Problem: There is a SourcePre autocommand event but not a SourcePost.
Solution: Add the SourcePost autocommand event. (closes #3739)
SourcePre Before sourcing a Vim script. |:source|
<afile> is the name of the file being sourced.
+ *SourcePost*
+SourcePost After sourcing a Vim script. |:source|
+ <afile> is the name of the file being sourced.
+ Not triggered when sourcing was interrupted.
+ Also triggered after a SourceCmd autocommand
+ was triggered.
SourceCmd When sourcing a Vim script. |:source|
<afile> is the name of the file being sourced.
proftime_T wait_start;
+ int trigger_source_post = FALSE;
p = expand_env_save(fname);
if (p == NULL)
retval = OK;
+ if (retval == OK)
+ // Apply SourcePost autocommands.
+ apply_autocmds(EVENT_SOURCEPOST, fname_exp, fname_exp,
+ FALSE, curbuf);
goto theend;
+ if (!got_int)
+ trigger_source_post = TRUE;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
* After a "finish" in debug mode, need to break at first command of next
convert_setup(&cookie.conv, NULL, NULL);
+ if (trigger_source_post)
+ apply_autocmds(EVENT_SOURCEPOST, si->sn_name, si->sn_name,
+ FALSE, curbuf);
return retval;
- {"SourcePre", EVENT_SOURCEPRE},
+ {"SourcePre", EVENT_SOURCEPRE},
+ {"SourcePost", EVENT_SOURCEPOST},
test_signs \
test_smartindent \
test_sort \
+ test_source \
test_source_utf8 \
test_spell \
test_startup \
test_shortpathname.res \
test_signs.res \
test_smartindent.res \
+ test_source.res \
test_spell.res \
test_startup.res \
test_stat.res \
--- /dev/null
+" Tests for the :source command.
+func Test_source_autocmd()
+ call writefile([
+ \ 'let did_source = 1',
+ \ ], 'Xsourced')
+ au SourcePre *source* let did_source_pre = 1
+ au SourcePost *source* let did_source_post = 1
+ source Xsourced
+ call assert_equal(g:did_source, 1)
+ call assert_equal(g:did_source_pre, 1)
+ call assert_equal(g:did_source_post, 1)
+ call delete('Xsourced')
+ au! SourcePre
+ au! SourcePost
+ unlet g:did_source
+ unlet g:did_source_pre
+ unlet g:did_source_post
+func Test_source_cmd()
+ au SourceCmd *source* let did_source = expand('<afile>')
+ au SourcePre *source* let did_source_pre = 2
+ au SourcePost *source* let did_source_post = 2
+ source Xsourced
+ call assert_equal(g:did_source, 'Xsourced')
+ call assert_false(exists('g:did_source_pre'))
+ call assert_equal(g:did_source_post, 2)
+ au! SourceCmd
+ au! SourcePre
+ au! SourcePost
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 729,
EVENT_SHELLFILTERPOST, // after ":1,2!cmd", ":w !cmd", ":r !cmd".
EVENT_SOURCECMD, // sourcing a Vim script using command
EVENT_SOURCEPRE, // before sourcing a Vim script
+ EVENT_SOURCEPOST, // after sourcing a Vim script
EVENT_SPELLFILEMISSING, // spell file missing
EVENT_STDINREADPOST, // after reading from stdin
EVENT_STDINREADPRE, // before reading from stdin