self._type = Cursor_type(self)
return self._type
+ @property
+ def canonical(self):
+ """Return the canonical Cursor corresponding to this Cursor.
+ The canonical cursor is the cursor which is representative for the
+ underlying entity. For example, if you have multiple forward
+ declarations for the same class, the canonical cursor for the forward
+ declarations will be identical.
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, '_canonical'):
+ self._canonical = Cursor_canonical(self)
+ return self._canonical
def result_type(self):
"""Retrieve the Type of the result for this Cursor."""
Cursor_ref.restype = Cursor
Cursor_ref.errcheck = Cursor.from_result
+Cursor_canonical = lib.clang_getCanonicalCursor
+Cursor_canonical.argtypes = [Cursor]
+Cursor_canonical.restype = Cursor
+Cursor_canonical.errcheck = Cursor.from_result
Cursor_type = lib.clang_getCursorType
Cursor_type.argtypes = [Cursor]
Cursor_type.restype = Type
assert tu_nodes[2].displayname == 'f0(int, int)'
assert tu_nodes[2].is_definition() == True
+def test_canonical():
+ source = 'struct X; struct X; struct X { int member; };'
+ tu = get_tu(source)
+ cursors = []
+ for cursor in tu.cursor.get_children():
+ if cursor.spelling == 'X':
+ cursors.append(cursor)
+ assert len(cursors) == 3
+ assert cursors[1].canonical == cursors[2].canonical
def test_underlying_type():
tu = get_tu('typedef int foo;')
typedef = get_cursor(tu, 'foo')