SELECT oid FROM geometry_columns gc
WHERE c.relname::varchar = gc.f_table_name
-#if USE_VERSION >= 73
AND n.nspname::varchar = gc.f_table_schema
AND a.attname::varchar = gc.f_geometry_column
+#endif // USE_VERSION >= 73
#if USE_VERSION >= 80
-- no linkage to system table needed
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t,
#if USE_VERSION >= 73
pg_namespace n,
pg_constraint sridcheck, pg_constraint typecheck
+#else // USE_VERSION < 73
+ pg_relcheck sridcheck, pg_relcheck typecheck
+#endif // USE_VERSION < 73
WHERE t.typname = ''geometry''
AND a.atttypid = t.oid
AND a.attrelid = c.oid
AND sridcheck.connamespace = n.oid
AND typecheck.connamespace = n.oid
+#if USE_VERSION >= 73
AND sridcheck.conrelid = c.oid
AND sridcheck.consrc LIKE ''(srid(''||a.attname||'') = %)''
AND typecheck.conrelid = c.oid
AND typecheck.consrc LIKE
''((geometrytype(''||a.attname||'') = ''''%''''::text) OR (% IS NULL))''
+#else // USE_VERSION < 73
+ AND sridcheck.rcrelid = c.oid
+ AND sridcheck.rcsrc LIKE ''(srid(''||a.attname||'') = %)''
+ AND typecheck.rcrelid = c.oid
+ AND typecheck.rcsrc LIKE
+ ''((geometrytype(''||a.attname||'') = ''''%''''::text) OR (% IS NULL))''
+#endif // USE_VERSION < 73
INSERT INTO geometry_columns SELECT
c.relname::varchar as f_table_name,
a.attname::varchar as f_geometry_column,
2 as coord_dimension,
+#if USE_VERSION >= 73
trim(both '' =)'' from substr(sridcheck.consrc,
strpos(sridcheck.consrc, ''='')))::integer as srid,
trim(both '' =)'''''' from substr(typecheck.consrc,
strpos(typecheck.consrc, ''::'')-
strpos(typecheck.consrc, ''='')
))::varchar as type
+ trim(both '' =)'' from substr(sridcheck.rcsrc,
+ strpos(sridcheck.rcsrc, ''='')))::integer as srid,
+ trim(both '' =)'''''' from substr(typecheck.rcsrc,
+ strpos(typecheck.rcsrc, ''=''),
+ strpos(typecheck.rcsrc, ''::'')-
+ strpos(typecheck.rcsrc, ''='')
+ ))::varchar as type
#if USE_VERSION < 80
, a.attrelid,
a.attnum as varattnum,
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t,
#if USE_VERSION >= 73
pg_namespace n,
pg_constraint sridcheck, pg_constraint typecheck
+#else // USE_VERSION < 73
+ pg_relcheck sridcheck, pg_relcheck typecheck
+#endif // USE_VERSION < 73
WHERE t.typname = ''geometry''
AND a.atttypid = t.oid
AND a.attrelid = c.oid
AND c.relnamespace = n.oid
AND sridcheck.connamespace = n.oid
AND typecheck.connamespace = n.oid
AND sridcheck.conrelid = c.oid
AND sridcheck.consrc LIKE ''(srid(''||a.attname||'') = %)''
AND typecheck.conrelid = c.oid
AND typecheck.consrc LIKE
''((geometrytype(''||a.attname||'') = ''''%''''::text) OR (% IS NULL))''
+#else // USE_VERSION < 73
+ AND sridcheck.rcrelid = c.oid
+ AND sridcheck.rcsrc LIKE ''(srid(''||a.attname||'') = %)''
+ AND typecheck.rcrelid = c.oid
+ AND typecheck.rcsrc LIKE
+ ''((geometrytype(''||a.attname||'') = ''''%''''::text) OR (% IS NULL))''
+#endif // USE_VERSION < 73
SELECT oid FROM geometry_columns gc