-1998 May 25
+1998 Nov 20
I extended locale support. Now ORDER BY (if PostgreSQL configured with
--enable-locale) uses strcoll() for all text fields: char(n), varchar(n),
-text. (I am not sure about ORDER BY char2/char4/etc.)
I included test suite .../src/test/locale. I didn't include this in
the regression test because not so much people require locale support. Read
destroydb testlocale >/dev/null 2>&1
createdb testlocale || abort "createdb failed"
- psql -d testlocale -c "CREATE TABLE usastates (abbrev char2, name_en char(20), name_ru $ftype);" >/dev/null 2>&1 || abort "createtable failed"
+ psql -d testlocale -c "CREATE TABLE usastates (abbrev char(2), name_en char(20), name_ru $ftype);" >/dev/null 2>&1 || abort "createtable failed"
psql testlocale < test-koi8.sql.in > test-koi8-$f.sql.out 2>/dev/null || abort "test query failed"
diff expected/test-koi8-$f.sql.out test-koi8-$f.sql.out