<!-- If the object is a set or book, generate a bookmark for the toc -->
+ <xsl:when test="self::index and $generate.index = 0"/>
<xsl:when test="parent::*">
<fox:outline internal-destination="{$id}">
<!-- If the object is a set or book, generate a bookmark for the toc -->
+ <xsl:when test="self::index and $generate.index = 0"/>
<xsl:when test="parent::*">
<fo:bookmark internal-destination="{$id}">
<!-- If the object is a set or book, generate a bookmark for the toc -->
+ <xsl:when test="self::index and $generate.index = 0"/>
<xsl:when test="parent::*">
<fo:bookmark internal-destination="{$id}">
<!-- Put the root element bookmark at the same level as its children -->
<!-- If the object is a set or book, generate a bookmark for the toc -->
+ <xsl:when test="self::index and $generate.index = 0"/>
<xsl:when test="parent::*">
<rx:bookmark internal-destination="{$id}">