--universal-archs=x universal architectures (options: %(UNIVERSALOPTS)r, default: %(UNIVERSALARCHS)r)
""")% globals()
+# Dict of object file names with shared library names to check after building.
+# This is to ensure that we ended up dynamically linking with the shared
+# library paths and versions we expected. For example:
+# EXPECTED_SHARED_LIBS['_tkinter.so'] = [
+# '/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.5/Tcl',
+# '/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Tk']
# Instructions for building libraries that are necessary for building a
# batteries included python.
# Because we only support dynamic load of only one major/minor version of
# Tcl/Tk, ensure:
# 1. there are no user-installed frameworks of Tcl/Tk with version
- # higher than the Apple-supplied system version
- # 2. there is a user-installed framework in /Library/Frameworks with the
- # same version as the system version. This allows users to choose
- # to install a newer patch level.
+ # higher than the Apple-supplied system version in
+ # SDKROOT/System/Library/Frameworks
+ # 2. there is a user-installed framework (usually ActiveTcl) in (or linked
+ # in) SDKROOT/Library/Frameworks with the same version as the system
+ # version. This allows users to choose to install a newer patch level.
+ frameworks = {}
for framework in ['Tcl', 'Tk']:
- #fw = dict(lower=framework.lower(),
- # upper=framework.upper(),
- # cap=framework.capitalize())
- #fwpth = "Library/Frameworks/%(cap)s.framework/%(lower)sConfig.sh" % fw
- fwpth = 'Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/Current'
+ fwpth = 'Library/Frameworks/%s.framework/Versions/Current' % framework
sysfw = os.path.join(SDKPATH, 'System', fwpth)
- libfw = os.path.join('/', fwpth)
+ libfw = os.path.join(SDKPATH, fwpth)
usrfw = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), fwpth)
- #version = "%(upper)s_VERSION" % fw
+ frameworks[framework] = os.readlink(sysfw)
+ if not os.path.exists(libfw):
+ fatal("Please install a link to a current %s %s as %s so "
+ "the user can override the system framework."
+ % (framework, frameworks[framework], libfw))
if os.readlink(libfw) != os.readlink(sysfw):
fatal("Version of %s must match %s" % (libfw, sysfw) )
if os.path.exists(usrfw):
fatal("Please rename %s to avoid possible dynamic load issues."
% usrfw)
+ if frameworks['Tcl'] != frameworks['Tk']:
+ fatal("The Tcl and Tk frameworks are not the same version.")
+ # add files to check after build
+ EXPECTED_SHARED_LIBS['_tkinter.so'] = [
+ "/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/%s/Tcl"
+ % frameworks['Tcl'],
+ "/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/%s/Tk"
+ % frameworks['Tk'],
+ ]
# Remove inherited environment variables which might influence build
environ_var_prefixes = ['CPATH', 'C_INCLUDE_', 'DYLD_', 'LANG', 'LC_',
frmDir = os.path.join(rootDir, 'Library', 'Frameworks', 'Python.framework')
gid = grp.getgrnam('admin').gr_gid
+ shared_lib_error = False
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(frmDir):
for dn in dirnames:
os.chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, dn), STAT_0o775)
os.chown(os.path.join(dirpath, dn), -1, gid)
for fn in filenames:
if os.path.islink(fn):
os.chmod(p, stat.S_IMODE(st.st_mode) | stat.S_IWGRP)
os.chown(p, -1, gid)
+ # check to see that this file was linked with the
+ # expected library path and version
+ data = captureCommand("otool -L %s" % shellQuote(p))
+ for sl in EXPECTED_SHARED_LIBS[fn]:
+ if ("\t%s " % sl) not in data:
+ print("Expected shared lib %s was not linked with %s"
+ % (sl, p))
+ shared_lib_error = True
+ if shared_lib_error:
+ fatal("Unexpected shared library errors.")
if PYTHON_3: