Problem: No autocommand for open window with terminal.
Solution: Add TerminalWinOpen. (Christian Brabandt)
|BufCreate| just after adding a buffer to the buffer list
|BufDelete| before deleting a buffer from the buffer list
|BufWipeout| before completely deleting a buffer
-|TerminalOpen| after a terminal buffer was created
|BufFilePre| before changing the name of the current buffer
|BufFilePost| after changing the name of the current buffer
|VimLeavePre| before exiting Vim, before writing the viminfo file
|VimLeave| before exiting Vim, after writing the viminfo file
+ Terminal
+|TerminalOpen| after a terminal buffer was created
+|TerminalWinOpen| after a terminal buffer was created in a new window
|FileChangedShell| Vim notices that a file changed since editing started
|FileChangedShellPost| After handling a file changed since editing started
`:terminal` or |term_start()|. This event is
triggered even if the buffer is created
without a window, with the ++hidden option.
+ *TerminalWinOpen*
+TerminalWinOpen Just after a terminal buffer was created, with
+ `:terminal` or |term_start()|. This event is
+ triggered only if the buffer is created
+ with a window. Can be used to set window
+ local options for the terminal window.
TermResponse After the response to |t_RV| is received from
the terminal. The value of |v:termresponse|
apply_autocmds(EVENT_TERMINALOPEN, NULL, NULL, FALSE, newbuf);
+ if (!opt->jo_hidden && !(flags & TERM_START_SYSTEM))
+ apply_autocmds(EVENT_TERMINALWINOPEN, NULL, NULL, FALSE, newbuf);
return newbuf;
unlet g:job
+func Test_terminal_TerminalWinOpen()
+ au TerminalWinOpen * let b:done = 'yes'
+ let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
+ call assert_equal('yes', b:done)
+ call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
+ " closing window wipes out the terminal buffer with the finished job
+ close
+ if has("unix")
+ terminal ++hidden ++open sleep 1
+ sleep 1
+ call assert_fails("echo b:done", 'E121:')
+ endif
+ au! TerminalWinOpen
func Test_terminal_make_change()
let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2219,
EVENT_TABNEW, // when entering a new tab page
EVENT_TERMCHANGED, // after changing 'term'
EVENT_TERMINALOPEN, // after a terminal buffer was created
+ EVENT_TERMINALWINOPEN, // after a terminal buffer was created and entering its window
EVENT_TERMRESPONSE, // after setting "v:termresponse"
EVENT_TEXTCHANGED, // text was modified not in Insert mode
EVENT_TEXTCHANGEDI, // text was modified in Insert mode