+# Highlight menu lines with different colors. You need to define the colors
+# with MENUCOLOR lines.
+# Toggle menucolor use on or off
+# Define color used for a certain menu line. Format is
+# MENUCOLOR="regular expression"=color
+# or
+# MENUCOLOR="regular expression"=color&attribute
+# Show all blessed items in green
+MENUCOLOR=" blessed " = green
+# Show all holy water in green
+MENUCOLOR=" holy " = green
+# Show all cursed items in red
+MENUCOLOR=" cursed " = red
+# Show all unholy water in red
+MENUCOLOR=" unholy " = red
+# Show all cursed worn items in orange and underlined
+MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* (being worn)" = orange&underline
# Turn off all status hilites.