SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
File "doc\*.*"\r
+ ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
+ SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
+ File "fonts\*.*"\r
Section -AdditionalIcons\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
+ RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
File "doc\*.*"\r
+ ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
+ SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
+ File "fonts\*.*"\r
Section -AdditionalIcons\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
+ RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
File "doc\*.*"\r
+ \r
+ ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
+ SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
+ File "fonts\*.*"\r
Section -AdditionalIcons\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
+ RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
File "doc\*.*"\r
+ ; Copy the standard fonts config set into the fonts folder\r
+ SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
+ SetOverwrite ifnewer\r
+ File "fonts\*.*"\r
Section -AdditionalIcons\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\*.*"\r
Delete "$INSTDIR\doc\*.*"\r
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\fonts\*.*"\r
RMDir "$INSTDIR\doc"\r
+ RMDIR "$INSTDIR\fonts"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Uninstall.lnk"\r
Delete "$DESKTOP\Handbrake.lnk"\r
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Handbrake\Handbrake.lnk"\r