struct window_line {
int attr;
- char text[MAXWINDOWTEXT+1];
+ char text[MAXWINDOWTEXT];
typedef struct mswin_nethack_message_window {
size_t max_text;
struct window_line window_text[MAX_MSG_LINES];
+ int window_text_lines[MAX_MSG_LINES]; /* How much space this text line takes */
int lines_last_turn; /* lines added during the last turn */
+ int cleared; /* clear was called */
+ int last_line; /* last line in the message history */
+ struct window_line new_line;
int lines_not_seen; /* lines not yet seen by user after last turn or --More-- */
+ int in_more; /* We are in a --More-- prompt */
int nevermore; /* We want no more --More-- prompts */
int xChar; /* horizontal scrolling unit */
static COLORREF setMsgTextColor(HDC hdc, int gray);
static void onPaint(HWND hWnd);
static void onCreate(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
-static BOOL can_append_text(HWND hWnd, int attr, const char* text );
- /* check if text can be appended to the last line without wrapping */
-static BOOL more_prompt_check(HWND hWnd);
- /* check if "--more--" promt needs to be displayed */
extern void play_sound_for_message(const char* str);
PMSNHMsgPutstr msg_data = (PMSNHMsgPutstr)lParam;
- char* p;
- BOOL check_more = FALSE;
if( msg_data->append == 1) {
/* Forcibly append to line, even if we pass the edge */
- strncat(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, msg_data->text,
- MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text));
+ strncat(data->window_text[data->last_line].text, msg_data->text,
+ MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(data->window_text[data->last_line].text));
} else if( msg_data->append < 0) {
/* remove that many chars */
- int len = strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text);
+ int len = strlen(data->window_text[data->last_line].text);
int newend = max(len + msg_data->append, 0);
- data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text[newend] = '\0';
+ data->window_text[data->last_line].text[newend] = '\0';
} else {
- if( can_append_text(hWnd, msg_data->attr, msg_data->text ) ) {
- strncat(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, " ", MAXWINDOWTEXT-strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text));
- strncat(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, msg_data->text, MAXWINDOWTEXT-strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text));
- } else {
- /* check if the string is empty */
- for(p = data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text; *p && isspace(*p); p++);
- if( *p ) {
- /* last string is not empty - scroll up */
- memmove(&data->window_text[0],
- &data->window_text[1],
- (MSG_LINES-1)*sizeof(data->window_text[0]));
- }
- /* append new text to the end of the array */
- data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].attr = msg_data->attr;
- strncpy(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, msg_data->text, MAXWINDOWTEXT);
- data->lines_not_seen++;
- data->lines_last_turn++;
- check_more = TRUE;
- }
+ /* Try to append but move the whole message to the next line if
+ it doesn't fit */
+ /* just schedule for displaying */
+ data->new_line.attr = msg_data->attr;
+ strncpy(data->new_line.text, msg_data->text, MAXWINDOWTEXT);
/* reset V-scroll position to display new text */
si.nPos = data->yPos;
SetScrollInfo(hWnd, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE);
- /* check for "--more--" */
- if( check_more && !data->nevermore && more_prompt_check(hWnd) ) {
- int okkey = 0;
- int chop;
- // @@@ Ok respnses
- /* append more prompt and inticate the update */
- strncat(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, MORE, MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text));
- InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
- /* get the input */
- while (!okkey) {
- char c = mswin_nhgetch();
- switch (c)
- {
- /* space or enter */
- case ' ':
- case '\015':
- okkey = 1;
- break;
- /* ESC */
- case '\033':
- data->nevermore = 1;
- okkey = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* erase the "--more--" prompt */
- chop = strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text) - strlen(MORE);
- data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text[chop] = '\0';
- data->lines_not_seen = 0;
- }
/* update window content */
InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
- data->lines_last_turn = 0;
+ data->cleared = 1;
data->lines_not_seen = 0;
+ /* do --More-- again if needed */
data->nevermore = 0;
LastLine = min (MSG_LINES-1, data->yPos - (client_rt.bottom - ps.rcPaint.bottom)/data->yChar);
y = min( ps.rcPaint.bottom, client_rt.bottom );
for (i=LastLine; i>=FirstLine; i--) {
+ int lineidx = (data->last_line + 1 + i) % MSG_LINES;
x = data->xChar * (2 - data->xPos);
draw_rt.left = x; = y - data->yChar;
draw_rt.bottom = y;
- oldFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[i].attr, hdc, FALSE));
+ oldFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[lineidx].attr, hdc, FALSE));
+ /* find out if we can concatenate the scheduled message without wrapping,
+ but only if no clear_nhwindow was done just before putstr'ing this one.
+ */
+ if (i == MSG_LINES-1
+ && strlen(data->new_line.text) > 0) {
+ /* concatenate to the previous line if that is not empty, and
+ if it has the same attribute, and no clear was done.
+ */
+ if (strlen(data->window_text[lineidx].text) > 0
+ && (data->window_text[lineidx].attr
+ == data->new_line.attr)
+ && !data->cleared) {
+ RECT tmpdraw_rt = draw_rt;
+ /* assume this will never work when textsize is near MAXWINDOWTEXT */
+ char tmptext[MAXWINDOWTEXT];
+ strcpy(tmptext, data->window_text[lineidx].text);
+ strncat(tmptext, " ",
+ MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(tmptext));
+ strncat(tmptext, data->new_line.text,
+ MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(tmptext));
+ /* Always keep room for a --More-- */
+ strncat(tmptext, MORE,
+ MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(tmptext));
+ NH_A2W(tmptext, tmpwbuf, sizeof(tmpwbuf));
+ /* Find out how large the bounding rectangle of the text is */
+ DrawText(hdc, tmpwbuf, _tcslen(tmpwbuf), &tmpdraw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
+ if ((tmpdraw_rt.bottom - == (draw_rt.bottom - /* fits pixelwise */
+ && (strlen(data->window_text[lineidx].text)
+ + strlen(data->new_line.text) < MAXWINDOWTEXT)) /* fits charwise */
+ {
+ /* strip off --More-- of this combined line and make it so */
+ tmptext[strlen(tmptext) - strlen(MORE)] = '\0';
+ strcpy(data->window_text[lineidx].text, tmptext);
+ data->new_line.text[0] = '\0';
+ i++; /* Start from the last line again */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strlen(data->new_line.text) > 0) {
+ /* if we get here, the new line was not concatenated. Add it on a new line,
+ but first check whether we should --More--. */
+ RECT tmpdraw_rt = draw_rt;
+ HGDIOBJ oldFont;
+ int new_screen_lines;
+ int screen_lines_not_seen = 0;
+ /* Count how many screen lines we haven't seen yet. */
+ {
+ int n;
+ for (n = data->lines_not_seen - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
+ screen_lines_not_seen +=
+ data->window_text_lines[(data->last_line - n + MSG_LINES) % MSG_LINES];
+ }
+ }
+ screen_lines_not_seen = data->lines_not_seen;
+ /* Now find out how many screen lines we would like to add */
+ NH_A2W(data->new_line.text, tmpwbuf, sizeof(tmpwbuf));
+ /* Find out how large the bounding rectangle of the text is */
+ oldFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[lineidx].attr, hdc, FALSE));
+ DrawText(hdc, tmpwbuf, _tcslen(tmpwbuf), &tmpdraw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
+ SelectObject(hdc, oldFont);
+ new_screen_lines = (tmpdraw_rt.bottom - / data->yChar;
+ /* If this together is more than fits on the window, we must
+ --More--, unless:
+ - We are in --More-- already (the user is scrolling the window)
+ - The user pressed ESC
+ */
+ if (screen_lines_not_seen + new_screen_lines > MSG_VISIBLE_LINES
+ && !data->in_more && !data->nevermore) {
+ data->in_more = 1;
+ /* Show --More-- on last line */
+ strcat(data->window_text[data->last_line].text, MORE);
+ /* Go on drawing, but remember we must do a more afterwards */
+ do_more = 1;
+ } else if (!data->in_more) {
+ data->last_line++;
+ data->last_line %= MSG_LINES;
+ data->window_text[data->last_line].attr = data->new_line.attr;
+ strncpy(data->window_text[data->last_line].text, data->new_line.text, MAXWINDOWTEXT);
+ data->new_line.text[0] = '\0';
+ if (data->cleared) {
+ /* now we are drawing a new line, the old lines can be redrawn in grey.*/
+ data->lines_last_turn = 0;
+ data->cleared = 0;
+ }
+ data->lines_last_turn++;
+ data->lines_not_seen++;
+ /* and start over */
+ i++; /* Start from the last line again */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* convert to UNICODE */
- NH_A2W(data->window_text[i].text, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
+ NH_A2W(data->window_text[lineidx].text, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
wlen = _tcslen(wbuf);
setMsgTextColor(hdc, i < (MSG_LINES - data->lines_last_turn));
/* Find out how large the bounding rectangle of the text is */
DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
- /* move that rectangle up, so that the bottom remains at the same height */
+ /* move that rectangle up, so that the bottom remains at the same height */ = y - (draw_rt.bottom -;
draw_rt.bottom = y;
- /* Now really draw it */
- DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK);
+ /* Remember the height of this line for subsequent --More--'s */
+ data->window_text_lines[lineidx] = (draw_rt.bottom - / data->yChar;
+ /* Now really draw it */
+ DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK);
/* Find out the cursor (caret) position */
if (i == MSG_LINES-1) {
SelectObject(hdc, oldFont);
y -= draw_rt.bottom -;
+ if (do_more) {
+ int okkey = 0;
+ int chop;
+ // @@@ Ok respnses
+ while (!okkey) {
+ char c = mswin_nhgetch();
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ /* space or enter */
+ case ' ':
+ case '\015':
+ okkey = 1;
+ break;
+ /* ESC */
+ case '\033':
+ data->nevermore = 1;
+ okkey = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ chop = strlen(data->window_text[data->last_line].text)
+ - strlen(MORE);
+ data->window_text[data->last_line].text[chop] = '\0';
+ data->in_more = 0;
+ data->lines_not_seen = 0;
+ /* We did the --More--, reset the lines_not_seen; now draw that
+ new line. This is the easiest method */
+ InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
+ }
SetTextColor (hdc, OldFg);
SetBkColor (hdc, OldBg);
GetClientRect(hWnd, &client_rt);
sz->cy = sz->cy - (client_rt.bottom - +
data->yChar * MSG_VISIBLE_LINES;
-/* check if text can be appended to the last line without wrapping */
-BOOL can_append_text(HWND hWnd, int attr, const char* text )
- PNHMessageWindow data;
- char tmptext[MAXWINDOWTEXT+1];
- HDC hdc;
- HGDIOBJ saveFont;
- RECT draw_rt;
- BOOL retval = FALSE;
- data = (PNHMessageWindow)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);
- /* cannot append if lines_not_seen is 0 (beginning of the new turn */
- if( data->lines_not_seen==0 ) return FALSE;
- /* cannot append text with different attrbutes */
- if( data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].attr != attr ) return FALSE;
- /* check if the maximum string langth will be exceeded */
- if( strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text)+
- 2 + /* space characters */
- strlen(text) +
- strlen(MORE) >= MAXWINDOWTEXT ) return FALSE;
- /* check if the text is goinf to fin into a single line */
- strcpy(tmptext, data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text );
- strcat(tmptext, " " );
- strcat(tmptext, text );
- strcat(tmptext, MORE );
- hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
- saveFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].attr, hdc, FALSE));
- GetClientRect(hWnd, &draw_rt);
- draw_rt.bottom =; /* we only need width for the DrawText */
- DrawText(hdc, tmptext, strlen(tmptext), &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT);
- /* we will check against 1.5 of the font size in order to determine
- if the text is single-line or not - just to be on the safe size */
- retval = (<(data->yChar+data->yChar/2);
- /* free device context */
- SelectObject(hdc, saveFont);
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hdc);
- return retval;
-/* check if "--more--" promt needs to be displayed
- basically, check if the lines not seen are going to find in the message window
-BOOL more_prompt_check(HWND hWnd)
- PNHMessageWindow data;
- HDC hdc;
- HGDIOBJ saveFont;
- RECT client_rt, draw_rt;
- BOOL retval = FALSE;
- int visible_lines = 0;
- int i;
- int remaining_height;
- data = (PNHMessageWindow)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);
- if( data->lines_not_seen==0 ) return FALSE; /* don't bother checking - nothig to "more" */
- if( data->lines_not_seen>=MSG_LINES ) return TRUE; /* history size exceeded - always more */
- GetClientRect(hWnd, &client_rt);
- remaining_height = client_rt.bottom -;
- hdc = GetDC(hWnd);
- saveFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, ATR_NONE, hdc, FALSE));
- for( i=0; i<data->lines_not_seen; i++ ) {
- /* we only need width for the DrawText */
- SetRect(&draw_rt, client_rt.left,, client_rt.right,;
- SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[MSG_LINES-i-1].attr, hdc, FALSE));
- remaining_height -=
- DrawText( hdc,
- data->window_text[MSG_LINES-i-1].text,
- strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-i-1].text),
- &draw_rt,
- );
- if( remaining_height<0 ) break;
- }
- /* free device context */
- SelectObject(hdc, saveFont);
- ReleaseDC (hWnd, hdc);
- return (remaining_height<0); /* TRUE if lines_not_seen take more that window height */
\ No newline at end of file