" "MY_NAME" [port] [options]\n"
" "MY_NAME" [host:port] [options]\n"
-" <files> can be 'all', a single index, or a comma-separated list.\n"
-" <torrents> can be 'all', a torrent id or hash string, or a comma-separated list of ids and hash strings.\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -l\" (list all torrents)\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -tall --start\" (start all torrents)\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" --add ~/Desktop/*torrent\" (add all the torrent files in $HOME/Desktop)\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -t1 -i\" (get detailed information on the torrent whose id is '1')\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -t1 -Gall -g2,4,6\" (same torrent; only download the second, fourth, and sixth files)\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -tall -ph1,2\" (set all torrent's first two files' priorities to high)\n"
-" \""MY_NAME" -tall -pnall\" (set all torrent's files' priorities to normal)";
+"See the man page for detailed explanations and many examples.";
static tr_option opts[] =
{ 'b', "debug", "Print debugging information", "b", 0, NULL },
{ 'd', "downlimit", "Set the maximum download speed in KB/s", "d", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'D', "no-downlimit", "Don't limit the download speed", "D", 0, NULL },
- { 'e', "encryption", "Set encryption mode [required, preferred, tolerated]", "e", 1, "<mode>" },
- { 'f', "files", "Get a file list for the current torrent(s)", "f", 0, NULL },
+ { 910, "encryption-required", "Encrypt all peer connections", "er", 0, NULL },
+ { 911, "encryption-preferred", "Prefer encrypted peer connections", "ep", 0, NULL },
+ { 912, "encryption-tolerated", "Prefer unencrypted peer connections", "et", 0, NULL },
+ { 'f', "files", "List the current torrent's files", "f", 0, NULL },
{ 'g', "get", "Mark files for download", "g", 1, "<files>" },
{ 'G', "no-get", "Mark files for not downloading", "G", 1, "<files>" },
{ 'h', "help", "Show this help page and exit", "h", 0, NULL },
{ 'l', "list", "List all torrents", "l", 0, NULL },
{ 'm', "portmap", "Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP", "m", 0, NULL },
{ 'M', "no-portmap", "Disable portmapping", "M", 0, NULL },
- { 'n', "auth", "Set username for authentication", "n", 1, "<user>:<pass>" },
+ { 'n', "auth", "Set username for authentication", "n", 1, "<auth>" },
{ 'p', "port", "Port to listen for incoming peers", "p", 1, "<port>" },
- { 900, "priority-high", "Set one or more files' priority as high", "ph", 1, "<files>" },
- { 901, "priority-normal", "Set one or more files' priority as normal", "pn", 1, "<files>" },
- { 902, "priority-normal", "Set one or more files' priority as low", "pl", 1, "<files>" },
+ { 900, "priority-high", "Set the files' priorities as high", "ph", 1, "<files>" },
+ { 901, "priority-normal", "Set the files' priorities as normal", "pn", 1, "<files>" },
+ { 902, "priority-normal", "Set the files' priorities as low", "pl", 1, "<files>" },
{ 'r', "remove", "Remove the current torrent(s)", "r", 0, NULL },
{ 's', "start", "Start the current torrent(s)", "s", 0, NULL },
{ 'S', "stop", "Stop the current torrent(s)", "S", 0, NULL },
{ 'u', "uplimit", "Set the maximum upload speed in KB/s", "u", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'U', "no-uplimit", "Don't limit the upload speed", "U", 0, NULL },
{ 'v', "verify", "Verify the current torrent(s)", "v", 0, NULL },
- { 'w', "download-dir", "Set the download folder for new torrents", "w", 1, "<path>" },
+ { 'w', "download-dir", "Set the default download folder", "w", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'x', "pex", "Enable peer exchange (PEX)", "x", 0, NULL },
{ 'X', "no-pex", "Disable peer exchange (PEX)", "X", 0, NULL },
{ 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
case 'D': tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "session-set" );
tr_bencDictAddInt( args, "speed-limit-down-enabled", 0 );
- case 'e': tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "session-set" );
- tr_bencDictAddStr( args, "encryption", optarg );
- break;
case 'f': tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "torrent-get" );
tr_bencDictAddInt( &top, "tag", TAG_FILES );
addIdArg( args, id );
addIdArg( args, id );
addFiles( args, "priority-low", optarg );
+ case 910: tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "session-set" );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( args, "encryption", "required" );
+ break;
+ case 911: tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "session-set" );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( args, "encryption", "preferred" );
+ break;
+ case 912: tr_bencDictAddStr( &top, "method", "session-set" );
+ tr_bencDictAddStr( args, "encryption", "tolerated" );
+ break;
default: fprintf( stderr, "got opt [%d]\n", (int)c );
showUsage( );
.Op Fl b
.Op Fl d Ar number
.Op Fl D
-.Op Fl e Ar mode
+.Op Fl er
+.Op Fl ep
+.Op Fl et
.Op Fl f
.Op Fl g Ar files
.Op Fl G Ar files
.It Fl D Fl -no-downlimit
Remove the download limit.
-.It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar required
-Require all peer connections to be encrypted.
-.It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar preferred
+.It Fl er Fl -encryption-required
+Encrypt all peer connections.
+.It Fl ep Fl -encryption-preferred
Prefer encrypted peer connections.
-.It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar tolerated
+.It Fl et Fl -encryption-tolerated
Prefer unencrypted peer connections.
.It Fl f Fl -files
.It Fl M Fl -no-portmap
Disable portmapping
-.It Fl n Fl -auth Ar user:pass
-.Ar Username
+.It Fl n Fl -auth Ar username:password
+Set the
+.Ar username
.Ar password
for authentication
.Ar id
.Ar hash .
+To set more than one current torrent, joined their ids or hashes together in a comma-delimited list,
+such as "-t1,2,3"
.It Fl u Fl -uplimit Ar limit
Limit the upload speed to
.Ar directory
as the default location for newly added torrents to download files to.
-.It Fl x
+.It Fl x Fl -pex
Enable peer exchange (PEX).
-.It Fl X
+.It Fl X Fl -no-pex
Disable peer exchange (PEX).
-List all torrents:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -l
+List all torrents' IDs and states:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -l
+List all torrents from a remote session that requires authentication:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote host:9091 --auth=username:password -l
Start all torrents:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -tall --start
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -tall --start
+Add two torrents:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -a one.torrent two.torrent
+Add all torrents in ~/Desktop:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -a ~/Desktop/*torrent
Get detailed information on the torrent whose ID is '1':
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -t1 -i
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -t1 -i"
-Only download the second, fourth, and sixth files of the torrent whose ID is '1':
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -t1 -Gall -g2,4,6
+Download only its second and fourth files:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -t1 -Gall -g2,4"
Set all torrents' first two files' priorities to high:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -t1 -ph1,2
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -tall -ph1,2"
Set all torrents' files' priorities to normal:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -tall -pnall
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -tall -pnall"
Set download and upload limits to 100 KiB/sec and 20 KiB/sec:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -d 100 -u 20
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -d=100 -u=20
-Add two torrents:
-.Dl $ transmission-remote -a one.torrent two.torrent
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+$ transmission-remote -d100 -u20
+$ transmission-remote --downlimit=100 --uplimit=20
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
.An -nosplit