def append_doc(self, config, path_output):
+ def option_was_written(opt):
+ return any(gen_kconfig_doc.node_should_write(node) for node in config.syms[opt].nodes)
if len(self.r_dic) > 0:
with open(path_output, 'a') as f_o:
header = 'Deprecated options and their replacements'
f_o.write('{}\n{}\n\n'.format(header, '-' * len(header)))
- for key in sorted(self.r_dic):
- f_o.write('- {}{}: :ref:`{}{}`\n'.format(config.config_prefix, key,
- config.config_prefix, self.r_dic[key]))
+ for dep_opt in sorted(self.r_dic):
+ new_opt = self.r_dic[dep_opt]
+ if new_opt not in config.syms or (config.syms[new_opt].choice is None and option_was_written(new_opt)):
+ # everything except config for a choice (no link reference for those in the docs)
+ f_o.write('- {}{} (:ref:`{}{}`)\n'.format(config.config_prefix, dep_opt,
+ config.config_prefix, new_opt))
+ if new_opt in config.named_choices:
+ # here are printed config options which were filtered out
+ syms = config.named_choices[new_opt].syms
+ for sym in syms:
+ if sym.name in self.rev_r_dic:
+ # only if the symbol has been renamed
+ dep_name = self.rev_r_dic[sym.name]
+ # config options doesn't have references
+ f_o.write(' - {}{}\n'.format(config.config_prefix, dep_name))
def append_config(self, config, path_output):
tmp_list = []