-/* SCCS Id: @(#)you.h 3.5 2000/05/21 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)you.h 3.5 2005/09/12 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
uchar uspmtime; /* #moves between uspellprot-- */
int uhp,uhpmax;
int uen, uenmax; /* magical energy - M. Stephenson */
+ xchar uhpinc[MAXULEV], ueninc[MAXULEV]; /* increases from level gain */
int ugangr; /* if the gods are angry at you */
int ugifts; /* number of artifacts bestowed */
int ublessed, ublesscnt; /* blessing/duration from #pray */
-/* SCCS Id: @(#)exper.c 3.5 2002/11/20 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)exper.c 3.5 2005/09/12 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
/* no drainer or lifesaved */
u.uexp = 0;
- num = newhp();
+ num = (int) u.uhpinc[u.ulevel];
u.uhpmax -= num;
if (u.uhpmax < 1) u.uhpmax = 1;
u.uhp -= num;
if (u.uhp < 1) u.uhp = 1;
else if (u.uhp > u.uhpmax) u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
- if (u.ulevel < urole.xlev)
- num = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2 + urole.enadv.lornd + urace.enadv.lornd,
- urole.enadv.lofix + urace.enadv.lofix);
- else
- num = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2 + urole.enadv.hirnd + urace.enadv.hirnd,
- urole.enadv.hifix + urace.enadv.hifix);
- num = enermod(num); /* M. Stephenson */
+ num = (int) u.ueninc[u.ulevel];
u.uenmax -= num;
if (u.uenmax < 0) u.uenmax = 0;
u.uen -= num;
boolean incr; /* true iff via incremental experience growth */
{ /* (false for potion of gain level) */
- register int num;
+ int hpinc, eninc, enrnd, enfix;
if (!incr) You_feel("more experienced.");
- num = newhp();
- u.uhpmax += num;
- u.uhp += num;
+ /* increase hit points (when polymorphed, do monster form first
+ in order to retain normal human/whatever increase for later) */
if (Upolyd) {
- num = rnd(8);
- u.mhmax += num;
- u.mh += num;
+ hpinc = rnd(8);
+ u.mhmax += hpinc;
+ u.mh += hpinc;
- if (u.ulevel < urole.xlev)
- num = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2 + urole.enadv.lornd + urace.enadv.lornd,
- urole.enadv.lofix + urace.enadv.lofix);
- else
- num = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2 + urole.enadv.hirnd + urace.enadv.hirnd,
- urole.enadv.hifix + urace.enadv.hifix);
- num = enermod(num); /* M. Stephenson */
- u.uenmax += num;
- u.uen += num;
+ hpinc = newhp();
+ u.uhpmax += hpinc;
+ u.uhp += hpinc;
+ /* increase spell power/energy points */
+ enrnd = (int)ACURR(A_WIS) / 2;
+ if (u.ulevel < urole.xlev) {
+ enrnd += urole.enadv.lornd + urace.enadv.lornd;
+ enfix = urole.enadv.lofix + urace.enadv.lofix;
+ } else {
+ enrnd += urole.enadv.hirnd + urace.enadv.hirnd;
+ enfix = urole.enadv.hifix + urace.enadv.hifix;
+ }
+ eninc = enermod(rn1(enrnd, enfix)); /* M. Stephenson */
+ u.uenmax += eninc;
+ u.uen += eninc;
+ /* increase level (unless already maxxed) */
if (u.ulevel < MAXULEV) {
+ /* remember hp and pw/en gains in case this level is later lost */
+ u.uhpinc[u.ulevel] = (xchar) hpinc;
+ u.ueninc[u.ulevel] = (xchar) eninc;
+ /* increase experience points to reflect new level */
if (incr) {
long tmp = newuexp(u.ulevel + 1);
if (u.uexp >= tmp) u.uexp = tmp - 1;