remainder -= SECS_PER_DAY;
- DEBUG(printf("days=%lld, rem=%lld\n", days, remainder););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("days=%lld, rem=%lld\n", days, remainder););
if (ts >= 0) {
tmp_days = days + 1;
while (tmp_days <= 0) {
if (tmp_days < -1460970) {
cur_year -= 4000;
- DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
tmp_days += 1460970;
} else {
- DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
if (timelib_is_leap(cur_year)) {
tmp_days += DAYS_PER_LYEAR;
} else {
remainder += SECS_PER_DAY;
- DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
months = timelib_is_leap(cur_year) ? month_tab_leap : month_tab;
if (timelib_is_leap(cur_year) && cur_year < 1970) {
i = 11;
while (i > 0) {
- DEBUG(printf("month=%lld (%d)\n", i, months[i]););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("month=%lld (%d)\n", i, months[i]););
if (tmp_days > months[i]) {
- DEBUG(printf("A: ts=%lld, year=%lld, month=%lld, day=%lld,", ts, cur_year, i + 1, tmp_days - months[i]););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("A: ts=%lld, year=%lld, month=%lld, day=%lld,", ts, cur_year, i + 1, tmp_days - months[i]););
/* That was the date, now we do the tiiiime */
hours = remainder / 3600;
minutes = (remainder - hours * 3600) / 60;
seconds = remainder % 60;
- DEBUG(printf(" hour=%lld, minute=%lld, second=%lld\n", hours, minutes, seconds););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf(" hour=%lld, minute=%lld, second=%lld\n", hours, minutes, seconds););
tm->y = cur_year;
tm->m = i + 1;
if (localtime) {
/* Converting from GMT time to local time */
- DEBUG(printf("Converting from GMT time to local time\n"););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("Converting from GMT time to local time\n"););
/* Check if TZ is set */
if (!t->tz_info) {
- DEBUG(printf("E: No timezone configured, can't switch to local time\n"););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("E: No timezone configured, can't switch to local time\n"););
return -1;
timelib_unixtime2local(t, t->sse);
} else {
/* Converting from local time to GMT time */
- DEBUG(printf("Converting from local time to GMT time\n"););
+ TIMELIB_DEBUG(printf("Converting from local time to GMT time\n"););
timelib_unixtime2gmt(t, t->sse);