%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling call messages
-handle_call({serve, LocalPath, Auth}, _From, State) ->
+handle_call({serve, LocalPath, Auth, RHeaders}, _From, State) ->
+ IfModifiedSince = case find_header('If-Modified-Since', RHeaders, bad_date) of
+ bad_date ->
+ bad_date;
+ Val ->
+ httpd_util:convert_request_date(binary_to_list(Val))
+ end,
Reply = serve(LocalPath, Auth, State#state.docroot, State#state.directory_indices,
State#state.default_content_type, State#state.content_types,
- State#state.user_access),
+ State#state.user_access, IfModifiedSince),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State}.
%% @doc Handle an HTTP request.
%% LocalPath is the part of the requested URL path that is "local to the module".
%% Returns the page to be sent back to the client and/or HTTP status code.
-process(LocalPath, #request{host = Host, auth = Auth} = Request) ->
+process(LocalPath, #request{host = Host, auth = Auth, headers = RHeaders} = Request) ->
?DEBUG("Requested ~p", [LocalPath]),
- try gen_server:call(get_proc_name(Host), {serve, LocalPath, Auth}) of
+ try gen_server:call(get_proc_name(Host), {serve, LocalPath, Auth, RHeaders}) of
{FileSize, Code, Headers, Contents} ->
add_to_log(FileSize, Code, Request),
{Code, Headers, Contents}
serve(LocalPath, Auth, DocRoot, DirectoryIndices, CustomHeaders, DefaultContentType,
- ContentTypes, UserAccess) ->
+ ContentTypes, UserAccess, IfModifiedSince) ->
CanProceed = case {UserAccess, Auth} of
{none, _} -> true;
{_, {User, Pass}} ->
- {ok, FileInfo} -> serve_file(FileInfo, FileName,
- CustomHeaders,
- DefaultContentType,
- ContentTypes)
+ {ok, #file_info{mtime = MTime} = FileInfo} ->
+ case calendar:local_time_to_universal_time_dst(MTime) of
+ [IfModifiedSince | _] ->
+ serve_not_modified(FileInfo, FileName,
+ CustomHeaders);
+ _ ->
+ serve_file(FileInfo, FileName,
+ CustomHeaders,
+ DefaultContentType,
+ ContentTypes)
+ end
_ ->
{ok, FileInfo} -> serve_file(FileInfo, IndexFileName, CH, DefaultContentType, ContentTypes)
+serve_not_modified(FileInfo, FileName, CustomHeaders) ->
+ ?DEBUG("Delivering not modified: ~s", [FileName]),
+ {0, 304,
+ [{<<"Server">>, <<"ejabberd">>},
+ {<<"Last-Modified">>, last_modified(FileInfo)}
+ | CustomHeaders], <<>>}.
%% Assume the file exists if we got this far and attempt to read it in
%% and serve it up.
serve_file(FileInfo, FileName, CustomHeaders, DefaultContentType, ContentTypes) ->