Codec Interface). The functions/methods are expected to work in a stateless
- *incrementalencoder* and *incrementalencoder*: These have to be factory
+ *incrementalencoder* and *incrementaldecoder*: These have to be factory
functions providing the following interface:
The factory functions must return objects providing the interfaces defined by
- the base classes :class:`IncrementalEncoder` and :class:`IncrementalEncoder`,
+ the base classes :class:`IncrementalEncoder` and :class:`IncrementalDecoder`,
respectively. Incremental codecs can maintain state.
*streamreader* and *streamwriter*: These have to be factory functions providing
The *errors* argument will be assigned to an attribute of the same name.
Assigning to this attribute makes it possible to switch between different error
- handling strategies during the lifetime of the :class:`IncrementalEncoder`
+ handling strategies during the lifetime of the :class:`IncrementalDecoder`
The set of allowed values for the *errors* argument can be extended with