-README for DocBook Slides
-Slides is a customization layer of the DocBook XML DTD and the
-DocBook XSL Stylesheets.
+README for the DocBook Slides distribution
-For more information, see http://docbook.sourceforge.net/
+For installation information, see the INSTALL file. This README
+file provides some minimal documentation on authoring, validating,
+and transforming Slides documents.
+Slides how-to and reference documentation
+Some minimal how-to documentation on Slides is available at:
+ http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/current/doc/
+Reference documentation on XSL stylesheet parameters is at:
+ http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/current/doc/param.html
+The same documentation is also in the doc/ subdirectory in the
+Slides distribution.
+Authoring and validating with DTDs (slides.dtd or slides-full.dtd)
+To do DTD-driven authoring and validation of DocBook Slides
+documents, add a DOCTYPE to your documents using either a PUBLIC
+or SYSTEM ID with the appropriate URI for either the included
+slides.dtd (based on Simplified DocBook) or slides-full.dtd
+(based on full DocBook) DTD.
+For example:
+ <!DOCTYPE slides PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides V3.4//EN"
+ "http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/3.4/schema/dtd/slides.dtd">
+IMPORTANT: The example above may not be up-to-date. For the
+ current PUBLIC ID and URI see the actual slides.dtd
+ and slides-full.dtd files.
+Authoring with RELAX NG (slides.rnc and slides-full.rnc)
+To do RNC-driven authoring of DocBook Slides content with a
+"RELAX NG aware" XML editing application such as Emacs/nXML,
+oXygen XML Editor, XMLBuddy, or Exchanger XML Editor, point your
+editing application at the included slides.rnc (based on
+Simplified DocBook) or slides-full.rnc (based on full DocBook)
+schema files.
+Alternatively, if you are authoring with an editor such as
+Emacs/nXML mode that supports schema "locating rules", use the
+included locatingrules.xml file. It tells your editor to
+automatically associate any documents whose root element is
+"slides" (DocBook Slides documents), with (by default) the
+slides.rnc schema. To have "slides" documents instead associated
+with the slides-full.rnc, edit the locatingrules.xml file.
+To use the locating-rules.xml file with Emacs/nXML mode, either
+ - do M-x customize-variable rng-schema-locating-files and then
+ add the absolute path to the locatingrules.xml file there
+ OR
+ - put the following into your .emacs file:
+ (setq rng-schema-locating-files
+ (append
+ '("~/docbook-slides/locatingrules.xml")))
+ Of course, replace the ~/docbook-slides/locatingrules.xml
+ pathname with the appropriate location for your system.
+Validating with RELAX NG (slides.rnc and slides-full.rnc)
+To validate Slides documents using RELAX NG, do either of the
+ 1. Use RNV[1]; for example:
+ rnv ~/docbook-slides/slides.rnc foo.xml
+ 2. Use the xmllint tool from libxml2[1]; for example:
+ xmllint --noout --relaxng ~/docbook-slides/slides.rng foo.xml
+ IMPORTANT: If you use xmllint, you need to validate against
+ the *.rng versions of the schemas, not the *.rnc
+ versions.
+[1] http://davidashen.net/rnv.html
+[2] http://xmlsoft.org/
+Transforming your Slides documents to HTML and PDF
+See the documentation at:
+ http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/slides/current/doc/
+The same documentation is also in the doc/ subdirectory in the
+Slides distribution.