For "traditional" menu style, pickup and #loot/apply can't accept an 'm'
response to bring up a menu upon request when all items involved are of
the same class, because the prompt where that response is allowed only
gets issued when multiple classes are present.
Also allow 'm' prefix for pickup.
prevent recoil from hurtling you through narrow areas that you wouldn't
be able to move through intentionally
grammar in cause of death when killed by slipping while mounting named steed
+ensure `m'enu is still an available traditional menu choice for
+ menu-upon-request even when there is only one class of object present
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
applying a eucalyptus leaf produces a whistle effect (Malcolm Ryan)
hobbits can wear elven mithril-coats
eating mimics now has an hallucination effect
+prefix pickup command with 'm' to force menu of all objects present