<title>Media Object</title>
+<para>This is a "raw" media object:</para>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata
+ align="right"
+ width="50%"
+ fileref="graphics/duck-small.gif"
+ srccredit="O'Reilly & Associates/Dover Archives"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata
+ align="right"
+ width="50%"
+ fileref="graphics/duck-small.png"
+ format="PNG"
+ srccredit="O'Reilly & Associates/Dover Archives"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ <textobject><phrase>The DocBook: TDG Duck</phrase></textobject>
+ <textobject>
+<para>The bird on the cover of <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive
+Guide</citetitle> is a wood duck. Often considered one of the most
+beautiful ducks in North America, the mail wood duck has a metallic
+purple and green head with white streaks extending from its bill
+around the eyes and down to its blue and green, gold-flecked
+wings. It has a white neck, chestnut-colored chest, a white or red
+bill, and yellow-orange legs and feet. Females have more brown, gray,
+and subdueed hues.
+<para>Edie Freedman designed the cover of this book, using a
+19th-century engraving from the Dover Pictorial Archive. The
+cover layout was produced by Kathleen Wilson using QuarkXPress
+3.32 and Adobe's ITC Garamond font. The inside layout was
+designed by Alicia Cech, based on a series design by Nancy
+Priest. The text was formatted from SGML into FrameMaker 5.5
+with Jade, using a DSSSL conversion stylesheet written by
+Chris Maden. The interior fonts are ITC Garamond Light,
+Garamond Book, and ConstantWillison.
+ </textobject>
+ <caption><para>The Duck</para></caption>
+ </mediaobject>
+<para>This media object is in a figure wrapper:</para>
+<figure><title>The duck from the cover of <citetitle>DocBook:
+The Definitive Guide</citetitle></title>
srccredit="O'Reilly & Associates/Dover Archives"/>
<textobject><phrase>The DocBook: TDG Duck</phrase></textobject>
+ <textobject>
+<para>The bird on the cover of <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive
+Guide</citetitle> is a wood duck. Often considered one of the most
+beautiful ducks in North America, the mail wood duck has a metallic
+purple and green head with white streaks extending from its bill
+around the eyes and down to its blue and green, gold-flecked
+wings. It has a white neck, chestnut-colored chest, a white or red
+bill, and yellow-orange legs and feet. Females have more brown, gray,
+and subdueed hues.
+<para>Edie Freedman designed the cover of this book, using a
+19th-century engraving from the Dover Pictorial Archive. The
+cover layout was produced by Kathleen Wilson using QuarkXPress
+3.32 and Adobe's ITC Garamond font. The inside layout was
+designed by Alicia Cech, based on a series design by Nancy
+Priest. The text was formatted from SGML into FrameMaker 5.5
+with Jade, using a DSSSL conversion stylesheet written by
+Chris Maden. The interior fonts are ITC Garamond Light,
+Garamond Book, and ConstantWillison.
+ </textobject>
<caption><para>The Duck</para></caption>
+ +........+........+........+........+
| | B | | C |
+ +........+........+........+........+
-| | | D | | |
+| | | D | F | |
+........+........+ +........+........+
| | | | | E |
<entry namest="c3d" morerows="1">D</entry>
+ <entry>F</entry>
<entry namest="c5d">E</entry>
+ +........+........+........+
| | B | | C |
+ +........+........+........+
-| | | D | |
+| | | D | F |
+........+........+ +........+
| | | | E |
<entry namest="c3d" morerows="1">D</entry>
+ <entry>F</entry>
<entry namest="c4d">E</entry>
+ +........+........+........+........+
| | B | | C |
+ +........+........+........+........+
-| | | D | | |
+| | | D | G | |
+........+........+ +........+........+
| | | | | E |
<entry namest="c3d" morerows="1">D</entry>
+ <entry>G</entry>
<entry namest="c5d">E</entry>