--- /dev/null
+//===- StringTable.h - CodeView String Table Reader/Writer ------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+namespace llvm {
+class BinaryStreamReader;
+class BinaryStreamRef;
+class BinaryStreamWriter;
+namespace codeview {
+/// Represents a read-only view of a CodeView string table. This is a very
+/// simple flat buffer consisting of null-terminated strings, where strings
+/// are retrieved by their offset in the buffer. StringTableRef does not own
+/// the underlying storage for the buffer.
+class StringTableRef {
+ StringTableRef();
+ Error initialize(BinaryStreamReader &Stream);
+ StringRef getString(uint32_t Offset) const;
+ BinaryStreamRef Stream;
+/// Represents a read-write view of a CodeView string table. StringTable owns
+/// the underlying storage for the table, and is capable of serializing the
+/// string table into a format understood by StringTableRef.
+class StringTable {
+ // If string S does not exist in the string table, insert it.
+ // Returns the ID for S.
+ uint32_t insert(StringRef S);
+ uint32_t calculateSerializedSize() const;
+ Error commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
+ uint32_t size() const;
+ StringMap<uint32_t>::const_iterator begin() const { return Strings.begin(); }
+ StringMap<uint32_t>::const_iterator end() const { return Strings.end(); }
+ StringMap<uint32_t> Strings;
+ uint32_t StringSize = 1;
std::unique_ptr<PublicsStream> Publics;
std::unique_ptr<SymbolStream> Symbols;
std::unique_ptr<msf::MappedBlockStream> DirectoryStream;
- std::unique_ptr<msf::MappedBlockStream> PDBStringTableStream;
+ std::unique_ptr<msf::MappedBlockStream> StringTableStream;
std::unique_ptr<PDBStringTable> Strings;
Error commit(StringRef Filename);
+ Expected<uint32_t> getNamedStreamIndex(StringRef Name) const;
Error addNamedStream(StringRef Name, uint32_t Size);
Expected<msf::MSFLayout> finalizeMsfLayout();
BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator;
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringTable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamArray.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
namespace llvm {
class BinaryStreamReader;
+namespace msf {
+class MappedBlockStream;
namespace pdb {
+struct PDBStringTableHeader;
class PDBStringTable {
- PDBStringTable();
- Error load(BinaryStreamReader &Stream);
+ Error reload(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
uint32_t getByteSize() const;
- uint32_t getNameCount() const { return NameCount; }
- uint32_t getHashVersion() const { return HashVersion; }
- uint32_t getSignature() const { return Signature; }
+ uint32_t getNameCount() const;
+ uint32_t getHashVersion() const;
+ uint32_t getSignature() const;
StringRef getStringForID(uint32_t ID) const;
uint32_t getIDForString(StringRef Str) const;
FixedStreamArray<support::ulittle32_t> name_ids() const;
- BinaryStreamRef NamesBuffer;
+ Error readHeader(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
+ Error readStrings(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
+ Error readHashTable(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
+ Error readEpilogue(BinaryStreamReader &Reader);
+ const PDBStringTableHeader *Header = nullptr;
+ codeview::StringTableRef Strings;
FixedStreamArray<support::ulittle32_t> IDs;
uint32_t ByteSize = 0;
- uint32_t Signature = 0;
- uint32_t HashVersion = 0;
uint32_t NameCount = 0;
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringTable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class BinaryStreamWriter;
+class WritableBinaryStreamRef;
+namespace msf {
+struct MSFLayout;
namespace pdb {
+class PDBFileBuilder;
class PDBStringTableBuilder {
// If string S does not exist in the string table, insert it.
// Returns the ID for S.
uint32_t insert(StringRef S);
- uint32_t getStringIndex(StringRef S);
- uint32_t finalize();
+ uint32_t calculateSerializedSize() const;
Error commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
- DenseMap<StringRef, uint32_t> Strings;
- uint32_t StringSize = 1;
+ uint32_t calculateHashTableSize() const;
+ Error writeHeader(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
+ Error writeStrings(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
+ Error writeHashTable(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
+ Error writeEpilogue(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const;
+ codeview::StringTable Strings;
} // end namespace pdb
/// The header preceeding the /names stream.
struct PDBStringTableHeader {
- support::ulittle32_t Signature;
- support::ulittle32_t HashVersion;
- support::ulittle32_t ByteSize;
+ support::ulittle32_t Signature; // PDBStringTableSignature
+ support::ulittle32_t HashVersion; // 1 or 2
+ support::ulittle32_t ByteSize; // Number of bytes of names buffer.
const uint32_t PDBStringTableSignature = 0xEFFEEFFE;
/// are overridable.
class BinaryStreamReader {
+ BinaryStreamReader() = default;
explicit BinaryStreamReader(BinaryStreamRef Stream);
virtual ~BinaryStreamReader() {}
/// \returns the next byte in the stream.
uint8_t peek() const;
+ std::pair<BinaryStreamReader, BinaryStreamReader>
+ split(uint32_t Offset) const;
BinaryStreamRef Stream;
uint32_t Offset;
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
+#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
/// although no methods are overridable.
class BinaryStreamWriter {
- // FIXME: We should be able to slice and drop_front etc on Writers / Readers.
BinaryStreamWriter() = default;
explicit BinaryStreamWriter(WritableBinaryStreamRef Stream);
virtual ~BinaryStreamWriter() {}
return writeStreamRef(Array.getUnderlyingStream());
+ /// Splits the Writer into two Writers at a given offset.
+ std::pair<BinaryStreamWriter, BinaryStreamWriter> split(uint32_t Off) const;
void setOffset(uint32_t Off) { Offset = Off; }
uint32_t getOffset() const { return Offset; }
uint32_t getLength() const { return Stream.getLength(); }
+ StringTable.cpp
--- /dev/null
+//===- StringTable.cpp - CodeView String Table Reader/Writer ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringTable.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStream.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::codeview;
+StringTableRef::StringTableRef() {}
+Error StringTableRef::initialize(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
+ return Reader.readStreamRef(Stream, Reader.bytesRemaining());
+StringRef StringTableRef::getString(uint32_t Offset) const {
+ BinaryStreamReader Reader(Stream);
+ Reader.setOffset(Offset);
+ StringRef Result;
+ Error EC = Reader.readCString(Result);
+ assert(!EC);
+ consumeError(std::move(EC));
+ return Result;
+uint32_t StringTable::insert(StringRef S) {
+ auto P = Strings.insert({S, StringSize});
+ // If a given string didn't exist in the string table, we want to increment
+ // the string table size.
+ if (P.second)
+ StringSize += S.size() + 1; // +1 for '\0'
+ return P.first->second;
+uint32_t StringTable::calculateSerializedSize() const { return StringSize; }
+Error StringTable::commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == StringSize);
+ uint32_t MaxOffset = 1;
+ for (auto &Pair : Strings) {
+ StringRef S = Pair.getKey();
+ uint32_t Offset = Pair.getValue();
+ Writer.setOffset(Offset);
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeCString(S))
+ return EC;
+ MaxOffset = std::max(MaxOffset, Offset + S.size() + 1);
+ }
+ Writer.setOffset(MaxOffset);
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+uint32_t StringTable::size() const { return Strings.size(); }
if (ECSubstream.getLength() > 0) {
BinaryStreamReader ECReader(ECSubstream);
- if (auto EC = ECNames.load(ECReader))
+ if (auto EC = ECNames.reload(ECReader))
return EC;
Expected<PDBStringTable &> PDBFile::getStringTable() {
- if (!Strings || !PDBStringTableStream) {
+ if (!Strings) {
auto IS = getPDBInfoStream();
if (!IS)
return IS.takeError();
if (!NS)
return NS.takeError();
- BinaryStreamReader Reader(**NS);
auto N = llvm::make_unique<PDBStringTable>();
- if (auto EC = N->load(Reader))
+ BinaryStreamReader Reader(**NS);
+ if (auto EC = N->reload(Reader))
return std::move(EC);
+ assert(Reader.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ StringTableStream = std::move(*NS);
Strings = std::move(N);
- PDBStringTableStream = std::move(*NS);
return *Strings;
Expected<msf::MSFLayout> PDBFileBuilder::finalizeMsfLayout() {
- uint32_t PDBStringTableSize = Strings.finalize();
+ uint32_t StringsLen = Strings.calculateSerializedSize();
- if (auto EC = addNamedStream("/names", PDBStringTableSize))
+ if (auto EC = addNamedStream("/names", StringsLen))
return std::move(EC);
if (auto EC = addNamedStream("/LinkInfo", 0))
return std::move(EC);
return Msf->build();
+Expected<uint32_t> PDBFileBuilder::getNamedStreamIndex(StringRef Name) const {
+ uint32_t SN = 0;
+ if (!NamedStreams.get(Name, SN))
+ return llvm::make_error<pdb::RawError>(raw_error_code::no_stream);
+ return SN;
Error PDBFileBuilder::commit(StringRef Filename) {
auto ExpectedLayout = finalizeMsfLayout();
if (!ExpectedLayout)
return EC;
- uint32_t PDBStringTableStreamNo = 0;
- if (!NamedStreams.get("/names", PDBStringTableStreamNo))
- return llvm::make_error<pdb::RawError>(raw_error_code::no_stream);
+ auto ExpectedSN = getNamedStreamIndex("/names");
+ if (!ExpectedSN)
+ return ExpectedSN.takeError();
- auto NS = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream(
- Layout, Buffer, PDBStringTableStreamNo);
+ auto NS = WritableMappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream(Layout, Buffer,
+ *ExpectedSN);
BinaryStreamWriter NSWriter(*NS);
if (auto EC = Strings.commit(NSWriter))
return EC;
-//===- PDBStringTable.cpp - PDB String Table -----------------------*- C++
+//===- PDBStringTable.cpp - PDB String Table ---------------------*- C++-*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBStringTable.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MappedBlockStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/Hash.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawError.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawTypes.h"
using namespace llvm::support;
using namespace llvm::pdb;
-PDBStringTable::PDBStringTable() {}
-Error PDBStringTable::load(BinaryStreamReader &Stream) {
- ByteSize = Stream.getLength();
+uint32_t PDBStringTable::getByteSize() const { return ByteSize; }
+uint32_t PDBStringTable::getNameCount() const { return NameCount; }
+uint32_t PDBStringTable::getHashVersion() const { return Header->HashVersion; }
+uint32_t PDBStringTable::getSignature() const { return Header->Signature; }
- const PDBStringTableHeader *H;
- if (auto EC = Stream.readObject(H))
+Error PDBStringTable::readHeader(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
+ if (auto EC = Reader.readObject(Header))
return EC;
- if (H->Signature != PDBStringTableSignature)
+ if (Header->Signature != PDBStringTableSignature)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Invalid hash table signature");
- if (H->HashVersion != 1 && H->HashVersion != 2)
+ if (Header->HashVersion != 1 && Header->HashVersion != 2)
return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
"Unsupported hash version");
- Signature = H->Signature;
- HashVersion = H->HashVersion;
- if (auto EC = Stream.readStreamRef(NamesBuffer, H->ByteSize))
+ assert(Reader.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error PDBStringTable::readStrings(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
+ if (auto EC = Strings.initialize(Reader)) {
return joinErrors(std::move(EC),
"Invalid hash table byte length"));
+ }
+ assert(Reader.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error PDBStringTable::readHashTable(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
const support::ulittle32_t *HashCount;
- if (auto EC = Stream.readObject(HashCount))
+ if (auto EC = Reader.readObject(HashCount))
return EC;
- if (auto EC = Stream.readArray(IDs, *HashCount))
+ if (auto EC = Reader.readArray(IDs, *HashCount)) {
return joinErrors(std::move(EC),
"Could not read bucket array"));
+ }
- if (Stream.bytesRemaining() < sizeof(support::ulittle32_t))
- return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::corrupt_file,
- "Missing name count");
+ return Error::success();
- if (auto EC = Stream.readInteger(NameCount))
+Error PDBStringTable::readEpilogue(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
+ if (auto EC = Reader.readInteger(NameCount))
return EC;
- if (Stream.bytesRemaining() > 0)
- return make_error<RawError>(raw_error_code::stream_too_long,
- "Unexpected bytes found in string table");
+ assert(Reader.bytesRemaining() == 0);
return Error::success();
-uint32_t PDBStringTable::getByteSize() const { return ByteSize; }
+Error PDBStringTable::reload(BinaryStreamReader &Reader) {
+ BinaryStreamReader SectionReader;
+ std::tie(SectionReader, Reader) = Reader.split(sizeof(PDBStringTableHeader));
+ if (auto EC = readHeader(SectionReader))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(SectionReader, Reader) = Reader.split(Header->ByteSize);
+ if (auto EC = readStrings(SectionReader))
+ return EC;
+ // We don't know how long the hash table is until we parse it, so let the
+ // function responsible for doing that figure it out.
+ if (auto EC = readHashTable(Reader))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(SectionReader, Reader) = Reader.split(sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (auto EC = readEpilogue(SectionReader))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Reader.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
StringRef PDBStringTable::getStringForID(uint32_t ID) const {
- if (ID == IDs[0])
- return StringRef();
- // NamesBuffer is a buffer of null terminated strings back to back. ID is
- // the starting offset of the string we're looking for. So just seek into
- // the desired offset and a read a null terminated stream from that offset.
- StringRef Result;
- BinaryStreamReader NameReader(NamesBuffer);
- NameReader.setOffset(ID);
- if (auto EC = NameReader.readCString(Result))
- consumeError(std::move(EC));
- return Result;
+ return Strings.getString(ID);
uint32_t PDBStringTable::getIDForString(StringRef Str) const {
- uint32_t Hash = (HashVersion == 1) ? hashStringV1(Str) : hashStringV2(Str);
+ uint32_t Hash =
+ (Header->HashVersion == 1) ? hashStringV1(Str) : hashStringV2(Str);
size_t Count = IDs.size();
uint32_t Start = Hash % Count;
for (size_t I = 0; I < Count; ++I) {
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBStringTableBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MappedBlockStream.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/Hash.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFileBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::msf;
using namespace llvm::support;
using namespace llvm::support::endian;
using namespace llvm::pdb;
uint32_t PDBStringTableBuilder::insert(StringRef S) {
- auto P = Strings.insert({S, StringSize});
- // If a given string didn't exist in the string table, we want to increment
- // the string table size.
- if (P.second)
- StringSize += S.size() + 1; // +1 for '\0'
- return P.first->second;
-uint32_t PDBStringTableBuilder::getStringIndex(StringRef S) {
- auto Iter = Strings.find(S);
- assert(Iter != Strings.end());
- return Iter->second;
+ return Strings.insert(S);
static uint32_t computeBucketCount(uint32_t NumStrings) {
return (NumStrings + 1) * 1.25;
-uint32_t PDBStringTableBuilder::finalize() {
- uint32_t Size = 0;
- Size += sizeof(PDBStringTableHeader);
- Size += StringSize;
- Size += sizeof(uint32_t); // Hash table begins with 4-byte size field.
+uint32_t PDBStringTableBuilder::calculateHashTableSize() const {
+ uint32_t Size = sizeof(uint32_t); // Hash table begins with 4-byte size field.
+ Size += sizeof(uint32_t) * computeBucketCount(Strings.size());
- uint32_t BucketCount = computeBucketCount(Strings.size());
- Size += BucketCount * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ return Size;
- Size +=
- sizeof(uint32_t); // The /names stream ends with the number of strings.
+uint32_t PDBStringTableBuilder::calculateSerializedSize() const {
+ uint32_t Size = 0;
+ Size += sizeof(PDBStringTableHeader);
+ Size += Strings.calculateSerializedSize();
+ Size += calculateHashTableSize();
+ Size += sizeof(uint32_t); // The /names stream ends with the string count.
return Size;
-Error PDBStringTableBuilder::commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+Error PDBStringTableBuilder::writeHeader(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
// Write a header
PDBStringTableHeader H;
H.Signature = PDBStringTableSignature;
H.HashVersion = 1;
- H.ByteSize = StringSize;
+ H.ByteSize = Strings.calculateSerializedSize();
if (auto EC = Writer.writeObject(H))
return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
- // Write a string table.
- uint32_t StringStart = Writer.getOffset();
- for (auto Pair : Strings) {
- StringRef S = Pair.first;
- uint32_t Offset = Pair.second;
- Writer.setOffset(StringStart + Offset);
- if (auto EC = Writer.writeCString(S))
- return EC;
- }
- Writer.setOffset(StringStart + StringSize);
+Error PDBStringTableBuilder::writeStrings(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ if (auto EC = Strings.commit(Writer))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error PDBStringTableBuilder::writeHashTable(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
// Write a hash table.
uint32_t BucketCount = computeBucketCount(Strings.size());
if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger(BucketCount))
return EC;
std::vector<ulittle32_t> Buckets(BucketCount);
- for (auto Pair : Strings) {
- StringRef S = Pair.first;
- uint32_t Offset = Pair.second;
+ for (auto &Pair : Strings) {
+ StringRef S = Pair.getKey();
+ uint32_t Offset = Pair.getValue();
uint32_t Hash = hashStringV1(S);
for (uint32_t I = 0; I != BucketCount; ++I) {
if (auto EC = Writer.writeArray(ArrayRef<ulittle32_t>(Buckets)))
return EC;
- if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger(static_cast<uint32_t>(Strings.size())))
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error PDBStringTableBuilder::writeEpilogue(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger<uint32_t>(Strings.size()))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error PDBStringTableBuilder::commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ BinaryStreamWriter SectionWriter;
+ std::tie(SectionWriter, Writer) = Writer.split(sizeof(PDBStringTableHeader));
+ if (auto EC = writeHeader(SectionWriter))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(SectionWriter, Writer) =
+ Writer.split(Strings.calculateSerializedSize());
+ if (auto EC = writeStrings(SectionWriter))
return EC;
+ std::tie(SectionWriter, Writer) = Writer.split(calculateHashTableSize());
+ if (auto EC = writeHashTable(SectionWriter))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(SectionWriter, Writer) = Writer.split(sizeof(uint32_t));
+ if (auto EC = writeEpilogue(SectionWriter))
+ return EC;
return Error::success();
--- /dev/null
+//===- StringTableStreamBuilder.cpp - PDB String Table ----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/StringTableStreamBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/Hash.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamWriter.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::support;
+using namespace llvm::support::endian;
+using namespace llvm::pdb;
+uint32_t StringTableStreamBuilder::insert(StringRef S) {
+ return Strings.insert(S);
+static uint32_t computeBucketCount(uint32_t NumStrings) {
+ // The /names stream is basically an on-disk open-addressing hash table.
+ // Hash collisions are resolved by linear probing. We cannot make
+ // utilization 100% because it will make the linear probing extremely
+ // slow. But lower utilization wastes disk space. As a reasonable
+ // load factor, we choose 80%. We need +1 because slot 0 is reserved.
+ return (NumStrings + 1) * 1.25;
+uint32_t StringTableStreamBuilder::hashTableSize() const {
+ uint32_t Size = sizeof(uint32_t); // Hash table begins with 4-byte size field.
+ Size += computeBucketCount(Strings.size()) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ return Size;
+uint32_t StringTableStreamBuilder::calculateSerializedSize() const {
+ uint32_t Size = 0;
+ Size += sizeof(StringTableHeader);
+ Size += Strings.calculateSerializedSize();
+ Size += hashTableSize();
+ Size += sizeof(uint32_t); // The table ends with the number of strings.
+ return Size;
+Error StringTableStreamBuilder::writeHeader(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ // Write a header
+ StringTableHeader H;
+ H.Signature = StringTableSignature;
+ H.HashVersion = 1;
+ H.ByteSize = Strings.calculateSerializedSize();
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeObject(H))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error StringTableStreamBuilder::writeStrings(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ if (auto EC = Strings.commit(Writer))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error StringTableStreamBuilder::writeHashTable(
+ BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ // Write a hash table.
+ uint32_t BucketCount = computeBucketCount(Strings.size());
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger(BucketCount))
+ return EC;
+ std::vector<ulittle32_t> Buckets(BucketCount);
+ for (auto &Pair : Strings) {
+ StringRef S = Pair.getKey();
+ uint32_t Offset = Pair.getValue();
+ uint32_t Hash = hashStringV1(S);
+ for (uint32_t I = 0; I != BucketCount; ++I) {
+ uint32_t Slot = (Hash + I) % BucketCount;
+ if (Slot == 0)
+ continue; // Skip reserved slot
+ if (Buckets[Slot] != 0)
+ continue;
+ Buckets[Slot] = Offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeArray(makeArrayRef(Buckets)))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
+Error StringTableStreamBuilder::commit(BinaryStreamWriter &Writer) const {
+ BinaryStreamWriter Section;
+ std::tie(Section, Writer) = Writer.split(sizeof(StringTableHeader));
+ if (auto EC = writeHeader(Section))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(Section, Writer) = Writer.split(Strings.calculateSerializedSize());
+ if (auto EC = writeStrings(Section))
+ return EC;
+ std::tie(Section, Writer) = Writer.split(hashTableSize());
+ if (auto EC = writeHashTable(Section))
+ return EC;
+ if (auto EC = Writer.writeInteger<uint32_t>(Strings.size()))
+ return EC;
+ assert(Writer.bytesRemaining() == 0);
+ return Error::success();
return Buffer[0];
+std::pair<BinaryStreamReader, BinaryStreamReader>
+BinaryStreamReader::split(uint32_t Off) const {
+ assert(getLength() >= Off);
+ BinaryStreamRef First = Stream.drop_front(Offset);
+ BinaryStreamRef Second = First.drop_front(Off);
+ First = First.keep_front(Off);
+ BinaryStreamReader W1{First};
+ BinaryStreamReader W2{Second};
+ return std::make_pair(W1, W2);
\ No newline at end of file
return Error::success();
+std::pair<BinaryStreamWriter, BinaryStreamWriter>
+BinaryStreamWriter::split(uint32_t Off) const {
+ assert(getLength() >= Off);
+ WritableBinaryStreamRef First = Stream.drop_front(Offset);
+ WritableBinaryStreamRef Second = First.drop_front(Off);
+ First = First.keep_front(Off);
+ BinaryStreamWriter W1{First};
+ BinaryStreamWriter W2{Second};
+ return std::make_pair(W1, W2);
Error BinaryStreamWriter::padToAlignment(uint32_t Align) {
uint32_t NewOffset = alignTo(Offset, Align);
if (NewOffset > getLength())
EXPECT_EQ(1U, Builder.insert("foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(9U, Builder.insert("baz"));
- std::vector<uint8_t> Buffer(Builder.finalize());
+ std::vector<uint8_t> Buffer(Builder.calculateSerializedSize());
MutableBinaryByteStream OutStream(Buffer, little);
BinaryStreamWriter Writer(OutStream);
BinaryByteStream InStream(Buffer, little);
BinaryStreamReader Reader(InStream);
PDBStringTable Table;
- EXPECT_NO_ERROR(Table.load(Reader));
+ EXPECT_NO_ERROR(Table.reload(Reader));
EXPECT_EQ(3U, Table.getNameCount());
EXPECT_EQ(1U, Table.getHashVersion());