-dnl let's try using the system's libevent now
-dnl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-dnl libevent fun
-dnl we have to add the builddir into the include path because event-config.h
-dnl is generated when libevent is build
-dnl AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([third-party/libevent])
-dnl AC_MSG_NOTICE([invoking libevent's configure script])
-dnl LIBEVENT_CPPFLAGS="-I\$(top_srcdir)/third-party/libevent -I\$(top_builddir)/third-party/libevent"
+ [libevent_source=system
+ LIBEVENT_LIBS="-levent"],
+ [libevent_source=bundled
+ AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([third-party/libevent])
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([libevent not found on system, so we'll build our own from third-party/libevent/.])
+ AC_MSG_NOTICE([if you are cross-compiling this is probably not what you want.])
+ LIBEVENT_CPPFLAGS="-I\$(top_srcdir)/third-party/libevent -I\$(top_builddir)/third-party/libevent"
+ LIBEVENT_LIBS="\$(top_builddir)/third-party/libevent/.libs/libevent.a"
+AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_LIBEVENT], [test x$libevent_source = xbundled])
- Source code location: ${srcdir}
- Compiler: ${CXX}
- Build Command-Line client: ${build_cli}
- Build Daemon: ${build_daemon}
- Build GTK+ client: ${build_gtk}
- ... gio support: ${use_gio}
- ... dbus-glib support: ${use_dbus_glib}
- ... libnotify support: ${use_libnotify}
- Build OS X client: ${build_mac}
+ Source code location: ${srcdir}
+ Compiler: ${CXX}
+ System or bundled libevent: ${libevent_source}
+ Build OS X client: ${build_mac}
+ Build GTK+ client: ${build_gtk}
+ ... with gio support: ${use_gio}
+ ... with dbus-glib support: ${use_dbus_glib}
+ ... with libnotify support: ${use_libnotify}
+ Build Command-Line client: ${build_cli}
+ Build Daemon: ${build_daemon}