! : changed
+ : added
-* [mickael] fixed wrong patch with the return value of fgets into convert.c file
-* [mickael] fixed build error with position of variable declaration after patch 856
-August 10, 2011
-! [mickael] removed unused parameters warnings with the solution proposed by myself and Bob Friesenhahn.
-! [mickael] add copyright header into new test functions.
-* [mickael] fixed glibc error with broken2 and broken4 images.
-* [mickael] fixed segfault with 123.j2c and bug.j2c images (thanks to Tim Mattox for his improvement).
-! [mickael] moved the definition of OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED from opj_includes.h to openjpeg.h
-* [mickael] fixed error with the return value of fgets into convert.c file
+ August 11, 2011
++! [mickael] backport rev[824-834] and rev[837-859] into the openjpeg-1.5 branch
August 9, 2011
- [antonin] removed xcode project files (cmake and autotools are now the only supported build methods)