test point 1: basic function
test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: WIFI_CONN_0903
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <wep_ap_ssid> -p bacfd
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: 1. disconect event reason REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE
- initial condition: STAM1
- initial condition description (auto): sta mode, quit AP, DHCP on, will autogen a
- TC with initial condition STAAP1
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: 1. connect WEP ap with error password (valid wep password)
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test wifi disconnect reason REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE
- test environment: SSC_T1_WEP
- test environment description (auto): '1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.
- One WEP share key AP placed near SSC1.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
- CI ready: 'Yes'
SDK: '8266_NonOS
2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
test point 1: interaction
test point 2: Scan interact with other WiFi operation
- version: v1 (2015-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -i
- - [R SSC1 C +IP]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 20
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q
- - ['R SSC1 RE "\+STAIP:%%s"%%(<target_ip>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: "1.target1 关闭DHCP OK\n2.target1 设置ip add OK\n3.target1 连接AP fail\n\
- 4.target1 打开DHCP OK\n5.查询到sta ip \n6.target1 连接AP ok\n7.查询到sta ip 为target_ip"
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1 关闭DHCP OK\n2.target1 设置ip add OK\n3.target1 连接AP fail\n4.target1\
- \ 打开DHCP OK\n5.查询到sta ip \n6.target1 连接AP ok\n7.查询到sta ip 为target_ip"
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp client function test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP client function test
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 3
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 3
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -Q -o 3
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -Q -o 1
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -Q -o 2
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 3
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -Q -o 3
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 6.OK
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1 设置mode 为sta+softAP mode
- 2.target1 打开DHCP 3
- 3.target1 查询DHCP 状态
- 4.target1 查询sta DHCP 状态
- 5.target1 查询softAP DHCP 状态
- 6.target1 关闭 DHCP 3
- 7.target1 查询 DHCP 状态'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp status query
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP client function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0201
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 2 -i <target_ap_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 关闭DHCP 2 OK
- 2.target1 设置ip 成功
- 3.设置dhcp 地址池 OK
- 7.target1 打开DHCP ok'
- initial condition: APSTA1
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode (autogen by APM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1 关闭DHCP 2 \n2.target1 设置ip \n3.设置dhcp 地址池\n4.设置dhcp错误的参数\n5.设置dhcp错误的参数\n\
- 6.设置dhcp错误的参数\n7.target1 打开DHCP ok"
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: server dhcp lease test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0202
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - LOOP 3 4 "['01','02','03']" "[2,3,4]"
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:{%s}
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:192.168.4.{%s}']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3,4: get IP from dhcp pool with correct sequence'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. config DHCP Server on Target1
- 3. target change mac, connect to Target1
- 4. Loop step3'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server ip pool
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0203
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - LOOP 2 4 "['01','02']" "[2,3]"
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:{%s}
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:192.168.4.{%s}']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:66
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - DELAY 20
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4.1 succeed
- 4.2 failed'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. config DHCP Server on Target1(.4.2 - .4.3)
- 3. target change mac, connect to Target1
- 4. Loop step3 twice'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server ip pool empty
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0204
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e -t 1
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:']
- - - DELAY 90
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - - DELAY 60
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:66
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. get IP
- 5. succeed
- 6. succeed
- 8. get IP'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. config DHCP timeout as 1 minute
- 3. target2 connect to target1
- 4. wait 90 seconds
- 5. check if target2 IP is same
- 6. target2 disconnect
- 7. wait 60s
- 8. target2 change mac and connect to target1'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server timeout test
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0205
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e -t 1
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. target2 wifi disconnected'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. target2 connect to target1
- 3. disable DHCP server, do config and enable'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: disconnect STA if config dhcp server
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0206
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - LOOP 4 4 "['01','02','03','01']" "[2,3,4,2]"
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:{%s}
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:192.168.4.{%s}']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 4. get IP -
- 5. get IP'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 3. target2 change mac, connect to softap, disconnect
- 4. Loop step3 twice
- 5. change to first mac, connect to softap'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server assign same IP to same MAC when it's not released
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0207
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <random_string> <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> DISCONN2
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 10:22:33:44:55:66
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC2 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +STAIP:']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. get IP
- 4. succeed
- 5. succeed
- 6. get IP'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 3. PC WIFI NIC connect to target1 softap
- 4. target2 connect to target1 softap and disnnect
- 5. PC release IP and disconnected
- 6. target2 change mac and connect to target1'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server prefer assign released IP to new client
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0208
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <random_string> <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - [R SSC1 C P <pc_wifi_nic_mac>]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. get IP
- 5. can only find target2 with IP'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. PC NIC connect to target1 softap
- 3. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 4. target2 connect to target1 softap
- 5. softap list connected station'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server reconfig and new client able to get first IP in pool
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0209
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <random_string> <random_string>
- - - DELAY 20
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - [R SSC1 C C P <pc_wifi_nic_mac> P <target2_mac>]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. succeed
- 5. find target2 and PC'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. target2 connect to target1 softap
- 3. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 4. PC NIC connect to target1 softap
- 5. softap list connected station'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server reconfig, old client and new client able to get IP
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0210
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN2 <random_string> <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - [R SSC1 C C P <pc_wifi_nic_mac> P <target2_mac>]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. succeed
- 5. find target2 and PC'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. target2 connect to target1 softap
- 3. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 4. PC NIC connect to target1 softap try to renew IP
- 5. softap list connected station'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server reconfig, old client able to get IP (discover with requested
- IP)
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0211
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <random_string> <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - DELAY 30
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - [R SSC1 C C P <pc_wifi_nic_mac> P <target2_mac>]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. succeed
- 5. find target2 and PC'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. config softap to a random ssid
- 2. target2 connect to target1 softap
- 3. disable DHCP server, do config and enable
- 4. PC NIC connect to target1 softap try to renew IP
- 5. softap list connected station'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server reconfig, old client able to renew IP (direct send request)
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0212
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 20
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: "1.target1 set AP OK \n2.target1 关闭DHCP OK\n3.target2 jap target\
- \ 1,FAIL \n4.target1 打开DHCP OK\n5.target2 jap target 1,ok"
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1 set AP OK \n2.target1 关闭DHCP OK\n3.target2 jap target 1,FAIL \n\
- 4.target1 打开DHCP OK\n5.target2 jap target 1,ok"
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: dhcp server function test
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DHCP server function test
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0301
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -i -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -i -o 1
- - [R SSC1 C +IP]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 10
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.等待10s,JAP fail'
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1 关闭DHCP 1
- 2.target1 设置sta ip
- 4.target1 jap AP
- 5.target1 设置sta ip
- 6.target1 jap AP'
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: sta dhcp static ip interaction
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: interaction
- test point 2: static IP and DHCP interaction test
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DHCP_0302
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -i -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -i -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -L -s -e
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 10
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target 1 OK
- 2.target1 ERROR
- 3.target1 ERROR
- 4.target2 jap target1 OK
- 5.target1 OK
- 6.target1 OK
- 7.target1 OK
- 8.target2 jap target1 OK'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1 打开DHCP 2\n2.target1 设置softAP ip\n3.target1 设置地址池\n\
- 4.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式\n5.target2 连接target1 \n6.target1 关闭DHCP 2\n7.target1\
- \ 设置softAP ip \n8.target1 设置正确的地址池\n9.target2 连接target1"
- sub module: DHCP
- summary: ap dhcp static ip interaction
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: interaction
- test point 2: static IP and DHCP interaction test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DNS_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 3/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d iot.espressif.cn
- - ['R SSC1 C +HOSTIP:OK,']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: 1.OK
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: 1. get host name "espressif.cn"
- sub module: DNS
- summary: get host by name test
- test environment: SSC_T1_2
- test environment description (auto): 'Able to access WAN after connect to AP.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DNS function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DNS_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 3/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d factory.espressif.cn
- - ['R SSC1 A <ip_addr>:\+HOSTIP:OK,(.+)\r\n']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <ip_addr> -p 9001
- - ['R SSC1 RE \+CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 10
- - ['P SSC1 RE \+SEND:\d+,OK', P SSC1 SL <sock1>+10]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. get host name "espressif.cn"
- 2. connect, send, recv1. get host name "espressif.cn"
- 2. connect, send, recv'
- sub module: DNS
- summary: TCP connect to iot.espressif.com
- test environment: SSC_T1_2
- test environment description (auto): 'Able to access WAN after connect to AP.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DNS function test
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_DNS_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 3/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -H -d factory.espressif.cn
- - ['R SSC1 A <ip_addr>:\+HOSTIP:OK,(.+)\r\n']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <ip_addr> -p 9003 -l 10
- - ['P SSC1 RE \+SEND:\d+,OK', P SSC1 SL <sock1>+10]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. get host name "espressif.cn"
- 2. sendto, recvfrom1. get host name "espressif.cn"
- 2. sendto, recvfrom'
- sub module: DNS
- summary: UDP send to iot.expressif.com
- test environment: SSC_T1_2
- test environment description (auto): 'Able to access WAN after connect to AP.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: DNS function test
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_ICMP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ping -i <pc_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 C +PING:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ping -i <pc_ip> -c 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +PING:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.ok
- 2.ok'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.ping -i <pc_ip>
- 2.ping -i <pc_ip> -c 2'
- sub module: ICMP
- summary: ping function test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: ping function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. success
- 2. failed
- 3. failed
- 4. failed'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group with correct host addr and multicast addr
- 2. join group with correct host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 3. join group with wrong host addr and correct multicast addr
- 4. join group with wrong host addr and wrong multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: station IGMP join group address check
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP API parameter check
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. success
- 2. failed
- 3. failed
- 4. failed
- 5. succeed'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group with correct host addr and multicast addr
- 2. leave group with correct host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 3. leave group with wrong host addr and correct multicast addr
- 4. leave group with wrong host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 5. leave group with correct host addr and correct multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: station IGMP leave group address check
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP API parameter check
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. success
- 2. failed
- 3. failed
- 4. failed'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group with correct host addr and multicast addr
- 2. join group with correct host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 3. join group with wrong host addr and correct multicast addr
- 4. join group with wrong host addr and wrong multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: softAP IGMP join group address check
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP API parameter check
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0104
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. success
- 2. failed
- 3. failed
- 4. failed
- 5. succeed'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group with correct host addr and multicast addr
- 2. leave group with correct host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 3. leave group with wrong host addr and correct multicast addr
- 4. leave group with wrong host addr and wrong multicast addr
- 5. leave group with correct host addr and correct multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: softAP IGMP leave group address check
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP API parameter check
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0201
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1 <test_udp_port1>
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+1]
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. able to recv packet'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group
- 2. create UDP socket using multicast addr
- 3. PC send UDP packet to multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: station IGMP recv packets
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP send/recv test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0202
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC2 op -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +MODE:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC2 A <sock2>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 soc -S -s <sock2> -i -p <test_udp_port1> -l 10
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+1]
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. target1 recv multicast packet'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. target2 set to sta mode and join AP
- 2. target1 join group and create UDP socket using multicast addr
- 3. target2 create UDP socket
- 4. target2 send to multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: station send multicast packets
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP send/recv test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0203
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1 <test_udp_port1>
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+1]
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. able to recv packet'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. join group
- 2. create UDP socket using multicast addr
- 3. PC send UDP packet to multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: softAP IGMP recv packets
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP send/recv test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IGMP_0204
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -J -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC2 A <sock2>:\+BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 soc -S -s <sock2> -i -p <test_udp_port1> -l 10
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+1]
- - - SSC SSC1 igmp -L -h <target_ap_ip> -m
- - ['R SSC1 C +IGMP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. succeed
- 4. target1 recv multicast packet'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. target2 join SoftAP
- 2. target1 join group and create UDP socket using multicast addr
- 3. target2 create UDP socket
- 4. target2 send to multicast addr'
- sub module: IGMP
- summary: softAP send multicast packets
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: IGMP send/recv test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.STAIP:'
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1 打开DHCP 1
- 2.target1 设置sta ip
- 4.target1 关闭DHCP 1
- 5.target1 设置sta ip
- 6.target1 查询 当前sta ip'
- sub module: IP
- summary: sta set and query static ip test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: set and query static IP
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_IP_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 2 -i
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 2 -i
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +APIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 2 -i <target_ap_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.APIP:
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA1
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode (autogen by APM1)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1 打开DHCP 2\n2.target1 设置softAP ip\n4.target1 关闭DHCP\
- \ 2\n5.target1 设置softAP ip\n6.target1 查询 当前sta ip \n7.target1\
- \ 设置softAP ip 为target_ap_ip"
- sub module: IP
- summary: ap set and query static ip test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: set and query static IP
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i -p 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i -p 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i 123.456.678.789 -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port2>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 6.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地ip,本地端口 0
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地ip,本地端口 0
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接不存在的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 6.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,远端端口不存在。'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, connect test. use different ip, port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+', P SOC_COM C OK]
- - - SOC SOC1 CONNECT <test_tcp_port2> <target_ip>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.PC TCP client accept
- 4.error'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地端口<random_port>
- 2.target1上使用步骤1创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 3.PC TCP 连接到target1 <random_port>,<target_ip>
- 4.PC tcp 连接到不存在的port ,<target_ip>'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, server listen test. use different kinds of port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 5
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+5]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK', P SOC2 RL 5]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 146000
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+146000]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 1460 -n 100
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK', P SOC2 RL 146000]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc上回accept
- 4.OK
- 5.target收到5 byte
- 6.PC收到5 byte
- 7.target收到 146000 byte
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1 创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.PC send 5 bytes to 8266
- 6.8266 send 5 bytes to PC
- 7. PC send 100 * 1460 data to 8266,
- 8.8266 send 100 * 1460 to PC.'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, send/recv basic test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0104
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock1> -h B
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2> -h W
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock3> -h R
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK,pc tcp server accept OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.OK,pc tcp server accept OK
- 10.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 4.target1 shutdown socket1 B
- 5.target1上创建TCP socket
- 6.target1上使用步骤5创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 7.target1 shutdown socket2 W
- 8.target1上创建TCP socket
- 9.target1上使用步骤8创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 10.target1 shutdown socket3 R'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, shutdown basic test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0105
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.target1关闭socket1
- 8.target1关闭socket2
- 9.OK
- 10.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 11.target1关闭socket1
- 12.OK
- 13.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 14.OK
- 15.target1关闭socket1'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1关闭socket1\n\
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket 端口随机\n5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket1,去监听\n6.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket2 \n7.target1关闭socket1\n8.target1关闭socket2\n\
- 9.target1上创建TCP socket1\n10.target1上使用步骤10创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n\
- 11.target1关闭socket1\n12.target1上创建TCP socket1\n13.target1上使用步骤13创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n14.target1shutdown socket1\n15.target1关闭socket1"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, close for different types of TCP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0106
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock4>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock4> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock5>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock5> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4 OK
- 5.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 6.OK
- 7.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 8 OK
- 9.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 10.OK
- 11.OK,pc tcp server accept成功'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket2
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 6.target1上创建TCP socket3
- 7.target1上使用步骤6创建的socket3,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 8.target1上创建TCP socket4
- 9.target1上使用步骤8创建的socket4,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 10.target1上创建TCP socket5
- 11.target1上使用步骤10创建的socket5,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, create max TCP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0107
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC3 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC4 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC5 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC6 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.+BIND:0,OK,
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 5.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 6.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 7.OK,pc tcp server accept成功'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1上创建TCP socket 端口随机\n2.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket1,去监听\n3.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket2 \n4.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket3\
- \ \n5.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket4 \n6.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket5 \n7.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket6"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, accept max TCP client by server test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0110
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i -p 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i -p 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i 123.456.678.789 -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port2>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 6.ERROR'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地ip,本地端口 0
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地ip,本地端口 0
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接不存在的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 6.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,远端端口不存在。'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, connect test. use different ip, port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0111
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+', P SOC_COM C OK]
- - - SOC SOC1 CONNECT <test_tcp_port2> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.PC TCP client accept
- 4.error'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上创建TCP socket,bind到本地端口<random_port>
- 2.target1上使用步骤1创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 3.PC TCP 连接到target1 <random_port>,<target_ip>
- 4.PC tcp 连接到不存在的port ,<target_ip>'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, server listen test. use different kinds of port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0112
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 5
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+5]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK', P SOC2 RL 5]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 146000
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+146000]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 1460 -n 100
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK', P SOC2 RL 146000]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK
- 5.target收到5byte数据
- 6.PC收到5byte数据
- 7.target收到146000 byte数据
- 8.OK,PC 收到146000 byte数据'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1 创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.PC send 5 bytes to 8266
- 6.8266 send 5 bytes to PC
- 7. PC send 100 * 1460 data to 8266,
- 8.8266 send 100 * 1460 to PC.'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, send/recv basic test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0113
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock1> -h B
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2> -h W
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock3> -h R
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 10.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 4.target1 shutdown socket1 B
- 5.target1上创建TCP socket
- 6.target1上使用步骤5创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 7.target1 shutdown socket2 W
- 8.target1上创建TCP socket
- 9.target1上使用步骤8创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 10.target1 shutdown socket3 R'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, shutdown basic test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0114
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK,target1上accept 成功
- 7.target1关闭socket1
- 8.target1关闭socket2
- 9.OK
- 10.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 11.target1关闭socket1
- 12.OK
- 13.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 14.OK
- 15.target1关闭socket1'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1关闭socket1\n\
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket 端口随机\n5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket1,去监听\n6.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket2 \n7.target1关闭socket1\n8.target1关闭socket2\n\
- 9.target1上创建TCP socket1\n10.target1上使用步骤10创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n\
- 11.target1关闭socket1\n12.target1上创建TCP socket1\n13.target1上使用步骤13创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n14.target1shutdown socket1\n15.target1关闭socket1"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, close for different types of TCP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0115
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock4>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock4> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock5>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock5> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4 OK
- 5.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 6.OK
- 7.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 8 OK
- 9.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 10.OK
- 11.OK,pc tcp server accept成功'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket2
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 6.target1上创建TCP socket3
- 7.target1上使用步骤6创建的socket3,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 8.target1上创建TCP socket4
- 9.target1上使用步骤8创建的socket4,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT
- 10.target1上创建TCP socket5
- 11.target1上使用步骤10创建的socket5,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, create max TCP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0116
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC3 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC4 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC5 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SOC SOC6 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 RE ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.+BIND:0,OK,
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 5.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 6.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 7.OK,pc tcp server accept成功'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.target1上创建TCP socket 端口随机\n2.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket1,去监听\n3.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket2 \n4.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket3\
- \ \n5.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket4 \n6.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket5 \n7.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip> ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket6"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, accept max TCP client by server test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0201
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['P SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock3> -h B
- - ['P SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.ok
- 2.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.OK
- 10.OK
- 11.OK
- 12.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建UDP传输socket,bind到本地ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 6.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 7.target1上创建TCP socket
- 8.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 9.target1上关闭步骤7创建的socket
- 10.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 11.target1上关闭所有创建的socket
- 12.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, connect test. use socket in state that can't connect
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0202
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s 1000
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 7.OK
- 9.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建UDP传输socket,bind到本地ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去建立TCP 监听
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 6.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 7.target1上shutdown 步骤4的socket
- 8.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 9.target1上使用不存在socket,创建TCP 监听'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, server listen test. use socket in state that can't listen
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0203
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s 1000
- - ['R SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK
- 9.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建UDP传输socket1,<test_udp_port1>
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去发送数据
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket2
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,去发送数据
- 6.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,创建TCP连接,连接成功
- 7.target1上shutdown 步骤4的socket2
- 8.target1往socket2发送错误命令发送数据
- 9.target1上不指定socket往上发送数据'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: send test. use socket in state that can't send
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0204
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -w 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 146000
- - [P SOC_COM R *]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -W -s <sock1> -o 1
- - ['P SSC1 RE WORKTHREAD:\d+,OK', P SSC1 SL <sock1>+2920]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc server accept OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.target收到146000 byte'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1 创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.target上不进行recv
- 6.PC send 100 * 1460 data to target,
- 7.在target上开始recv'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, recv buffer test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0206
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock3>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock4>:ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -I
- - ['P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,%%s,\d+,%%s,%%d"%%(<sock1>,<target_ip>,<pc_ip>,<test_tcp_port1>)',
- 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,.+,\d+,.+,\d+"%%(<sock2>)', 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,82,.+,%%d"%%(<sock3>,<random_port>)',
- 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,%%s,%%d,%%s,\d+"%%(<sock4>,<target_ip>,<random_port>,<pc_ip>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.PC OK, target1 +ACCEPT:3,2,<pc_ip>,port
- 10.+SOCINFO:<sock1>,<target_ip>,<pc_ip>,<test_tcp_port1>
- +SOCINFO:<sock2>,<target_ip>,<pc_ip>,<test_tcp_port1>
- +SOCINFO:<sock3>,<random_port>
- +SOCINFO:<sock4>,<target_ip>,<random_port>,<pc_ip>
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1,本地ip target_ip\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n4.target1上创建TCP socket2,本地ip target_ip\n5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n6.target1 shutdown socket2 \n7.target1上创建TCP\
- \ socket3,本地端口random_port\n8.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket3,去监听\n9.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket4 \n10.target1 查询the socket information"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: STA mode, get active socket info test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0207
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['P SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock3> -h B
- - ['P SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock3> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.ok
- 2 OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.OK
- 10.OK
- 11.OK
- 12.ERROR'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建UDP传输socket,bind到本地ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 6.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 7.target1上创建TCP socket
- 8.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 9.target1上关闭步骤7创建的socket
- 10.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 11.target1上关闭所有创建的socket
- 12.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, connect test. use socket in state that can't connect
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0208
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s 1000
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4 OK
- 5.OK
- 7.OK
- 9.ERROR'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建UDP传输socket,bind到本地ip,<test_udp_port1>
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去建立TCP 监听
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket
- 5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,<test_tcp_port1>
- 6.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 7.target1上shutdown 步骤4的socket
- 8.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket,创建TCP 监听
- 9.target1上使用不存在socket,创建TCP 监听'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, server listen test. use socket in state that can't listen
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0210
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -w 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 SEND 146000
- - [P SOC_COM R *]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -W -s <sock1> -o 1
- - ['P SSC1 RE WORKTHREAD:\d+,OK', P SSC1 SL <sock1>+2920]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.收到 146000 数据'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1. PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1 创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.target停止调用recv
- 6.PC send 100 * 1460 data to 8266,
- 7.target重新调用recv'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, recv buffer test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0212
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i <target_ap_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -i <target_ap_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock2> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -D -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE SHUTDOWN:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <random_port>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock3>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -L -s <sock3>
- - ['R SSC1 RE LISTEN:\d+,OK']
- - - SOC SOC2 CONNECT <random_port> <target_ap_ip> 0 <pc_ip_wifi>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock4>:ACCEPT:(\d+),\d+,.+,\d+']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -I
- - ['P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,%%s,\d+,%%s,%%d"%%(<sock1>,<target_ap_ip>,<pc_ip_wifi>,<test_tcp_port1>)',
- 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,.+,\d+,.+,\d+"%%(<sock2>)', 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,82,.+,%%d"%%(<sock3>,<random_port>)',
- 'P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,2,%%s,%%d,%%s,\d+"%%(<sock4>,<target_ap_ip>,<random_port>,<pc_ip_wifi>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK,pc tcp server accept成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK
- 9.PC OK, target1 +ACCEPT:3,2,<pc_ip>,port
- 10.+SOCINFO:<sock1>,<target_ip>,<pc_ip>,<test_tcp_port1>
- +SOCINFO:<sock2>,<target_ip>,<pc_ip>,<test_tcp_port1>
- +SOCINFO:<sock3>,<random_port>
- +SOCINFO:<sock4>,<target_ip>,<random_port>,<pc_ip>
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1,本地ip target_ip\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n4.target1上创建TCP socket2,本地ip target_ip\n5.target1上使用步骤4创建的socket2,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1,PC有ACCEPT\n6.target1 shutdown socket2 \n7.target1上创建TCP\
- \ socket3,本地端口random_port\n8.target1上使用步骤7创建的socket3,去监听\n9.PC CONNECT<random_port>,<target_ip>\
- \ ,tcp 连接创建成功,创建socket4 \n10.target1 查询the socket information"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: AP mode, get active socket info test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use TCP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0401
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['P SSC1 C +QAP:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.断开与AP 连接
- 6.8266往PC上发送5字节数据'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: do TCP send after WIFI disconnected
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0402
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['P SSC1 C +QAP:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.断开与AP 连接
- 6.关闭建立的socket1连接'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: "close TCP socket after WIFI \ndisconnected"
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0403
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['P SSC1 C +MODE:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1\n4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT\n5.修改8266的Mode为softAP mode\
- \ \n6.8266往PC上发送5字节数据"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: do TCP send after mode changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0404
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['P SSC1 C +MODE:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1\n4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT\n5.修改8266的Mode为softAP mode\
- \ \n6.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: close TCP socket after mode changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0405
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - NIC <pc_nic> DISABLED
- - [R PC_COM C OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 1
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 5400
- - ['P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 1.5
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.TCP连接断开'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.PC 网卡 disable
- 6.target1上使用socket1发送数据,等待 90 分钟'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: do TCP send after PC NIC disabled
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0406
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - NIC <pc_nic> DISABLED
- - [R PC_COM C OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1\n4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT\n5.PC上网卡禁止掉 \n6.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: close TCP socket after PC NIC disabled
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0407
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['P SSC1 C +IP:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1\n4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT\n5.关闭8266的DHCP 1\n6.设置sta\
- \ ip \n7.查询sta ip 地址是否生效\n8.8266往PC上发送5字节数据"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: do TCP send after IP changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0408
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['P SSC1 C +IP:OK', 'P SSC1 RE CLOSED:\d+,0']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK
- 8.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1\n2.target1上创建TCP socket1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接\
- \ PC的ip,test_tcp_port1\n4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT\n5.关闭8266的DHCP 1\n6.设置sta\
- \ ip \n7.查询sta ip 地址是否生效\n8.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: TCP
- summary: close TCP socket after IP changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0411
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock2> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 7.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.target1上创建TCP socket2
- 6.8266往PC socket2上发送5字节数据
- 7.8266往PC socket1上发送5字节数据'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: do TCP send after socket changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_TCP_0412
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 LISTEN <test_tcp_port1>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -C -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_tcp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CONNECT:\d+,OK']
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock2>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上建立TCP 监听 test_tcp_port1
- 2.target1上创建TCP socket1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,去连接 PC的ip,test_tcp_port1
- 4.PC与target1创建好TCP 连接,有ACCEPT
- 5.target1上创建TCP socket2
- 6.关闭socket1 连接
- 7.关闭socket2连接'
- sub module: TCP
- summary: close TCP send after socket changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: TCP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket2,本地ip target_udp_port2
- 3.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket3, target_udp_port1'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, udp bind test. use different ip, port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 BIND <test_udp_port2> <pc_ip2>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 10
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 10]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip2> -p <test_udp_port2> -l 10
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC2 UL 10]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.PC上SOC2 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port2> <pc_ip2>
- 3.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 4.target1上使用步骤3创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送10字节数据
- 5.target1上使用步骤3创建的socket1,往pc_ip2,test_tcp_port2上发送10字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, sendto test. use different ip, port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 1]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1472
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 1472]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1473
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1472 -n 10 -j 20
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 14720]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK,没有到UDP包
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1字节数据
- 4.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1472字节数据
- 5.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1473字节数据
- 6.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1472*10字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, sendto test with different length
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0104
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - [R SSC1 SL <sock1>+1]
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE "RECVFROM:%%s,1472,%%s,%%u"%%(<sock1>,<pc_ip>,<test_udp_port1>)']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1473 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - - SOC SOC2 BIND <test_udp_port2> <pc_ip2>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SOC SOC2 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['R SSC1 RE "RECVFROM:%%s,1472,%%s,%%u"%%(<sock1>,<pc_ip2>,<test_udp_port2>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK,没收到UDP包
- 6.OK
- 7.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.PC往8266上发送1字节数据
- 4.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 5.PC往8266上发送1473字节数据
- 6.PC上SOC2 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port2> <pc_ip2>
- 7.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, recvfrom basic test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0105
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.关闭socket1'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, close UDP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0106
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port3>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port4>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port5>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.ok
- 2.ok
- 3.ok
- 4.ok
- 5.ok'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket2,本地ip target_udp_port2
- 3.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket3,本地ip target_udp_port3
- 4.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket4,本地ip target_udp_port4
- 5.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket5,本地ip target_udp_port5'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, create max udp socket test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0107
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -I
- - ['P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,1,.+,%%d"%%(<sock1>,<test_udp_port1>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上查询创建socket信息'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, get active socket info test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0108
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i -p <test_udp_port2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t TCP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 4.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket2,本地ip target_udp_port2
- 3.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 4.target1上创建TCP socket3, target_udp_port1'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, udp bind test. use different ip, port
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0110
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 1]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1472
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 1472]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1473
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip_wifi> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1472 -n 10
- -j 20
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 14720]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK,没收到UDP包
- 6.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1字节数据
- 4.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1472字节数据
- 5.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1473字节数据
- 6.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送1472*10字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, sendto test with different length
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0112
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.关闭socket1'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, close UDP sockets test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0113
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port2>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port3>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port4>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port5>
- - ['R SSC1 RE BIND:(\d+),OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.ok
- 2.ok
- 3.ok
- 4.ok
- 5.ok'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket2,本地ip target_udp_port2
- 3.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket3,本地ip target_udp_port3
- 4.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket4,本地ip target_udp_port4
- 5.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket5,本地ip target_udp_port5'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, create max udp socket test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0114
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -I
- - ['P SSC1 RE "SOCINFO:%%s,1,.+,%%d"%%(<sock1>,<test_udp_port1>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK'
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 2.target1上查询创建socket信息'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, get active socket info test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) with different parameter
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0201
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1> -w 0
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ip>
- - ['']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.PC OK
- 5.PC OK
- 6.PC OK
- 7.PC OK
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上关闭工作线程
- 4.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 5.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 6.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 7.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 8.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: STA mode, recv buffer test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0202
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- - - SOC SOC1 SENDTO 1472 <test_udp_port1> <target_ap_ip>
- - ['']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.PC OK
- 5.PC OK
- 6.PC OK
- 7.PC OK
- initial condition: APSTA2
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode, PC join AP (autogen
- by APM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上关闭工作线程
- 4.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 5.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 6.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 7.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据
- 8.PC往8266上发送1472字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: AP mode, recv buffer test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: use UDP SAP (socket/espconn API) in different state
- version: v2 (2016-10-19)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0301
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -i <target_ip> -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['P SSC1 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,ERROR']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据
- 4.断开与AP 连接
- 5.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: do UDP send after WIFI disconnected
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0302
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['P SSC1 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: '1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- 2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip target_udp_port1
- 3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据
- 4.断开与AP 连接
- 5.关闭建立的socket1连接'
- sub module: UDP
- summary: "close UDP socket after WIFI \ndisconnected"
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0303
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['P SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.ERROR'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>\n2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip\
- \ target_udp_port1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据\n\
- 4.修改8266的Mode为softAP mode \n5.8266往PC上发送5字节数据"
- sub module: UDP
- summary: do UDP send after mode changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0304
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['P SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>\n2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip\
- \ target_udp_port1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据\n\
- 4.修改8266的Mode为softAP mode \n5.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: UDP
- summary: close UDP socket after mode changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0305
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - NIC <pc_nic> DISABLED
- - [R PC_COM C OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK
- 4.OK
- 5.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>\n2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip\
- \ target_udp_port1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据\n\
- 4.PC上网卡禁止掉 \n5.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: UDP
- summary: close UDP socket after PC NIC disabled
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0306
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['P SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 1
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>\n2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip\
- \ target_udp_port1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据\n\
- 4.关闭8266的DHCP 1\n5.设置sta ip \n6.查询sta ip 地址是否生效\n7.8266往PC上发送5字节数据"
- sub module: UDP
- summary: do UDP send after IP changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^TCPIP_UDP_0307
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: 1/5
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SOC SOC1 BIND <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>
- - [R SOC_COM L OK]
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -B -t UDP -p <test_udp_port1>
- - ['R SSC1 A <sock1>:BIND:(\d+),OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -S -s <sock1> -i <pc_ip> -p <test_udp_port1> -l 5
- - ['P SSC1 RE SEND:(\d+),OK', P SOC1 UL 5]
- - - SSC SSC1 dhcp -E -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +DHCP:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -S -o 1 -i
- - ['P SSC1 C +IP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ip -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAIP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 soc -T -s <sock1>
- - ['R SSC1 RE CLOSE:\d+,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.OK
- 3.OK; PC TCP server accept 成功
- 4.OK
- 5.OK
- 6.OK
- 7.OK'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: TCPIP
- steps: "1.PC上SOC1 UDP传输,bing <test_udp_port1> <pc_ip>\n2.target1上UDP传输,Bind socket1,本地ip\
- \ target_udp_port1\n3.target1上使用步骤2创建的socket1,往pc_ip,test_tcp_port1上发送5字节数据\n\
- 4.关闭8266的DHCP 1\n5.设置sta ip \n6.查询sta ip 地址是否生效\n7.关闭建立的socket1连接"
- sub module: UDP
- summary: close UDP socket after IP changed
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: UDP handling abnormal event
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_ADDR_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 3
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 1 -m 44:55:66:77:88:99
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 2 -m 22:33:44:55:66:77
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -Q -o 3
- - ['R SSC1 C +STAMAC:44:55:66:77:88:99 C +APMAC:22:33:44:55:66:77']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 1 -m <target_mac>
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 2 -m <target_ap_mac>
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:AP,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.ok
- 3.ok
- 4.ok
- 5.ok
- 6.ok'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: "1.target1 设置mode 为sta+softAP mode\n2.target1 设置sta mode 下的mac \n3.target1\
- \ 设置softAP mode 下的mac\n4.target1 查询softAP+sta 下的mac\n5.target1 设置sta mode 下的mac\
- \ 为target1_mac\n6.target1 设置softAP mode 下的mac 为target1_ap_mac"
- sub module: MAC Address
- summary: set mac, query mac
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: mac address function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_ADDR_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 2 -m 44:55:66:77:88:99
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -b 44:55:66:77:88:99
- - ['R SSC2 RE \+SCAN:.+,44:55:66:77:88:99,']
- - - SSC SSC1 mac -S -o 2 -m <target_ap_mac>
- - ['R SSC1 C +MAC:AP,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -Q -o 1
- - ['R SSC2 A <target2_mac_tmp>:\+STAMAC:(.+)\r\n']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m 22:33:44:55:66:77
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - ['R SSC1 C +LSTA:22:33:44:55:66:77']
- - - SSC SSC2 mac -S -o 1 -m <target2_mac>
- - ['R SSC2 C +MAC:STA,OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.OK
- 2.ok
- 3.ok
- 4.ok
- 5.ok
- 6.ok
- 7.ok
- 8.ok
- 9.ok'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: "1.target1 设置sta mode下的mac 44:55:66:77:88:99\n2.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式\n\
- 3.target2 查询mac为44:55:66:77:88:99的ssid\n4.target1 设置sta mode下的mac target_ap_mac\n\
- 5.target2 查询sta mode 下的mac 为target2_mac_tmp\n6.target2 设置sta mode 下的mac 为22:33:44:55:66:77\n\
- 7.target2 jap target1\n8.target1 查询连接到的sta \n9.target2 设置sta mode 下的mac 为 target2_mac"
- sub module: MAC Address
- summary: set mac and do scan/JAP/SAP
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: mac address function test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -t 0
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t 4
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+SCAN:%%s,.+,0,\d+"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t 5
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+SCAN:%%s,.+,0,\d+"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: "1.target1 set AP,open, \n2.target 2 jap succeed\n3.target1 set\
- \ AP,wpa_psk \n4.target 2 jap succeed\n5.target1 set AP, wpa2_psk \n6.target 2\
- \ jap succeed\n7.target1 set AP,wap_wpa2_psk\n8.target 2 jap succeed\n9.target1\
- \ set AP,加密方式为t 1\n10.target 2 上查询到target_ssid\n11.target1 set AP,加密方式为t 5\n12.target\
- \ 2 上查询到target_ssid"
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: "1.target1下设置ssid 和pwd,加密方式 open\n2.target2 jap target1\n3.target1下设置ssid\
- \ 和pwd,加密方式 wpa_psk \n4.target2 jap target1\n5.target1下设置ssid 和pwd,加密方式 wpa2_psk\
- \ \n6.target 2 jap target1\n7.target1下设置ssid 和pwd,加密方式 wap_wpa2_psk\n8.target2\
- \ jap target1\n9.target1下设置ssid 和pwd,加密方式 wep \n10.target2上查询target_ssid\n11.target1下设置ssid\
- \ 和pwd,加密方式 t 5 错误的加密方式\n12.target2上查询 target_ssid"
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: station SAP+JAP test, different encryption
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: SAP/JAP with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum> -h
- 0
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 0
- - [R SSC2 P <target_ap_mac>, R SSC2 C +SCANDONE]
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum> -h
- 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - DELAY 3
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 0
- - - DELAY 3
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 0
- - [R SSC2 NP <target_ap_mac> C +SCANDONE]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 set AP,set ssid broad cast
- 2.target 2上scan target_ap_mac
- 3.target1 set AP,set ssid hidden,
- 4.target 2上不能scan target_ap_mac'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set ssid broad cast
- 2.target 2上scan target_ap_mac
- 3. target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set ssid hidden,
- 4.target 2上scan target_ap_mac'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: station SAP+JAP test, ssid hidden
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: SAP/JAP with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0104
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum> -m
- 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> DISCONN
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <target_ssid> <target_password> <pc_ip_wifi> <target_auth>
- <target_encryption>
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. target1 set AP,set max allowed sta as 1
- 2. use PC disconnect,
- 3.target 2 jap succeed
- 4.PC WIFI can not CONN'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set max allowed sta as 1
- 2.use PC disconnect target1
- 3.target 2 jap target1
- 4.PC WIFI CONNECT target1'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: station SAP test, max allowed sta
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: SAP/JAP with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0201
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - ['R SSC1 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<ap_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -Q
- - ['R SSC1 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<ap_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['R SSC1 C +QAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -Q
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 jion AP 成功
- 2.查询JAP的状态
- 3.target1 断开AP
- 4.查询target1 JAP 是DISCONN'
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target1 jion AP 成功
- 2.查询JAP的状态
- 3.target1 断开AP
- 4.查询target1 JAP 是DISCONN'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: JAP query test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: query JAP status
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0301
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum> -h
- 0 -m 8
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -Q
- - ['R SSC1 RE "\+APCONFIG:%%s,%%s,\d+,3,0,8,\d+"%%(<target_ssid>,<target_password>)']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. target1 set AP
- 2.target 1上查询到跟设置AP时一致'
- initial condition: APSTA1
- initial condition description (auto): testing ap on sta + ap mode (autogen by APM1)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. target1 set AP
- 2.target 1上查询到跟设置AP时一致'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: AP config query test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: query AP config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0401
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -R -a 0
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -R -a 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +AUTORECONN:0']
- - - SSC SSC1 reboot
- - ['']
- - - DELAY 15
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -Q
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -R -a 1
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -R -a 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +AUTORECONN:1']
- - - SSC SSC1 reboot
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.设置autoreconn,关闭
- 2.查询当前autoreconn状态是否关闭
- 3.重启系统,等待15s
- 4.查询target1 未自动重连AP
- 5.设置autoreconn,开启
- 6.查询当前autoreconn状态是否开启
- 7.系统重启后target1 自动重连AP'
- initial condition: STAAP2
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, join AP, DHCP
- on (autogen by STAM2)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.设置autoreconn,关闭
- 2.查询当前autoreconn状态是否关闭
- 3.重启系统,等待15s
- 4.查询target1 未自动重连AP
- 5.设置autoreconn,开启
- 6.查询当前autoreconn状态是否开启
- 7.系统重启后target1 自动重连AP'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: auto reconnect test
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: power on auto reconnect test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0501
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -R -r 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +RECONN:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+JAP:CONNECTED,%%s"%%(<target_ssid>)']
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 10
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 15
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -R -r 0
- - ['R SSC2 C +RECONN:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -R -r 2
- - ['R SSC2 C +RECONN:0']
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 10
- - ['']
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 15
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -R -r 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +RECONN:OK']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.设置reconn,开启(此功能不需要重启系统)
- 2.target1 set AP
- 3.target2 JAP target1 成功
- 4.target2 断开target1 连接
- 5.等待10s,target2 自动重连target1
- 6.成功
- 7.查询reconn状态,关闭
- 8.修改mode 成功
- 9.等待15s,target2 不会自动重连target1'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: "1.设置reconn,开启(此功能不需要重启系统)\n2.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式\n3.target2 JAP target1\
- \ \n4.target1 修改mode 为sta mode\n5.等待10s,target1 修改mode 为softAP mode\n6.设置reconn,关闭\n\
- 7.查询reconn状态,关闭\n8.target1 修改mode 为sta mode\n9.等待15s,target1 修改mode 为softAP mode"
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: reconnect policy test
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: reconnect policy test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0502
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -R -r 1
- - ['R SSC2 C +RECONN:OK']
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 5
- - - SSC SSC1 op -S -o 2
- - ['R SSC1 C +MODE:OK']
- - - DELAY 10
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - DELAY 10
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 set AP
- 2.target2 jap target 1
- 3.设置reconn,开启(此功能不需要重启系统)
- 4.target2 断开target1 连接
- 5.等待10s,target2 自动重连target1
- 6.target2 断开target1 连接'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式
- 2.target2 jap target 1
- 3.设置reconn,开启(此功能不需要重启系统)
- 4.target2 断开target1 连接
- 5.等待10s,target2 自动重连target1
- 6.target2 断开target1 连接'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: will not do reconnect after manually disconnected
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: abnormal/special use
- test point 2: reconnect policy test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0601
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password> -t <target_auth_enum>
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <target_ssid> <target_password> <pc_ip_wifi> <target_auth>
- <target_encryption>
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <target_ssid> -p <target_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -L
- - ['R SSC1 C +LSTA:', 'R SSC1 C +LSTA:', R SSC1 C +LSTADONE]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 set AP
- 3.target2 jap target 1
- 4.查询到两个sta 连接到target1 上'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式
- 3.target2 jap target 1
- 4.查询到两个sta 连接到target1 上'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: list stations connected to soft ap test
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: list SoftAP connected station
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0801
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 0
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 2
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 3
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 4
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 0
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. succeed
- 3. auth change event old mode 0 new mode 2
- 4. auth change event old mode 2 new mode 3
- 5. auth change event old mode 3 new mode 4
- 6. auth change event old mode 4 new mode 0'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. set target1 softap auth mode 0
- 2. target2 connect to target1
- 3. set target1 softap auth mode 2, wait sta connected
- 4. set target1 softap auth mode 3, wait sta connected
- 5. set target1 softap auth mode 4, wait sta connected
- 6. set target1 softap auth mode 0, wait sta connected'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test auth change event
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi auth changed event test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0901
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: basic function
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <random_string>
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <ap_password>
- - ['R SSC1 RE JAP:DISCONNECTED,\d+,201']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. disconnect event reason REASON_ASSOC_LEAVE
- 2. disconnect event reason REASON_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
- 3. disconnect event reason REASON_NO_AP_FOUND'
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. sta connect to AP, and disconnect
- 2. connect to AP with wrong password
- 3. connect to AP not exist'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test wifi disconnect reason REASON_ASSOC_LEAVE, REASON_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,
- test environment: SSC_T1_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 2 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0902
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <ap_ssid> -p <ap_password>
- - - APC <APC1> OFF <ap_apc>
- - - APC <APC1> ON <ap_apc>
- - [P PC_COM L OK]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. disconnect event REASON_BEACON_TIMEOUT'
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. connect to AP
- 2. AP power off'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test wifi disconnect reason REASON_BEACON_TIMEOUT
- test environment: SSC_T1_APC
- test environment description (auto): "PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.\nPC has\
- \ 1 wired NIC connected to APC (static IP within the same subnet with APC). \n\
- APC control AP power supply. \nPC has 1 WiFi NIC. \n1 SSC target connect with\
- \ PC by UART."
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0903
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -C -s <wep_ap_ssid> -p bacfd
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: 1. disconect event reason REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE
- initial condition: STAAP1
- initial condition description (auto): testing sta on sta + ap mode, quit AP (autogen
- by STAM1)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: 1. connect WEP ap with error password (valid wep password)
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test wifi disconnect reason REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE
- test environment: SSC_T1_WEP
- test environment description (auto): '1 SSC target connect with PC by UART.
- One WEP share key AP placed near SSC1.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_CONN_0904
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 3 -m 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p 1234567890
- - ['R SSC2 RE JAP:DISCONNECTED,\d+,204']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -D
- - ['R SSC2 C +QAP:OK']
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> CONN <random_string> <random_string> <pc_ip_wifi>
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -C -s <random_string> -p <random_string>
- - - WIFI <pc_wifi_nic> DISCONN
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <random_string> -p <random_string> -t 3 -m 1
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1. succeed
- 2. disconnect event REASON_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
- 3. succeed
- 4. succeed
- 5. disconnect event REASON_ASSOC_TOOMANY
- 6. succeed, target2 connect succeed
- 7. disconnect event REASON_ASSOC_EXPIRE'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1. config target1 softap max sta allowed 1
- 2. target2 connect to target1 with wrong password
- 3. target2 disconnect
- 4. PC WIFI NIC connect to target1
- 5. target2 connect to target1 with correct password
- 6. PC WIFI NIC disconnect
- 7. reconfig softap'
- sub module: WIFI Connect
- summary: test wifi disconnect reason REASON_ASSOC_TOOMANY, REASON_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT,
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: wifi disconnect reason test
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_SCAN_0101
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -s .,juhg123
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_tmp_ssid> -p 123456789 -t 3
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -s <target_tmp_ssid>
- - ['R SSC2 C +SCAN:', R SSC2 P <target_tmp_ssid>, 'R SSC2 NC +SCAN: C +SCANDONE']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target 2上不能scan .,juhg123
- 2.target1 set AP
- 3.target2上查询到<target_tmp_ssid>'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target 2 scan .,juhg123
- 2.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式
- 3.target2 scan <target_tmp_ssid>'
- sub module: WIFI Scan
- summary: scan with scan config ssid
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: scan with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_SCAN_0102
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -b ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:11
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -b <target_ap_mac>
- - ['R SSC2 RE "\+SCAN:.+,%%s"%%(<target_ap_mac>)', 'R SSC2 NC +SCAN: C +SCANDONE']
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target2 上不能查询到此mac
- 2.target2上查询到<target_ap_mac>'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target2 上查询此macff:ff:ff:ff:ff:11
- 2.target2上查询<target_ap_mac>'
- sub module: WIFI Scan
- summary: scan with scan config bssid
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: scan with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_SCAN_0103
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 sta -D
- - ['R SSC1 C +QAP:']
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_tmp_ssid> -p 123456789 -t 3 -n 6
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -n 5
- - [R SSC2 NP <target_tmp_ssid> C +SCANDONE]
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -n 6
- - ['R SSC2 C +SCAN:', R SSC2 P <target_tmp_ssid>]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 QAP
- 2. target1 set AP,set channel 6
- 3.target2 上scan不到 channel 5
- 4.target2 上查询channel 6的<target_tmp_ssid>'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target1 断开连接AP
- 2.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set channel 6
- 3.target2 上scan channel 5
- 4.target2 上查询channel 6的<target_tmp_ssid>'
- sub module: WIFI Scan
- summary: scan with scan config channel
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: scan with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
-- CI ready: 'Yes'
- ID: ^WIFI_SCAN_0104
- SDK: '8266_NonOS
- 8266_RTOS
- ESP32_IDF'
- Test App: SSC
- allow fail: ''
- auto test: 'Yes'
- category: Function
- cmd set:
- - ''
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_tmp_ssid> -p 123456789 -t 3 -h 0
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 0
- - [R SSC2 P <target_tmp_ssid> C +SCANDONE]
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 1
- - [R SSC2 P <target_tmp_ssid> C +SCANDONE]
- - - SSC SSC1 ap -S -s <target_tmp_ssid> -p 123456789 -h 1
- - ['R SSC1 C +SAP:OK']
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 0
- - [R SSC2 NP <target_tmp_ssid> C +SCANDONE]
- - - SSC SSC2 sta -S -h 1
- - [R SSC2 P <target_ap_mac> C +SCANDONE]
- comment: ''
- execution time: 0.0
- expected result: '1.target1 set AP,set ssid broad cast
- 2.target 2上scan <target_tmp_ssid>
- 3.target 2上scan <target_tmp_ssid>
- 4.target1 set AP,set ssid hidden,
- 5.target 2上不能查询到 <target_tmp_ssid>
- 6.target 2上查询到<target_ap_mac>'
- initial condition: T2_2
- initial condition description (auto): target 1 as AP+STA, target 2 as AP+STA (autogen)
- level: Integration
- module: WIFI MAC
- steps: '1.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set ssid broad cast
- 2.target 2上scan <target_tmp_ssid>
- 3.target 2上scan <target_tmp_ssid>
- 4.target1下设置ssid 和pwd 加密方式,set ssid hidden,
- 5.target 2上查询 <target_tmp_ssid>
- 6.target 2上查询<target_ap_mac>'
- sub module: WIFI Scan
- summary: scan with scan config show hidden
- test environment: SSC_T2_1
- test environment description (auto): 'PC has 1 wired NIC connected to AP.
- PC has 1 WiFi NIC.
- 2 SSC target connect with PC by UART.'
- test point 1: basic function
- test point 2: scan with different config
- version: v1 (2016-8-15)
+ version: v1 (2015-8-15)
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