boost::program_options::options_description& hiddenDesc) const
+ ("name", po::value<std::string>(), "The name of the object")
+ ("zone", po::value<std::string>(), "The name of the zone, e.g. the agent where this object is bound to")
+ ("template", po::value<std::string>(), "Import the defined template into the object. This template must be defined and included separately in Icinga 2")
("name", po::value<std::string>(), "The name of the object");
+ if (m_Type == "Service") {
+ visibleDesc.add_options()
+ ("host", po::value<std::string>(), "The host name related to this service object");
+ }
std::vector<String> RepositoryObjectCommand::GetPositionalSuggestions(const String& word) const
<< "Cannot parse passed attributes for object '" << name << "': " << boost::algorithm::join(tokens, "=");
+ if (vm.count("zone"))
+ attr->Set("zone", String(vm["zone"].as<std::string>()));
+ if (vm.count("template"))
+ attr->Set("templates", String(vm["template"].as<std::string>()));
if (m_Command == RepositoryCommandList) {
RepositoryUtility::PrintObjects(std::cout, m_Type);
void RepositoryUtility::SerializeObject(std::ostream& fp, const String& name, const String& type, const Dictionary::Ptr& object)
fp << "object " << type << " \"" << name << "\" {\n";
+ if (object->Contains("templates"))
+ fp << "\t" << "import \"" << object->Get("templates") << "\"\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(const Dictionary::Pair& kv, object) {
- fp << "\t" << kv.first << " = ";
- FormatValue(fp, kv.second);
+ if (kv.first == "templates") {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ fp << "\t" << kv.first << " = ";
+ FormatValue(fp, kv.second);
+ }
fp << "\n";
fp << "}\n";