<title>Building with Make</title>
<titleabbrev>Using Make</titleabbrev>
<summary>Building with Make</summary>
-<headlink rel="linktest" type="nop"/>
<para>The following instructions work with recent versions of GNU Make;
<listitem><para>Create a skeletal <filename>Makefile</filename> like this:
-# Note: you must set the autolayout-file to a fully qualified path!
+# Change the path in output-root to put your HTML output elsewhere
+STYLEOPT= --stringparam output-root .
.PHONY : clean
include depends.tabular
autolayout.xml: layout.xml
- $(PROC) $< $(STYLEDIR)/autolayout.xsl $@
+ $(PROC) --output $@ $(STYLEDIR)/autolayout.xsl $<
make depends
%.html: autolayout.xml
- $(PROC) $(filter-out autolayout.xml,$^) $(STYLESHEET) $@ $(STYLEOPT)
+ $(PROC) --output $@ $(STYLEOPT) $(STYLESHEET) $(filter-out autolayout.xml,$^)
depends: autolayout.xml
- $(PROC) $< ../xsl/makefile-dep.xsl depends.tabular
+ $(PROC) --output depends.tabular $(STYLEOPT) $(STYLEDIR)/makefile-dep.xsl $<
<para>You'll have to change the <literal>PROC</literal> setting and