mcrypt_filter). (Stas)
?? ??? 20??, PHP 5.3.2
-- Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3.6.21. (Ilia)
+- Upgraded bundled sqlite to version 3.6.22. (Ilia)
+- Upgraded bundled libmagic to version 5.03. (Mikko)
- Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.00. (Scott)
- Changed gmp_strval() to use full range from 2 to 62, and -2 to -36. FR #50283
- Removed automatic file descriptor unlocking happening on shutdown and/or
stream close (on all OSes). (Tony, Ilia)
+- Added libpng 1.4.0 support. (Pierre)
+- Added support for DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR for imap_open. (Pierre)
+- Added missing host validation for HTTP urls inside FILTER_VALIDATE_URL.
+ (Ilia)
+- Added stream_resolve_include_path(). (Mikko)
- Added INTERNALDATE support to imap_append. (nick at mailtrust dot com)
- Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 to php's crypt. (Pierre)
- Added realpath_cache_size() and realpath_cache_get() functions. (Stas)
(Arvind Srinivasan)
- Fixed memory leak in extension loading when an error occurs on Windows.
+- Fixed safe_mode validation inside tempnam() when the directory path does
+ not end with a /). (Martin Jansen)
+- Fixed a possible open_basedir/safe_mode bypass in session extension
+ identified by Grzegorz Stachowiak. (Ilia)
+- Fixed possible crash when a error/warning is raised during php startup.
+ (Pierre)
+- Fixed possible bad behavior of rename on windows when used with symbolic
+ links or invalid paths. (Pierre)
+- Fixed error output to stderr on Windows. (Pierre)
+- Fixed memory leaks in is_writable/readable/etc on Windows. (Pierre)
+- Fixed memory leaks in the ACL function on Windows. (Pierre)
+- Fixed memory leak in the realpath cache on Windows. (Pierre)
+- Fixed memory leak in zip_close. (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #50952 (allow underscore _ in constants parsed in php.ini files).
+ (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #50940 (Custom content-length set incorrectly in Apache SAPIs).
+ (Brian France, Rasmus)
+- Fixed bug #50930 (Wrong date by php_date.c patch with ancient gcc/glibc
+ versions). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #50907 (X-PHP-Originating-Script adding two new lines in *NIX).
+ (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50859 (build fails with openssl 1.0 due to md2 deprecation).
+ (Ilia, hanno at hboeck dot de)
+- Fixed bug #50847 (strip_tags() removes all tags greater then 1023 bytes
+ long). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50829 (php.ini directive pdo_mysql.default_socket is ignored).
+ (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50832 (HTTP fopen wrapper does not support passwordless HTTP
+ authentication). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #50787 (stream_set_write_buffer() has no effect on socket streams).
+ (vnegrier at optilian dot com, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50761 (system.multiCall crashes in xmlrpc extension).
+ (hiroaki dot kawai at gmail dot com, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50756 (CURLOPT_FTP_SKIP_PASV_IP does not exist). (Sriram)
+- Fixed bug #50732 (exec() adds single byte twice to $output array). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50728 (All PDOExceptions hardcode 'code' property to 0).
+ (Joey, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50723 (Bug in garbage collector causes crash). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #50690 (putenv does not set ENV when the value is only one char).
+ (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #50680 (strtotime() does not support eighth ordinal number). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50661 (DOMDocument::loadXML does not allow UTF-16). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #50657 (copy() with an empty (zero-byte) HTTP source succeeds but
+ returns false). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50636 (MySQLi_Result sets values before calling constructor).
+ (Pierrick)
+- Fixed bug #50632 (filter_input() does not return default value if the
+ variable does not exist). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #50576 (XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART option has no effect). (Pierrick)
+- Fixed bug #50416 (PROCEDURE db.myproc can't return a result set in the given
+ context). (Andrey)
+- Fixed bug #49600 (imageTTFText text shifted right). (Takeshi Abe)
+- Fixed bug #49585 (date_format buffer not long enough for >4 digit years).
+ (Derick, Adam)
+- Fixed bug #49560 (oci8: using LOBs causes slow PHP shutdown). (Oracle Corp.)
+- Fixed bug #49463 (setAttributeNS fails setting default namespace). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #48811 (Directives in PATH section do not get applied to
+ subdirectories). (Patch by: ct at swin dot edu dot au)
+- Fixed bug #48590 (SoapClient does not honor max_redirects). (Sriram)
+- Fixed bug #48190 (Content-type parameter "boundary" is not case-insensitive
+ in HTTP uploads). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #47409 (extract() problem with array containing word "this").
+ (Ilia, chrisstocktonaz at gmail dot com)
+- Fixed bug #47281 ($php_errormsg is limited in size of characters)
+ (Oracle Corp.)
+- Fixed bug #44827 (define() allows :: in constant names). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #44098 (imap_utf8() returns only capital letters).
+ (steffen at dislabs dot de, Pierre)
- Fixed bug #50558 (Broken object model when extending tidy). (Pierrick)
- Fixed bug #50540 (Crash while running ldap_next_reference test cases).