bool presigned=dk.isPresigned(zone);
bool validKeys=dk.checkKeys(zone);
- uint64_t numrecords=0, numerrors=0, numwarnings=0;
+ uint64_t numerrors=0, numwarnings=0;
if (haveNSEC3) {
if(isSecure && zone.wirelength() > 222) {
bool hasNsAtApex = false;
set<DNSName> tlsas, cnames, noncnames, glue, checkglue;
- set<pair<DNSName, QType> > recs, checkOcclusion;
+ set<pair<DNSName, QType> > checkOcclusion;
set<string> recordcontents;
map<string, unsigned int> ttl;
- for(auto rr : records) { // we modify this
- // if(!rr.qtype.getCode()) {
- // if(rr.content.length()) {
- // cout<<"[Error] ENT (or unknown type) has content: "<<rr.qname<<" IN " <<rr.qtype.getName()<< " '" << rr.content<<"'"<<endl;
- // numerrors++;
- // }
- // continue;
- // }
- numrecords++;
+ for(auto &rr : records) { // we modify this
if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::TLSA)
if(rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::SOA) {
} else if (rr.qtype == QType::DNAME) {
checkOcclusion.insert({rr.qname, rr.qtype});
- if (rr.qtype != QType::NS && rr.qtype != QType::DS && rr.qtype != QType::DNAME) {
- recs.insert({rr.qname, rr.qtype});
- }
if((rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::A || rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::AAAA) && !rr.qname.isWildcard() && !rr.qname.isHostname())
- for(const auto &qname : checkOcclusion) {
- for (const auto &q : recs) {
- if (q.first.isPartOf(qname.first) && !checkglue.count(q.first)) {
- cout<<"[Warning] '"<<q.first<<"|"<<q.second.getName()<<"' in zone '"<<zone<<"' is occluded by a ";
- if (qname.second == QType::NS) {
- cout<<"delegation";
- }
- if (qname.second == QType::DNAME) {
- cout<<"DNAME";
+ for( const auto &qname : checkOcclusion ) {
+ for( const auto &rr : records ) {
+ if( qname.first == rr.qname && ((( rr.qtype == QType::NS || rr.qtype == QType::DS ) && qname.second == QType::NS ) || ( rr.qtype == QType::DNAME && qname.second == QType::DNAME ) ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( rr.qname.isPartOf( qname.first ) ) {
+ if( qname.second == QType::DNAME || ( rr.qtype != QType::ENT && rr.qtype.getCode() != QType::A && rr.qtype.getCode() != QType::AAAA ) ) {
+ cout << "[Warning] '" << rr.qname << "|" << rr.qtype.getName() << "' in zone '" << zone << "' is occluded by a ";
+ if( qname.second == QType::NS ) {
+ cout << "delegation";
+ } else {
+ cout << "DNAME";
+ }
+ cout << " at '" << qname.first << "'" << endl;
+ numwarnings++;
- cout<<" at '"<<qname.first<<"'"<<endl;
- numwarnings++;
- cout<<"Checked "<<numrecords<<" records of '"<<zone<<"', "<<numerrors<<" errors, "<<numwarnings<<" warnings."<<endl;
+ cout<<"Checked "<<records.size()<<" records of '"<<zone<<"', "<<numerrors<<" errors, "<<numwarnings<<" warnings."<<endl;
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
int checkAllZones(DNSSECKeeper &dk, bool exitOnError)