#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE icinga2_test
-#include "cli/daemonutility.hpp"
#include "config/configcompiler.hpp"
#include "config/configitem.hpp"
#include "base/application.hpp"
struct LivestatusFixture
- : TestConfig("test-config.conf")
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("setup global config fixture");
- String cfg_file_path = TestConfig;
- String cfg_file_path_tmp = TestConfig + ".tmp";
- std::ofstream cfgfp;
- cfgfp.open(cfg_file_path_tmp.CStr(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
- cfgfp << std::fixed;
- cfgfp << "object CheckCommand \"dummy\" {\n";
- cfgfp << " import \"plugin-check-command\"\n";
- cfgfp << " command = \"/bin/echo\"\n";
- cfgfp << "}\n";
- cfgfp << "object Host \"test-01\" {\n";
- cfgfp << " address = \"\"\n";
- cfgfp << " check_command = \"dummy\"\n";
- cfgfp << "}\n";
- cfgfp << "object Host \"test-02\" {\n";
- cfgfp << " address = \"\"\n";
- cfgfp << " check_command = \"dummy\"\n";
- cfgfp << "}\n";
- cfgfp << "apply Service \"livestatus\"{\n";
- cfgfp << " check_command = \"dummy\"\n";
- cfgfp << " notes = \"test livestatus\"\n";
- cfgfp << " assign where match(\"test-*\", host.name)\n";
- cfgfp << "}\n";
- cfgfp.close();
-#ifdef _WIN32
- _unlink(cfg_file_path.CStr());
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
- if (rename(cfg_file_path_tmp.CStr(), cfg_file_path.CStr()) < 0) {
- << boost::errinfo_api_function("rename")
- << boost::errinfo_errno(errno)
- << boost::errinfo_file_name(cfg_file_path_tmp));
- }
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Preparing config objects...");
- /* start the Icinga application and load the configuration */
- Application::DeclareSysconfDir("etc");
- Application::DeclareLocalStateDir("var");
- ActivationScope ascope;
- Loader::LoadExtensionLibrary("icinga");
- Loader::LoadExtensionLibrary("methods"); //loaded by ITL
- std::vector<std::string> configs;
- configs.push_back(TestConfig);
- std::vector<ConfigItem::Ptr> newItems;
- DaemonUtility::LoadConfigFiles(configs, newItems, "icinga2.debug", "icinga2.vars");
- /* ignore config errors */
- WorkQueue upq;
- ConfigItem::ActivateItems(upq, newItems);
+ ConfigItem::RunWithActivationContext(new Function("CreateTestObjects", WrapFunction(CreateTestObjects)));
BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("cleanup global config fixture");
- unlink(TestConfig.CStr());
- String TestConfig;
+ static void CreateTestObjects(void)
+ {
+ String config = R"CONFIG(
+object CheckCommand "dummy" {
+ import "plugin-check-command"
+ command = "/bin/echo"
+object Host "test-01" {
+ address = ""
+ check_command = "dummy"
+object Host "test-02" {
+ address = ""
+ check_command = "dummy"
+apply Service "livestatus"{
+ check_command = "dummy"
+ notes = "test livestatus"
+ assign where match("test-*", host.name)
+ Expression *expr = ConfigCompiler::CompileText("<livestatus>", config);
+ expr->Evaluate(*ScriptFrame::GetCurrentFrame());
+ }