return file_contents.replace(os.linesep, '\n'), filename
return open(filename).read(), filename
+# Use sys.stdout encoding for ouput.
+_encoding = getattr(sys.__stdout__, 'encoding', None) or 'utf-8'
def _indent(s, indent=4):
- Add the given number of space characters to the beginning every
- non-blank line in `s`, and return the result.
+ Add the given number of space characters to the beginning of
+ every non-blank line in `s`, and return the result.
+ If the string `s` is Unicode, it is encoded using the stdout
+ encoding and the `backslashreplace` error handler.
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ s = s.encode(_encoding, 'backslashreplace')
# This regexp matches the start of non-blank lines:
return re.sub('(?m)^(?!$)', indent*' ', s)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test script for doctest.
>>> tests = finder.find(sample_func)
>>> print tests # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
- [<DocTest sample_func from ...:16 (1 example)>]
+ [<DocTest sample_func from ...:17 (1 example)>]
The exact name depends on how test_doctest was invoked, so allow for
leading path components.
called with the name of a file, which is taken to be relative to the
calling module. The return value is (#failures, #tests).
+We don't want `-v` in sys.argv for these tests.
+ >>> save_argv = sys.argv
+ >>> if '-v' in sys.argv:
+ ... sys.argv = [arg for arg in save_argv if arg != '-v']
>>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest.txt') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
File "...", line 6, in test_doctest.txt
>>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8')
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
>>> doctest.master = None # Reset master.
+Switch the module encoding to 'utf-8' to test the verbose output without
+bothering with the current sys.stdout encoding.
+ >>> doctest._encoding, saved_encoding = 'utf-8', doctest._encoding
+ >>> doctest.testfile('test_doctest4.txt', encoding='utf-8', verbose=True)
+ Trying:
+ u'föö'
+ Expecting:
+ u'f\xf6\xf6'
+ ok
+ Trying:
+ u'bąr'
+ Expecting:
+ u'b\u0105r'
+ ok
+ Trying:
+ 'föö'
+ Expecting:
+ 'f\xc3\xb6\xc3\xb6'
+ ok
+ Trying:
+ 'bąr'
+ Expecting:
+ 'b\xc4\x85r'
+ ok
+ 1 items passed all tests:
+ 4 tests in test_doctest4.txt
+ 4 tests in 1 items.
+ 4 passed and 0 failed.
+ Test passed.
+ TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
+ >>> doctest._encoding = saved_encoding
+ >>> doctest.master = None # Reset master.
+ >>> sys.argv = save_argv
# old_test1, ... used to live in, but cluttered it. Note