item: End Block
+item: Remark
+item: Remark
+ Text=Get a temp file, into which we'll write the summary for the "Start Installation" screen.
+item: Get Temporary Filename
+ Variable=TEMPFILE
+item: Set Variable
+ Variable=TEMPFILE
+item: Remark
item: Wizard Block
Direction Variable=DIRECTION
Display Variable=DISPLAY
Rectangle=113 100 212 126
Create Flags=01010000000000010000000000001001
- Text=&Yes (make backups)
- Text=N&o (do not make backups)
+ Text=&Yes, make backups
+ Text=N&o, do not make backups
Text French=&Oui
Text French=N&on
Text Italian=Pronto per l'installazione!
item: Static
- Rectangle=86 42 256 102
+ Rectangle=86 34 256 54
Create Flags=01010000000000000000000000000000
- Text=You are now ready to install %APPTITLE%.
- Text=
- Text=Click the Next button to begin the installation, or the Back button to change choices made previously.
+ Text=Click the Next button to install %APPTITLE%, or the Back button to change choices:
Text French=Vous êtes maintenant prêt à installer les fichiers %APPTITLE%.
Text French=
Text French=Cliquez sur le bouton Suite pour commencer l'installation ou sur le bouton Retour pour entrer les informations d'installation à nouveau.
Text Italian=
Text Italian=Premere il pulsante Avanti per avviare l'installazione o il pulsante Indietro per reinserire le informazioni di installazione.
+ item: Editbox
+ Rectangle=86 54 259 175
+ Value=%TEMPFILE%
+ Help Context=16711681
+ Enabled Color=00000000000000001111111111111111
+ Create Flags=01010000101000000001100010000100
+ end
item: Remark
- Text=This reinitializes the BACKUP directory so that it reflects the change the user made to MAINDIR
+item: Remark
+ Text=If we just finished "Select Destination Directory":
+item: Remark
+ Text= %MAINDIR% is set, so reinitialize %BACKUP% to match.
+item: Remark
+ Text=ElseIf we just finished "Select Program Manager Group":
+item: Remark
+ Text= "Start Installation" is next, so write out the choices to a file for "Start Installation" to display.
+item: Remark
item: If/While Statement
+item: Remark
+item: ElseIf Statement
+ Variable=DISPLAY
+ Value=Select Program Manager Group
+item: Delete File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text=Installation directory%CRLF% %MAINDIR%
+ Line Number=0
+item: Remark
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text=%CRLF%Make backups?
+ Line Number=0
+item: If/While Statement
+ Variable=DOBACKUP
+ Value=A
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Yes, into %BACKUP%
+ Line Number=0
+item: Else Statement
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= No
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: Remark
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text=%CRLF%Components
+ Line Number=0
+item: If/While Statement
+ Value=A
+ Flags=00000010
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Python interpreter, libraries, and Tcl/Tk
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: If/While Statement
+ Value=B
+ Flags=00000010
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Python documentation
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: If/While Statement
+ Value=C
+ Flags=00000010
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Tool and utility scripts
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: If/While Statement
+ Value=D
+ Flags=00000010
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Python test suite
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: If/While Statement
+ Value=E
+ Flags=00000010
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text= Register file extensions
+ Line Number=0
+item: End Block
+item: Remark
+item: Insert Line into Text File
+ Pathname=%TEMPFILE%
+ New Text=%CRLF%Start Menu group%CRLF% %GROUP%
+ Line Number=0
item: End Block
item: End Block