?? ??? 2005, PHP 5.0.4
-- Fixed several egregious leaks in ext/browscap and sapi/embed. (Andrei)
- Added Oracle Instant Client support. (cjbj at hotmail dot com, Tony)
- Added length and charsetnr for field array and object in mysqli. (Georg)
- Changed foreach() to throw an exception if IteratorAggregate::getIterator()
does not return an Iterator. (Marcus)
- Changed phpize not to require libtool. (Jani)
+- Fixed several egregious leaks in ext/browscap and sapi/embed. (Andrei)
- Fixed build system to always use bundled libtool files. (Jani)
- Fixed a bug in mysqli_stmt_execute() (type conversion with NULL values). (Georg)
- Fixed bug #31684 (dio_tcsetattr(): misconfigured termios settings).