if (book->spestudied > MAX_SPELL_STUDY) {
pline("This spellbook is too faint to be read any more.");
book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
+ /* reset spestudied as if polymorph had taken place */
+ book->spestudied = rn2(book->spestudied);
} else if (spellknow(i) <= 1000) {
Your("knowledge of %s is keener.", splname);
/* pre-used due to being the product of polymorph */
pline("This spellbook is too faint to read even once.");
book->otyp = booktype = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
+ /* reset spestudied as if polymorph had taken place */
+ book->spestudied = rn2(book->spestudied);
} else {
spl_book[i].sp_id = booktype;
spl_book[i].sp_lev = objects[booktype].oc_level;