static_cast<const Matcher<T>&>(*this);
- Result.setAllowBind(true);
- return Result;
- }
/// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
addMatcher<T>(Param7, Matchers);
addMatcher<T>(Param8, Matchers);
addMatcher<T>(Param9, Matchers);
- // FIXME: Use DynTypedMatcher::constructVariadic() instead.
return Matcher<T>(
new VariadicOperatorMatcherInterface<T>(Func, std::move(Matchers)));
template <typename T>
inline Matcher<T> DynTypedMatcher::unconditionalConvertTo() const {
- // FIXME: Remove this extra indirection and connect directly to Matcher<T>().
return Matcher<T>(new VariadicOperatorMatcherInterface<T>(
AllOfVariadicOperator, llvm::makeArrayRef(*this)));
template<typename T>
BindableMatcher<T> makeAllOfComposite(
ArrayRef<const Matcher<T> *> InnerMatchers) {
- // FIXME: Optimize for the cases of size()==0 and size()==1
std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> DynMatchers;
for (size_t i = 0, e = InnerMatchers.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- // FIXME: Use DynTypedMatcher::constructVariadic() instead.
return BindableMatcher<T>(new VariadicOperatorMatcherInterface<T>(
AllOfVariadicOperator, std::move(DynMatchers)));
template<typename T, typename InnerT>
BindableMatcher<T> makeDynCastAllOfComposite(
ArrayRef<const Matcher<InnerT> *> InnerMatchers) {
- return BindableMatcher<T>(
- makeAllOfComposite(InnerMatchers).template dynCastTo<T>());
+ return BindableMatcher<T>(DynTypedMatcher(makeAllOfComposite(InnerMatchers))
+ .unconditionalConvertTo<T>());
/// \brief Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
-namespace {
-class VariadicMatcher : public DynMatcherInterface {
- public:
- VariadicMatcher(VariadicOperatorFunction Func,
- std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers)
- : Func(Func), InnerMatchers(std::move(InnerMatchers)) {}
- bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
- return Func(DynNode, Finder, Builder, InnerMatchers);
- }
- private:
- VariadicOperatorFunction Func;
- std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers;
-class IdDynMatcher : public DynMatcherInterface {
- public:
- IdDynMatcher(StringRef ID,
- const IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DynMatcherInterface> &InnerMatcher)
- : ID(ID), InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
- bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode &DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const override {
- bool Result = InnerMatcher->matches(DynNode, Finder, Builder);
- if (Result) Builder->setBinding(ID, DynNode);
- return Result;
- }
- private:
- const std::string ID;
- const IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DynMatcherInterface> InnerMatcher;
-/// \brief Return the most derived type between \p Kind1 and \p Kind2.
-/// Return the null type if they are not related.
-ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind getMostDerivedType(
- const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind1,
- const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind2) {
- if (Kind1.isBaseOf(Kind2)) return Kind2;
- if (Kind2.isBaseOf(Kind1)) return Kind1;
- return ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind();
-/// \brief Return the least derived type between \p Kind1 and \p Kind2.
-/// Return the null type if they are not related.
-static ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind getLeastDerivedType(
- const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind1,
- const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind2) {
- if (Kind1.isBaseOf(Kind2)) return Kind1;
- if (Kind2.isBaseOf(Kind1)) return Kind2;
- return ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind();
-} // namespace
-DynTypedMatcher DynTypedMatcher::constructVariadic(
- VariadicOperatorFunction Func, std::vector<DynTypedMatcher> InnerMatchers) {
- assert(InnerMatchers.size() > 0 && "Array must not be empty.");
- DynTypedMatcher Result = InnerMatchers[0];
- // Use the least derived type as the restriction for the wrapper.
- // This allows mismatches to be resolved on the inner matchers.
- for (const DynTypedMatcher &M : InnerMatchers) {
- assert(Result.SupportedKind.isSame(M.SupportedKind) &&
- "SupportedKind must match!");
- Result.RestrictKind =
- getLeastDerivedType(Result.RestrictKind, M.RestrictKind);
- }
- Result.Implementation = new VariadicMatcher(Func, std::move(InnerMatchers));
- return Result;
-DynTypedMatcher DynTypedMatcher::dynCastTo(
- const ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind Kind) const {
- auto Copy = *this;
- Copy.SupportedKind = Kind;
- Copy.RestrictKind = getMostDerivedType(Kind, RestrictKind);
- return Copy;
-bool DynTypedMatcher::matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
- ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
- BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
- if (RestrictKind.isBaseOf(DynNode.getNodeKind()) &&
- Implementation->matches(DynNode, Finder, Builder)) {
- return true;
- }
- // Delete all bindings when a matcher does not match.
- // This prevents unexpected exposure of bound nodes in unmatches
- // branches of the match tree.
- Builder->removeBindings([](const BoundNodesMap &) { return true; });
- return false;
-llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> DynTypedMatcher::tryBind(StringRef ID) const {
- if (!AllowBind) return llvm::None;
- auto Result = *this;
- Result.Implementation = new IdDynMatcher(ID, Result.Implementation);
- return Result;
bool DynTypedMatcher::canConvertTo(ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind To) const {
const auto From = getSupportedKind();
auto QualKind = ast_type_traits::ASTNodeKind::getFromNodeKind<QualType>();
return From.isBaseOf(To);
+DynTypedMatcher::MatcherStorage::~MatcherStorage() {}
void BoundNodesTreeBuilder::addMatch(const BoundNodesTreeBuilder &Other) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Other.Bindings.size(); i != e; ++i) {