Removes an edge and, if the removed edge separated two faces,
delete one of the them and modify the other to take the space of both.
-Preferencially keeps the face on the right, to be symmetric with
+Preferentially keeps the face on the right, to be symmetric with
ST_AddEdgeModFace also keeping it.
Returns the id of the face remaining in place of the removed edge.
<title>Building PostGIS Extensions and Deploying them</title>
- The PostGIS extensions which is usable for PostgreSQL 9.1+, can be built by cding into the extension folders and doing a make install.
- This will be an automated process in the future when PostGIS is compiled against a 9.1 build and fully integrated int ot he build process.
+ The PostGIS extensions are built and installed automatically if you are using PostgreSQL 9.1+.
- <para>If you are building from souce repository, you need to build the function descriptions first with:</para>
+ <para>If you are building from source repository, you need to build the function descriptions first. These get built if you have docbook installed. You can also manually build with the statement:</para>
<programlisting>make comments</programlisting>
<para>Building the comments is not necessary if you are building from a release tar ball since these are packaged pre-built with the tar ball already.</para>
<para>If you are building against PostgreSQL 9.1, the extensions should automatically build as part of the make install process. You can if needed build from the extensions
- folders or copy files if you need them on a differnt server. </para>
+ folders or copy files if you need them on a different server. </para>
<programlisting>cd extensions
cd postgis
make clean
be used at all.
All your custom records with invalid SRIDs will be retained,
with those > 999999 moved into the reserved range, but the
- spatial_ref_sys table would loose a check contraint guarding
+ spatial_ref_sys table would loose a check constraint guarding
for that invariant to hold and possibly also its primary key
( when multiple invalid SRIDS get converted to the same reserved
SRID value ).
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<para>Although this function is only defined for box3d, it will work for box2d and geometry because of the auto-casting behavior
- defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text represenation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
+ defined for geometries and box2d. However you can not feed it a geometry or box2d text representation, since that will not auto-cast.</para>
<refpurpose>Adds a geometry column to an existing table of
attributes. By default uses type modifier to define rather than constraints.
- Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check contraint based behavior</refpurpose>
+ Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check constraint based behavior</refpurpose>
table oid, this function tries to determine the srid, dimension, and
type of all the geometries in the view, inserting appropriate entries
into the <varname>geometry_columns</varname> table, but nothing is done
- to enforce contraints.</para>
+ to enforce constraints.</para>
<para>The parameterless variant is a simple wrapper for the parameterized
variant that first truncates and repopulates the geometry_columns table
for every spatial table and view in the database, adding spatial
- contraints to tables where appropriate. It returns a summary of the
+ constraints to tables where appropriate. It returns a summary of the
number of geometry columns detected in the database and the number that
were inserted into the <varname>geometry_columns</varname> table. The
parameterized version simply returns the number of rows inserted into
<para>'join=round|mitre|bevel' : join style (defaults to "round", needs GEOS-3.2 or higher for a different value). 'miter' is also accepted as a synonym for 'mitre'.</para>
-<para>'mitre_limit=#.#' : mitre ratio limit (only affects mitred join style). 'miter_limit' is also accepted as a synonym for 'mitre_limit'.</para>
+<para>'mitre_limit=#.#' : mitre ratio limit (only affects mitered join style). 'miter_limit' is also accepted as a synonym for 'mitre_limit'.</para>
functions to the raster objects which are not of use to a general
<para><varname>raster</varname> is a new PostGIS type for storing and analyzing raster data. </para>
- <para>For loading rasters from raster files please refere to <xref linkend="RT_Loading_Rasters" /></para>
+ <para>For loading rasters from raster files please refer to <xref linkend="RT_Loading_Rasters" /></para>
<para>For the examples in this reference we will be using a raster table of dummy rasters - Formed with the following code </para>
<programlisting>CREATE TABLE dummy_rast(rid integer, rast raster);
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize</varname> sets both X and Y blocksize</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize_x</varname> sets X tile (width in pixels of each tile)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>blocksize_y</varname> sets Y tile (height in pixels of each tile)</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para><varname>extent</varname> computes extent of whole table and applys constraint all rasters must be withint that extent</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para><varname>extent</varname> computes extent of whole table and applys constraint all rasters must be within that extent</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>num_bands</varname> number of bands</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>pixel_types</varname> reads array of pixel types for each band ensure all band n have same pixel type</para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>regular_blocking</varname> apply informational flag to denote all tiles are regularly blocked</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para><varname>same_alignment</varname> ensures they all have same alignment meanign any two tiles you compare will return true for. Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_SameAlignment" /></para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para><varname>same_alignment</varname> ensures they all have same alignment meaning any two tiles you compare will return true for. Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_SameAlignment" /></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><varname>srid</varname> ensures all have same srid</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>More -- any listed as inputs into the above functions</para></listitem>
SELECT AddRasterConstraints('public'::name, 'myrasters2'::name, 'rast'::name,'regular_blocking', 'blocksize');
-- get notice--
NOTICE: Adding regular blocking constraint
-INFO: The regular_blocking constraint is just a flag indicating that the column "rast" is regularly blocked. As no function exist yet to assert that a raster column is regularly blocked, it is up to the end-user to ensure that the column is truely regularly blocked.
+INFO: The regular_blocking constraint is just a flag indicating that the column "rast" is regularly blocked. As no function exist yet to assert that a raster column is regularly blocked, it is up to the end-user to ensure that the column is truly regularly blocked.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "addrasterconstraints" line 85 at assignment
NOTICE: Adding blocksize-X constraint
NOTICE: Adding blocksize-Y constraint</programlisting>
<para>Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column that were added by <xref linkend="RT_AddRasterConstraints" />. Useful if you need to load more data or update your raster column data.
You do not need to do this if you want to get rid of a raster table or a raster column. </para>
<para>To drop a raster table use the standard <programlisting>DROP TABLE mytable</programlisting></para>
- <para>To drop justa araster column and leave the rest of the table, use standard SQL <programlisting>ALTER TABLE mytable DROP COLUMN rast</programlisting></para>
+ <para>To drop just a raster column and leave the rest of the table, use standard SQL <programlisting>ALTER TABLE mytable DROP COLUMN rast</programlisting></para>
<para>the table will disappear from the <varname>raster_columns</varname> catalog if the column or table is dropped. However if only the constraints are dropped, the
raster column will still be listed in the <varname>raster_columns</varname> catalog, but there will be no other information about it aside from the column name and table.</para>
<para>Availability: 2.0.0</para>
<para>Returns the height of a pixel in geometric units of the spatial reference system. In the common case where
there is no skew, the pixel height is just the scale ratio between geometric coordinates and raster pixels.</para>
- <para>Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelWidth" /> for a diagramatic visualization of the relationship. </para>
+ <para>Refer to <xref linkend="RT_ST_PixelWidth" /> for a diagrammatic visualization of the relationship. </para>
<title>Examples: Return a multi-band raster that is the union of tiles intersecting geometry</title>
- <programlisting>-- this creates a muli band raster collecting all the tiles that intersect a line
+ <programlisting>-- this creates a multi band raster collecting all the tiles that intersect a line
SELECT ST_AddBand(NULL,ARRAY[ST_Union(rast,1), ST_Union(rast,2), ST_Union(rast,3) ])
FROM aerials.boston
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(230486 887771, 230500 88772)',26986) );</programlisting>
- <term>Raster processing: Applying contraints for proper registering in raster catalogs</term>
+ <term>Raster processing: Applying constraints for proper registering in raster catalogs</term>