-.\" $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.303 $ $NHDT-Date: 1554134322 2019/04/01 15:58:42 $
+.\" $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.2-beta01 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.304 $ $NHDT-Date: 1554849951 2019/04/09 22:45:51 $
.\" This is an excerpt from the 'roff' man page from the 'groff' package.
.\" NetHack's Guidebook.mn currently does *not* adhere to these guidelines.
.ds vr "NetHack 3.6
.ds f0 "\*(vr
.ds f1
-.ds f2 "March 24, 2019
+.ds f2 "April 9, 2019
.\" A note on some special characters:
.\" \(lq = left double quote
The pattern should be a regular expression.
.lp ""
Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, gray,
-orange, lightgreen, yellow, lightblue, lightmagenta, lightcyan, and white.
+orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-magenta, light-cyan, and white.
+And \f(CRno-color\fP, the default foreground color, which isn't necessarily
+the same as any of the other colors.
.lp ""
Allowed attributes are none, bold, dim, underline, blink, and inverse.
+\(lqNormal\(rq is a synonym for \(lqnone\(rq.
Note that the platform used may interpret the attributes any way it
.lp ""
change the color or appearance of fields in the status display.
The format for defining status colors is:
-.lp "OPTION=hilite_status: field-name/behavior/color&attributes"
+.SD n
-For example, the following line in your config file will cause
+For example, the following line in your configuration file will cause
the hitpoints field to display in the color red if your hitpoints
drop to or below a threshold of 30%:
-.lp "OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<=30%/red/normal"
+.SD n
+(That example is actually specifying \f(CRred&normal\fP for <=30%
+and \f(CRno-color&normal\fP for >30%.)
-For another example, the following line in your config file will cause
-wisdom to be displayed red if it drops and green if it rises.
-.lp "OPTION=hilite_status: wisdom/down/red/up/green"
+For another example, the following line in your configuration file will cause
+wisdom to be displayed red if it drops and green if it rises:
+.SD n
-You can adjust the display of the following status fields:
+Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, gray,
+orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-magenta, light-cyan, and white.
+And \(lqno-color\(rq, the default foreground color on the display, which
+is not necessarily the same as black or white or any of the other colors.
+Allowed attributes are none, bold, dim, underline, blink, and inverse.
+\(lqNormal\(rq is a synonym for \(lqnone\(rq; they should not be used in
+combination with any of the other attributes.
+To specify both a color and an attribute, use \(oq&\(cq to combine them.
+To specify multiple attributes, use \(oq\+\(cq to combine those.
+For example: \(lqmagenta&inverse\+dim\(rq.
+Note that the display may substitute or ignore particular attributes
+depending upon its capabilities, and in general may interpret the
+attributes any way it wants.
+For example, on some display systems a request for bold might yield
+blink or vice versa.
+On others, issuing an attribute request while another is already
+set up will replace the earlier attribute rather than combine with it.
+Since NetHack issues attribute requests sequentially (at least with
+the \f(CRtty\fP interface) rather than all at once, the only way a
+situation like that can be controlled is to specify just one attribute.
+You can adjust the appearance of the following status fields:
c c c.
-title strength dexterity
-constitution intelligence wisdom
-charisma alignment score
-carrying-capacity gold power
-power-max experience-level armor-class
-HD time hunger
-hitpoints hitpoints-max dungeon-level
-experience condition
+title dungeon-level experience-level
+strength gold experience
+dexterity hitpoints HD
+constitution hitpoints-max time
+intelligence power hunger
+wisdom power-max carrying-capacity
+charisma armor-class condition
+alignment score
.\"TABLE_END Do not delete this line.
.lp ""
For title, only the role's rank title
is tested; the character's name is ignored.
-.lp ""
-Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, gray,
-orange, lightgreen, yellow, lightblue, lightmagenta, lightcyan, and white.
-.lp ""
-Allowed attributes are bold, inverse, underline, blink, dim, and normal.
-Note that the platform used may interpret the attributes any way it
-.lp ""
The in-game options menu can help you determine the correct syntax for a
config file.
-.lp ""
-The whole feature can be disabled by setting option
-statushilites to 0.
-.lp ""
+The whole feature can be disabled by setting option
+.op statushilites
+to 0.
Example hilites:
\author{Original version - Eric S. Raymond\\
(Edited and expanded for 3.6 by Mike Stephenson and others)}
-\date{March 24, 2019}
+\date{April 9, 2019}
%.lp ""
Allowed colors are {\it black}, {\it red}, {\it green}, {\it brown},
{\it blue}, {\it magenta}, {\it cyan}, {\it gray}, {\it orange},
-{\it lightgreen}, {\it yellow}, {\it lightblue}, {\it lightmagenta},
-{\it lightcyan}, and {\it white}.
+{\it light-green}, {\it yellow}, {\it light-blue}, {\it light-magenta},
+{\it light-cyan}, and {\it white}.
+And {\itno-color}, the default foreground color, which isn't necessarily
+the same as any of the other colors.
%.lp ""
Allowed attributes are {\it none}, {\it bold}, {\it dim}, {\it underline},
{\it blink}, and {\it inverse}.
+{\it Normal\/} is a synonym for {\it none}.
Note that the platform used may interpret the attributes any way it
\subsection*{Configuring Status Hilites}
-Your copy of {\it NetHack\/} may have been compiled with support for {\it Status Hilites}.
+Your copy of {\it NetHack\/} may have been compiled with support
+for {\it Status Hilites}.
If so, you can customize your game display by setting thresholds to
change the color or appearance of fields in the status display.
-The format for defining status colors is:
+The format for defining status colors is:\\
- OPTION=hilite_status: field-name/behavior/color&attributes
-For example, the following line in your config file will cause
+For example, the following line in your configuration file will cause
the hitpoints field to display in the color red if your hitpoints
-drop to or below a threshold of 30%:
+drop to or below a threshold of 30%:\\
- OPTION=hilite_status: hitpoints/<=30%/red/normal
-For another example, the following line in your config file will cause
-wisdom to be displayed red if it drops and green if it rises.
+(That example is actually specifying {\tt red\&normal} for <=30\%
+and {\tt no-color\&normal} for >30\%.)\\
+For another example, the following line in your configuration file will cause
+wisdom to be displayed red if it drops and green if it rises:\\
- OPTION=hilite_status: wisdom/down/red/up/green
+Allowed colors are black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, gray,
+orange, light-green, yellow, light-blue, light-magenta, light-cyan, and white.
+And {\it no-color}, the default foreground color on the display, which
+is not necessarily the same as black or white or any of the other colors.
+Allowed attributes are none, bold, dim, underline, blink, and inverse.
+``Normal'' is a synonym for ``none''; they should not be used in
+combination with any of the other attributes.
+To specify both a color and an attribute, use `\&' to combine them.
+To specify multiple attributes, use `+' to combine those.
+For example: {\tt magenta\&inverse+dim}.
+Note that the display may substitute or ignore particular attributes
+depending upon its capabilities, and in general may interpret the
+attributes any way it wants.
+For example, on some display systems a request for bold might yield
+blink or vice versa.
+On others, issuing an attribute request while another is already
+set up will replace the earlier attribute rather than combine with it.
+Since nethack issues attribute requests sequentially (at least with
+the {\it tty} interface) rather than all at once, the only way a
+situation like that can be controlled is to specify just one attribute.
You can adjust the display of the following status fields:
-title & strength & dexterity\\
-constitution & intelligence & wisdom\\
-charisma & alignment & score\\
-carrying-capacity & gold & power\\
-power-max & experience-level & armor-class\\
-HD & time & hunger\\
-hitpoints & hitpoints-max & dungeon-level\\
-experience & condition\\
+title & dungeon-level & experience-level\\
+strength & gold & experience\\
+dexterity & hitpoints & HD\\
+constitution & hitpoints-max & time\\
+intelligence & power & hunger\\
+wisdom & power-max & carrying-capacity\\
+charisma & armor-class & condition\\
+alignment & & score\\
%TABLE_END Do not delete this line.
-%.lp ""
-Allowed colors are {\it black}, {\it red}, {\it green}, {\it brown},
-{\it blue}, {\it magenta}, {\it cyan}, {\it gray}, {\it orange},
-{\it lightgreen}, {\it yellow}, {\it lightblue}, {\it lightmagenta},
-{\it lightcyan}, and {\it white}.
-%.lp ""
-Allowed attributes are {\it bold}, {\it inverse}, {\it underline},
-{\it blink}, {\it dim}, and {\it normal}.
-Note that the platform used may interpret the attributes any way it
-%.lp ""
The in-game options menu can help you determine the correct syntax for a
config file.
-%.lp ""
The whole feature can be disable by setting option {\it statushilites} to 0.
-%.lp ""
Example hilites:
OPTION=hilite_status: gold/up/yellow/down/brown