parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', action='store', help='set the bundle name, such as "myapp"', metavar='bundname', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', action='store', help='pkgdata mode', metavar='mode', default="archive")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dest', action='store', dest='destdir', help='dest dir, default is ".".', default=".", metavar='destdir')
+parser.add_argument('-e', '--endian', action='store', dest='endian', help='endian, big or little, default is "host".', default="host", metavar='endianness')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count',default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()
listname = '%s/%s/icufiles.lst' % (args.destdir, tmpdir)
+if args.endian not in ("big","little","host"):
+ print "Unknown endianness: %s" % args.endian
+ sys.exit(1)
+if args.endian not in ("big"):
+ print "Unsupported endianness: %s" % args.endian
+ sys.exit(1)
+needswap = args.endian not in ("host")
+if needswap and args.mode not in ("archive", "files"):
+ print "Don't know how to do swapping for mode=%s" % args.mode
+ sys.exit(1)
+pkgmode = args.mode
+if needswap and args.mode in ("files"):
+ pkgmode = "archive"
if args.verbose > 0:
print ">%s" % (listname)
listfn = open(listname, 'w')
print "# " + cmd
-cmd = 'pkgdata -m "%s" -T "%s/%s" -p "%s" -s "%s/%s" -d "%s" "%s"' % (args.mode,args.destdir,tmpdir,,args.destdir,tmpdir,args.destdir,listname)
+cmd = 'pkgdata -m "%s" -T "%s/%s" -p "%s" -s "%s/%s" -d "%s" "%s"' % (pkgmode,args.destdir,tmpdir,,args.destdir,tmpdir,args.destdir,listname)
if (args.verbose>1):
cmd = cmd + " -v"
print "# " + cmd
+rc = os.system(cmd)
+if rc is not 0:
+ print "# Command failed: " + cmd
+ sys.exit(rc)
+if needswap:
+ outfile = "%s/%s.dat" % (args.destdir,
+ tmpfile = "%s/%s/%s.dat" % (args.destdir, tmpdir,
+ if args.mode in ("files","archive"):
+ print "# %s -> %s" % (outfile, tmpfile)
+ os.rename(outfile,tmpfile)
+ # swap tmp back to out
+ cmd = 'icupkg -w -tb "%s" "%s"' % (tmpfile, outfile)
+ if (args.verbose>1):
+ cmd = cmd + " -v"
+ print "# " + cmd
+ rc = os.system(cmd)
+ if rc is not 0:
+ print "# Swap command failed: " + cmd
+ sys.exit(rc)
+ # fall through for files mode.
+ if args.mode in ("files"):
+ os.mkdir("%s/%s/" % (args.destdir,
+ # unpack
+ cmd = 'icupkg -tb -x "%s" -d "%s/%s/" "%s"' % (listname, args.destdir,, outfile)
+ if (args.verbose>1):
+ cmd = cmd + " -v"
+ print "# " + cmd
+ rc = os.system(cmd)
+ if rc is not 0:
+ print "# Swap command failed: " + cmd
+ sys.exit(rc)
+ # todo cleanup??