if (put_line(fd, "set shortmess=aoO") == FAIL)
goto fail;
+ // Put all buffers into the buffer list.
+ // Do it very early to preserve buffer order after loading session (which
+ // can be disrupted by prior `edit` or `tabedit` calls).
+ {
+ if (!(only_save_windows && buf->b_nwindows == 0)
+ && !(buf->b_help && !(ssop_flags & SSOP_HELP))
+ // Skip terminal buffers: finished ones are not useful, others
+ // will be resurrected and result in a new buffer.
+ && !bt_terminal(buf)
+ && buf->b_fname != NULL
+ && buf->b_p_bl)
+ {
+ if (fprintf(fd, "badd +%ld ", buf->b_wininfo == NULL ? 1L
+ : buf->b_wininfo->wi_fpos.lnum) < 0
+ || ses_fname(fd, buf, &ssop_flags, TRUE) == FAIL)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ }
// the global argument list
if (ses_arglist(fd, "argglobal", &global_alist.al_ga,
!(ssop_flags & SSOP_CURDIR), &ssop_flags) == FAIL)
// Similar to ses_win_rec() below, populate the tab pages first so
// later local options won't be copied to the new tabs.
- if (tp->tp_next != NULL && put_line(fd, "tabnew") == FAIL)
+ // Use `bufhidden=wipe` to remove empty "placeholder" buffers once
+ // they are not needed. This prevents creating extra buffers (see
+ // cause of patch 8.1.0829)
+ if (tp->tp_next != NULL
+ && put_line(fd, "tabnew +setlocal\\ bufhidden=wipe") == FAIL)
goto fail;
if (first_tabpage->tp_next != NULL && put_line(fd, "tabrewind") == FAIL)
goto fail;
if (restore_stal && put_line(fd, "set stal=1") == FAIL)
goto fail;
- // Now put the remaining buffers into the buffer list.
- // This is near the end, so that when 'hidden' is set we don't create extra
- // buffers. If the buffer was already created with another command the
- // ":badd" will have no effect.
- {
- if (!(only_save_windows && buf->b_nwindows == 0)
- && !(buf->b_help && !(ssop_flags & SSOP_HELP))
- // Skip terminal buffers: finished ones are not useful, others
- // will be resurrected and result in a new buffer.
- && !bt_terminal(buf)
- && buf->b_fname != NULL
- && buf->b_p_bl)
- {
- if (fprintf(fd, "badd +%ld ", buf->b_wininfo == NULL ? 1L
- : buf->b_wininfo->wi_fpos.lnum) < 0
- || ses_fname(fd, buf, &ssop_flags, TRUE) == FAIL)
- goto fail;
- }
- }
// Wipe out an empty unnamed buffer we started in.
if (put_line(fd, "if exists('s:wipebuf') && len(win_findbuf(s:wipebuf)) == 0")
== FAIL)
set hidden&
+func Test_mksession_buffer_order()
+ %bwipe!
+ e Xfoo | e Xbar | e Xbaz | e Xqux
+ bufdo write
+ mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+ " Verify that loading the session preserves order of buffers
+ %bwipe!
+ source Xtest_mks.out
+ let s:buf_info = getbufinfo()
+ call assert_true(s:buf_info[0]['name'] =~# 'Xfoo$')
+ call assert_true(s:buf_info[1]['name'] =~# 'Xbar$')
+ call assert_true(s:buf_info[2]['name'] =~# 'Xbaz$')
+ call assert_true(s:buf_info[3]['name'] =~# 'Xqux$')
+ " Clean up.
+ call delete('Xfoo')
+ call delete('Xbar')
+ call delete('Xbaz')
+ call delete('Xqux')
+ call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ %bwipe!
if has('extra_search')
func Test_mksession_hlsearch()