. Make sure PHP_SELF is filtered in Apache 1 sapi.
. Fixed bug #39358 (INSTALL_HEADERS contains incorrect reference to
+- Added optimization for imageline with horizontal and vertial lines (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #39366 (imagerotate does not use alpha with angle > 45°) (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #39273 (imagecopyresized may ignore alpha channel) (Pierre)
- Fixed bug #39364 (Removed warning on empty haystack inside mb_strstr()).
/* Bresenham as presented in Foley & Van Dam */
void gdImageLine (gdImagePtr im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color)
+ int t;
int dx, dy, incr1, incr2, d, x, y, xend, yend, xdirflag, ydirflag;
int wid;
int w, wstart;
+ /* Vertical */
+ if (x1==x2) {
+ if (y2 < y1) {
+ t = y2;
+ y2 = y1;
+ y1 = t;
+ }
+ for (;y1 <= y2; y1++) {
+ gdImageSetPixel(im, x1,y1, color);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (y1==y2) { /* Horizontal */
+ if (x2 < x1) {
+ t = x2;
+ x2 = x1;
+ x1 = t;
+ }
+ for (;x1 <= x2; x1++) {
+ gdImageSetPixel(im, x1,y1, color);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
/* gdAntiAliased passed as color: set anti-aliased line (AAL) global vars. */
if (color == gdAntiAliased) {
im->AAL_x1 = x1;