PyObject *
PyErr_NewException(name, base, dict)
- char *name;
+ char *name; /* modulename.classname */
PyObject *base;
PyObject *dict;
- PyObject *nname = PyString_InternFromString(name);
- PyObject *ndict = NULL;
- PyObject *nbases = NULL;
+ char *dot;
+ PyObject *modulename = NULL;
+ PyObject *classname = NULL;
+ PyObject *mydict = NULL;
+ PyObject *bases = NULL;
PyObject *result = NULL;
- if (nname == NULL)
+ dot = strrchr(name, '.');
+ if (dot == NULL) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,
+ "PyErr_NewException: name must be module.class");
return NULL;
+ }
+ if (base == NULL)
+ base = PyExc_Exception;
+ if (!PyClass_Check(base)) {
+ /* Must be using string-based standard exceptions (-X) */
+ return PyString_FromString(name);
+ }
if (dict == NULL) {
- dict = ndict = PyDict_New();
+ dict = mydict = PyDict_New();
if (dict == NULL)
goto failure;
- if (base == NULL)
- base = PyExc_Exception;
- nbases = Py_BuildValue("(O)", base);
- if (nbases == NULL)
+ if (PyDict_GetItemString(dict, "__module__") == NULL) {
+ modulename = PyString_FromStringAndSize(name, (int)(dot-name));
+ if (modulename == NULL)
+ goto failure;
+ if (PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__module__", modulename) != 0)
+ goto failure;
+ }
+ classname = PyString_FromString(dot+1);
+ if (classname == NULL)
+ goto failure;
+ bases = Py_BuildValue("(O)", base);
+ if (bases == NULL)
goto failure;
- result = PyClass_New(nbases, dict, nname);
+ result = PyClass_New(bases, dict, classname);
- Py_XDECREF(nbases);
- Py_XDECREF(ndict);
- Py_XDECREF(nname);
+ Py_XDECREF(bases);
+ Py_XDECREF(mydict);
+ Py_XDECREF(classname);
+ Py_XDECREF(modulename);
return result;