# This script is aimed at restoring postgis data
# from a dumpfile produced by pg_dump -Fc
# Basically it will restore all but things created by
# the given postgis.sql.
-# A particular attention is given to the spatial_ref_sys
-# and geometry_columns tables which are created as from dump.
+# A particular attention must be given to the spatial_ref_sys
+# and geometry_columns tables which are created from postgis.sql
+# and filled using data from dump. If pre-7.5 is restored to 7.5+
+# some columns will be missing from geometry_columns, so they'll
+# probably need to be added first and dropped after (currently not
+# done).
-# Note that a postgresql-7.5 installation would require a shrink
-# in the geomtry_columns table, due to internal gathering of
-# statistics. The shrink is not performed so far (TODO).
+# Known issues:
+# - operators from the dump are never restored due to
+# the impossibility (for current implementation) to
+# detect wheter or not they are from postgis
+exec perl $0
+ if (0);
(@ARGV == 3) || die "Usage: perl postgis_restore.pl <postgis.sql> <db> <dump>\nRestore a custom dump (pg_dump -Fc) of a postgis enabled database.\n";
my %aggs = {};
my %casts = ();
my %funcs = {};
my %types = {};
-my @ops = ();
my $postgissql = $ARGV[0];
my $dbname = $ARGV[1];
my $dump = $ARGV[2];
+my $dumplist=$dump.".list";
+my $dumpascii=$dump.".ascii";
print "postgis.sql is $postgsisql\n";
print "dbname is $dbname\n";
my $id = $name."(".join(", ", @args).")";
$funcs{$id} = 1;
- print "SQLFUNC: $id\n";
+ print "SQLFUNC: $id\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($line =~ /^create type +([^ ]+)/i)
my $type = $1;
- print "SQLTYPE $type\n";
+ print "SQLTYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
$types{$type} = 1;
exit 1;
my $id = $name.'('.$type.')';
- print "SQLAGG $id\n";
+ print "SQLAGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
$aggs{$id} = 1;
if ($line =~ /create cast .* with function *([^ ]*) *\(([^ ]*) *\)/i)
my $id = lc($1)."(".lc($2).")";
- print "SQLCAST $id\n";
+ print "SQLCAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
$casts{$id} = 1;
close( INPUT );
-print " ".@ops." operators [classes]\n";
-print " ".@aggs." aggregates\n";
# Scan dump list
print "Scanning $dump list\n";
-open( OUTPUT, ">".$dump.".list") || die "Can't write to ".$dump.".list\n";
+open( OUTPUT, ">$dumplist") || die "Can't write to ".$dump.".list\n";
open( INPUT, "pg_restore -l $dump |") || die "Couldn't run pg_restore -l $dump\n";
while( my $line = <INPUT> )
my $id = $funcname."(".$args.")";
if ( $funcname eq 'plpgsql_call_handler' )
- print "SKIPPING $funcname($args)\n";
+ print "SKIPPING $id\n" if $DEBUG;
# This is an old postgis function which might
# still be in a dump
if ( $funcname eq 'unite_finalfunc' )
- print "SKIPPING $funcname($args)\n";
+ print "SKIPPING $id\n" if $DEBUG;
if ( $funcs{$id} )
- print "SKIPPING PGIS $funcname($args) [".$funcs{$funcname."(".$args.")"}."]\n";
+ print "SKIPPING PGIS $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- print "KEEPING FUNCTION: [$id]\n";
+ print "KEEPING FUNCTION: [$id]\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ($line =~ / AGGREGATE (.*)\((.*)\)/)
+ elsif ($line =~ / AGGREGATE (.*)\((.*)\)/)
my $name = $1;
my @args = split(",", $2);
my $id = $name."(".$args.")";
if ( $aggs{$id} )
- print "SKIPPING PGIS AGG $id\n";
+ print "SKIPPING PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
# This is an old postgis aggregate
if ( $name eq 'fastunion' )
- print "SKIPPING old PGIS AGG $id\n";
+ print "SKIPPING old PGIS AGG $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- print "KEEPING AGGREGATE [$id]\n";
+ print "KEEPING AGGREGATE [$id]\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ($line =~ / TYPE (.*) .*/)
+ elsif ($line =~ / TYPE (.*) .*/)
my $type = $1;
if ( $types{$type} )
- #print "SKIPPING PGIS $funcname($args) [".$funcs{$funcname."(".$args.")"}."]\n";
+ print "SKIPPING PGIS TYPE $type\n" if $DEBUG;
- #print "KEEPING TYPE [$type]\n";
+ print "KEEPING TYPE [$type]\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ($line =~ / PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql/)
+ elsif ($line =~ / PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql/)
+ {
+ print "SKIPPING plpgsql\n" if $DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ # spatial_ref_sys and geometry_columns
+ elsif ($line =~ / TABLE geometry_columns/)
+ {
+ print "SKIPPING geometry_columns schema\n" if $DEBUG;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ / TABLE spatial_ref_sys/)
- #print "SKIPPING plpgsql\n";
+ print "SKIPPING spatial_ref_sys schema\n" if $DEBUG;
# Will skip all operators (there is no way to tell from a dump
# list which types the operator works on
- if ($line =~ / OPERATOR /)
+ elsif ($line =~ / OPERATOR /)
- #print "SKIPPING operator\n";
+ print "SKIPPING operator\n" if $DEBUG;
- if ($line =~ / CAST *([^ ]*) *\( *([^ )]*) *\)/)
+ elsif ($line =~ / CAST *([^ ]*) *\( *([^ )]*) *\)/)
my $arg1 = lc($1);
my $arg2 = lc($2);
my $id = $arg1."(".$arg2.")";
if ( $casts{$id} )
- print "SKIPPING PGIS CAST $id\n";
+ print "SKIPPING PGIS CAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
if ($arg1 eq 'box3d' || $arg2 eq 'geometry')
- print "SKIPPING PGIS type CAST $id\n";
+ print "SKIPPING PGIS type CAST $id\n" if $DEBUG;
- print "KEEPING CAST $id\n";
+ #print "KEEPING CAST $id\n";
print OUTPUT $line;
- print "UNANDLED: $line"
+# print "UNANDLED: $line"
close( INPUT );
`createlang plpgsql $dbname`;
print "Sourcing $postgissql\n";
`psql -f $postgissql $dbname`;
-print "Dropping spatial_ref_sys and geometry_columns\n";
-`psql -c 'DROP TABLE spatial_ref_sys; DROP TABLE geometry_columns' $dbname`;
print "Restoring $dump\n";
-`pg_restore -v -L $dumplist -d $dbname $dump`;
+`pg_restore -L $dumplist $dump | sed 's/^\\(SET search_path .*\\);/\\1, public;/' > $dumpascii`;
+`psql -f $dumpascii $dbname`;