ModCfg = fun(Cfg, Keys, Op, Default) -> ModCfg0(ModCfg0, Cfg, Keys, Op, Default) end,
+IsRebar3 = case application:get_key(rebar, vsn) of
+ {ok, VSN} ->
+ [VSN1 | _] = string:tokens(VSN, "-"),
+ [Maj, Min, Patch] = string:tokens(VSN1, "."),
+ (list_to_integer(Maj) >= 3);
+ undefined ->
+ lists:keymember(mix, 1, application:loaded_applications())
+ end,
Cfg = case file:consult(filename:join(filename:dirname(SCRIPT), "vars.config")) of
{ok, Terms} ->
+ResolveDepPath = case IsRebar3 of
+ true ->
+ fun("deps/" ++ Rest) ->
+ Slash = string:str(Rest, "/"),
+ Dir = "_build/default/lib/" ++
+ string:sub_string(Rest, 1, Slash-1),
+ Dir ++ string:sub_string(Rest, Slash);
+ (Path) ->
+ Path
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ fun(P) ->
+ P
+ end
+ end,
CtIncludes = case lists:keyfind(eunit_compile_opts, 1, Conf1) of
false ->
{_, EunitCompOpts} ->
- [[" -include ", filename:join([Cwd, IncPath])]
+ [[" -include ", filename:join([Cwd, ResolveDepPath(IncPath)])]
|| {i, IncPath} <- EunitCompOpts]
-Conf2 = [{ct_extra_params, lists:flatten(["-ct_hooks cth_surefire ", TestConfig,
- CtIncludes])} | Conf1],
+ProcessErlOpt = fun({i, Path}) ->
+ {i, ResolveDepPath(Path)};
+ (ErlOpt) ->
+ ErlOpt
+ end,
+Conf1a = ModCfg(Conf1, [erl_opts],
+ fun(ErlOpts) -> lists:map(ProcessErlOpt, ErlOpts) end, []),
+Conf2a = [{ct_extra_params, lists:flatten(["-ct_hooks cth_surefire ", TestConfig,
+ CtIncludes])} | Conf1a],
+Conf2 = case IsRebar3 of
+ true ->
+ DepsFun = fun(DepsList) ->
+ lists:filtermap(fun({rebar_elixir_plugin, _, _}) ->
+ false;
+ ({DepName,_, {git,_, _} = Git}) ->
+ {true, {DepName, Git}};
+ (Dep) ->
+ true
+ end, DepsList)
+ end,
+ RB1 = ModCfg(Conf2a, [deps], DepsFun, []),
+ ModCfg(RB1, [plugins], fun(V) -> V -- [deps_erl_opts,
+ rebar_elixir_compiler,
+ rebar_exunit] ++
+ [rebar3_hex] end, []);
+ false ->
+ Conf2a
+ end,
Conf3 = case lists:keytake(xref_exclusions, 1, Conf2) of
{value, {_, Items2}, Rest2} ->