/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_close([int connectionid])
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_close([resource conn_id])
Closes a connection to a MS-SQL server */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool mssql_select_db(string database_name [, int conn_id])
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_select_db(string database_name [, resource conn_id])
Select a MS-SQL database */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_query(string query [, int conn_id [, int batch_size]])
+/* {{{ proto resource mssql_query(string query [, resource conn_id [, int batch_size]])
Perform an SQL query on a MS-SQL server database */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_rows_affected(int conn_id)
+/* {{{ proto int mssql_rows_affected(resource conn_id)
Returns the number of records affected by the query */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_free_result(resource result_index)
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_free_result(resource result_index)
Free a MS-SQL result index */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_num_rows(int mssql_result_index)
+/* {{{ proto int mssql_num_rows(resource mssql_result_index)
Returns the number of rows fetched in from the result id specified */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_num_fields(int mssql_result_index)
+/* {{{ proto int mssql_num_fields(resource mssql_result_index)
Returns the number of fields fetched in from the result id specified */
-/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_row(int result_id [, int result_type])
+/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_row(resource result_id [, int result_type])
Returns an array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto object mssql_fetch_object(int result_id [, int result_type])
+/* {{{ proto object mssql_fetch_object(resource result_id [, int result_type])
Returns a psuedo-object of the current row in the result set specified by result_id */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_array(int result_id [, int result_type])
+/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_array(resource result_id [, int result_type])
Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_assoc(int result_id [, int result_type])
+/* {{{ proto array mssql_fetch_assoc(resource result_id [, int result_type])
Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_data_seek(int result_id, int offset)
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_data_seek(resource result_id, int offset)
Moves the internal row pointer of the MS-SQL result associated with the specified result identifier to pointer to the specified row number */
-/* {{{ proto object mssql_fetch_field(int result_id [, int offset])
+/* {{{ proto object mssql_fetch_field(resource result_id [, int offset])
Gets information about certain fields in a query result */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_field_length(int result_id [, int offset])
+/* {{{ proto int mssql_field_length(resource result_id [, int offset])
Get the length of a MS-SQL field */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string mssql_field_name(int result_id [, int offset])
+/* {{{ proto string mssql_field_name(resource result_id [, int offset])
Returns the name of the field given by offset in the result set given by result_id */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string mssql_field_type(int result_id [, int offset])
+/* {{{ proto string mssql_field_type(resource result_id [, int offset])
Returns the type of a field */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string mssql_result(int result_id, int row, mixed field)
+/* {{{ proto string mssql_result(resource result_id, int row, mixed field)
Returns the contents of one cell from a MS-SQL result set */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto bool mssql_next_result(int result_id)
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_next_result(resource result_id)
Move the internal result pointer to the next result */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_init(string sp_name [, int conn_id])
+/* {{{ proto int mssql_init(string sp_name [, resource conn_id])
Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_bind(int stmt, string param_name, mixed var, int type
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_bind(resource stmt, string param_name, mixed var, int type
[, int is_output[, int is_null[, int maxlen]]])
Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_execute(int stmt [, bool skip_results = false])
+/* {{{ proto mixed mssql_execute(resource stmt [, bool skip_results = false])
Executes a stored procedure on a MS-SQL server database */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int mssql_free_statement(resource result_index)
+/* {{{ proto bool mssql_free_statement(resource result_index)
Free a MS-SQL statement index */